C# Класс Orchard.UI.Navigation.NavigationHelper

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
BuildLocalMenuItemShape ( dynamic shapeFactory, dynamic parentShape, dynamic menu, MenuItem menuItem ) : dynamic

Builds a local menu item shape.

BuildMenuItemShape ( dynamic shapeFactory, dynamic parentShape, dynamic menu, MenuItem menuItem ) : dynamic

Builds a menu item shape.

FindParentLocalTask ( Stack selectedPath ) : MenuItem

Find the first level in the selection path, starting from the bottom, that is not a local task.

PopulateLocalMenu ( dynamic shapeFactory, dynamic parentShape, dynamic menu, IEnumerable menuItems ) : void

Populates the local menu shapes.

PopulateLocalMenu ( dynamic shapeFactory, dynamic parentShape, dynamic menu, Stack selectedPath ) : void

Populates the local menu starting from the first non local task parent.

PopulateMenu ( dynamic shapeFactory, dynamic parentShape, dynamic menu, IEnumerable menuItems ) : void

Populates the menu shapes.

RouteMatches ( RouteValueDictionary itemValues, RouteValueDictionary requestValues ) : bool

Determines if a menu item corresponds to a given route.

SetSelectedPath ( IEnumerable menuItems, System.Web.Routing.RouteData currentRouteData ) : Stack

Identifies the currently selected path, starting from the selected node.

Описание методов

BuildLocalMenuItemShape() публичный статический Метод

Builds a local menu item shape.
public static BuildLocalMenuItemShape ( dynamic shapeFactory, dynamic parentShape, dynamic menu, MenuItem menuItem ) : dynamic
shapeFactory dynamic The shape factory.
parentShape dynamic The parent shape.
menu dynamic The menu shape.
menuItem MenuItem The menu item to build the shape for.
Результат dynamic

BuildMenuItemShape() публичный статический Метод

Builds a menu item shape.
public static BuildMenuItemShape ( dynamic shapeFactory, dynamic parentShape, dynamic menu, MenuItem menuItem ) : dynamic
shapeFactory dynamic The shape factory.
parentShape dynamic The parent shape.
menu dynamic The menu shape.
menuItem MenuItem The menu item to build the shape for.
Результат dynamic

FindParentLocalTask() публичный статический Метод

Find the first level in the selection path, starting from the bottom, that is not a local task.
public static FindParentLocalTask ( Stack selectedPath ) : MenuItem
selectedPath Stack The selection path stack. The bottom node is the currently selected one.
Результат MenuItem

PopulateLocalMenu() публичный статический Метод

Populates the local menu shapes.
public static PopulateLocalMenu ( dynamic shapeFactory, dynamic parentShape, dynamic menu, IEnumerable menuItems ) : void
shapeFactory dynamic The shape factory.
parentShape dynamic The menu parent shape.
menu dynamic The menu shape.
menuItems IEnumerable The current level to populate.
Результат void

PopulateLocalMenu() публичный статический Метод

Populates the local menu starting from the first non local task parent.
public static PopulateLocalMenu ( dynamic shapeFactory, dynamic parentShape, dynamic menu, Stack selectedPath ) : void
shapeFactory dynamic The shape factory.
parentShape dynamic The menu parent shape.
menu dynamic The menu shape.
selectedPath Stack The selection path.
Результат void

PopulateMenu() публичный статический Метод

Populates the menu shapes.
public static PopulateMenu ( dynamic shapeFactory, dynamic parentShape, dynamic menu, IEnumerable menuItems ) : void
shapeFactory dynamic The shape factory.
parentShape dynamic The menu parent shape.
menu dynamic The menu shape.
menuItems IEnumerable The current level to populate.
Результат void

RouteMatches() публичный статический Метод

Determines if a menu item corresponds to a given route.
public static RouteMatches ( RouteValueDictionary itemValues, RouteValueDictionary requestValues ) : bool
itemValues RouteValueDictionary The menu item.
requestValues RouteValueDictionary The route data.
Результат bool

SetSelectedPath() публичный статический Метод

Identifies the currently selected path, starting from the selected node.
public static SetSelectedPath ( IEnumerable menuItems, System.Web.Routing.RouteData currentRouteData ) : Stack
menuItems IEnumerable All the menuitems in the navigation menu.
currentRouteData System.Web.Routing.RouteData The current route data.
Результат Stack