C# Класс Orchard.Logging.OrchardFileAppender

Наследование: log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender
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Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
BaseOpenFile ( string fileName, bool append ) : void

Calls the base class OpenFile method. Allows this method to be mocked.

OpenFile ( string fileName, bool append ) : void

Opens the log file adding an incremental suffix to the filename if required due to an openning failure (usually, locking).

Описание методов

BaseOpenFile() защищенный Метод

Calls the base class OpenFile method. Allows this method to be mocked.
protected BaseOpenFile ( string fileName, bool append ) : void
fileName string The filename as specified in the configuration file.
append bool Boolean flag indicating weather the log file should be appended if it already exists.
Результат void

OpenFile() защищенный Метод

Opens the log file adding an incremental suffix to the filename if required due to an openning failure (usually, locking).
protected OpenFile ( string fileName, bool append ) : void
fileName string The filename as specified in the configuration file.
append bool Boolean flag indicating weather the log file should be appended if it already exists.
Результат void