C# Класс Opc.Ua.Server.CoreNodeManager

Наследование: INodeManager, IDisposable
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddReference ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, NodeId targetId, bool bidirectional ) : ServiceResult

Adds a reference between two existing nodes.

AddReferences ( IDictionary references ) : void This method must not be called without first acquiring
AttachNode ( ILocalNode node ) : void

Attaches a node to the address space.

Browse ( OperationContext context, ContinuationPoint &continuationPoint, IList references ) : void
ChangeTypeDefinition ( NodeId instanceId, NodeId typeDefinitionId ) : void

Changes the type definition for an instance.

CheckNodeClassMask ( uint nodeClassMask, NodeClass nodeClass ) : bool

Returns true if the node class matches the node class mask.

ConditionRefresh ( OperationContext context, IList monitoredItems ) : ServiceResult
CoreNodeManager ( IServerInternal server, ApplicationConfiguration configuration, ushort dynamicNamespaceIndex ) : System

Initializes the object with default values.

CreateAddressSpace ( IDictionary externalReferences ) : void Populates the NodeManager by loading the standard nodes from an XML file stored as an embedded resource.
CreateDataType ( NodeId parentId, NodeId nodeId, QualifiedName browseName, LocalizedText displayName, LocalizedText description, uint writeMask, uint userWriteMask, bool isAbstract, NodeId>.IDictionary encodings ) : NodeId

Creates an DataType node in the address space.

CreateMethod ( NodeId parentId, NodeId referenceTypeId, NodeId nodeId, QualifiedName browseName, MethodAttributes attributes ) : NodeId

Creates an Method node in the address space.

CreateMonitoredItems ( OperationContext context, uint subscriptionId, double publishingInterval, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, IList itemsToCreate, IList errors, IList filterErrors, IList monitoredItems, long &globalIdCounter ) : void

Creates a set of monitored items.

CreateObject ( NodeId parentId, NodeId referenceTypeId, NodeId nodeId, QualifiedName browseName, ObjectAttributes attributes, ExpandedNodeId typeDefinitionId ) : NodeId

Creates an Object node in the address space.

CreateObjectType ( NodeId parentId, NodeId nodeId, QualifiedName browseName, ObjectTypeAttributes attributes ) : NodeId

Creates an ObjectType node in the address space.

CreateReference ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, NodeId targetId, bool bidirectional ) : void

Adds a reference between two existing nodes.

CreateReferenceType ( NodeId parentId, NodeId nodeId, QualifiedName browseName, LocalizedText displayName, LocalizedText description, uint writeMask, uint userWriteMask, LocalizedText inverseName, bool isAbstract, bool symmetric ) : NodeId

Creates an ReferenceType node with the specified node id.

CreateUniqueNodeId ( ) : NodeId

Creates a unique node identifier.

CreateVariableType ( NodeId parentId, NodeId nodeId, QualifiedName browseName, VariableTypeAttributes attributes ) : NodeId

Creates an VariableType node in the address space.

DeleteAddressSpace ( ) : void Disposes all of the nodes.
DeleteMonitoredItems ( OperationContext context, IList monitoredItems, IList processedItems, IList errors ) : void

Deletes a set of monitored items.

DeleteNode ( NodeId nodeId, bool deleteChildren, bool silent ) : void

Deletes a node from the address sapce.

DeleteReference ( object sourceHandle, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, ExpandedNodeId targetId, bool deleteBidirectional ) : ServiceResult

Deletes a reference.

DeleteReference ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, ExpandedNodeId targetId, bool deleteBidirectional ) : void

Deletes a reference.

Dispose ( ) : void

Frees any unmanaged resources.

ExportNode ( ILocalNode node, NodeSet nodeSet, bool instance ) : void

Exports a node to a nodeset.

ExportNode ( NodeId nodeId, NodeSet nodeSet ) : void

Exports a node to a nodeset.

Find ( NodeId sourceId, string browsePath ) : NodeId

Returns the first target that matches the browse path.

FindInstanceDeclaration ( ILocalNode parent, QualifiedName browseName ) : ILocalNode

Returns the instance declarations that match the browse name.

This function recusively searches the fully inheirited type for matching instance declarations. It then follows the HasModelParent reference to find nested instance declarations in the fully inheirited type for the parent(s).

FindLocalNodes ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse ) : NodeIdCollection

Returns all targets of the specified reference.

FindTargetId ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, QualifiedName browseName ) : NodeId

Returns the id the first node with the specified browse name if it exists. null otherwise

GetInstanceDeclarations ( NodeId typeId, IList browsePath ) : IList

Returns a list of children of the node with the specified browse path.

This methods returns all nodes in the fully inhierited type. if the browsePath is null then the immediate children of the type node are returned.

GetLocalNode ( ExpandedNodeId nodeId ) : ILocalNode

Returns a node managed by the manager with the specified node id.

GetLocalNode ( NodeId nodeId ) : ILocalNode

Returns a node managed by the manager with the specified node id.

GetLocalNode ( NodeId nodeId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, bool includeSubtypes, QualifiedName browseName ) : ILocalNode

Returns a node managed by the manager with the specified node id.

GetLocalNodes ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, bool includeSubtypes ) : IList

Returns a list of nodes which are targets of the specified references.

GetManagerHandle ( NodeId nodeId ) : object
GetNamespaceIndex ( string namespaceUri ) : ushort

Returns an index for the NamespaceURI (Adds it to the server namespace table if it does not already exist).

Returns the server's default index (1) if the namespaceUri is empty or null.

GetNodeMetadata ( OperationContext context, object targetHandle, BrowseResultMask resultMask ) : NodeMetadata
GetTargetNode ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, bool includeSubtypes, QualifiedName browseName ) : ILocalNode

Returns a node managed by the manager that has the specified browse name.

HasLock ( ) : bool

Returns true if the current thread has the lock on the node manager.

HistoryRead ( OperationContext context, HistoryReadDetails details, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, bool releaseContinuationPoints, IList nodesToRead, IList results, IList errors ) : void
ImportNodes ( ISystemContext context, IEnumerable predefinedNodes ) : void

Imports the nodes from a dictionary of NodeState objects.

ModifyMonitoredItems ( OperationContext context, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, IList monitoredItems, IList itemsToModify, IList errors, IList filterErrors ) : void

Modifies a set of monitored items.

Read ( OperationContext context, double maxAge, IList nodesToRead, IList values, IList errors ) : void
ReferenceSharedNode ( ILocalNode source, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, QualifiedName browseName ) : ILocalNode

Adds a reference to a shared child node.

RegisterSource ( NodeId nodeId, object source, object handle, bool isEventSource ) : void

Registers a source for a node.

The source could be one or more of IDataSource, IEventSource, ICallable, IHistorian or IViewManager

ReplaceNode ( ILocalNode existingNode, ILocalNode newNode ) : void

Replaces a node in the address.

SetMonitoringMode ( OperationContext context, MonitoringMode monitoringMode, IList monitoredItems, IList processedItems, IList errors ) : void

Changes the monitoring mode for a set of monitored items.

SubscribeToAllEvents ( OperationContext context, uint subscriptionId, IEventMonitoredItem monitoredItem, bool unsubscribe ) : ServiceResult
SubscribeToEvents ( OperationContext context, object sourceId, uint subscriptionId, IEventMonitoredItem monitoredItem, bool unsubscribe ) : ServiceResult
TranslateBrowsePath ( NodeId sourceId, RelativePath relativePath ) : IList

Returns a list of targets the match the browse path.

TranslateBrowsePath ( NodeId sourceId, string browsePath ) : IList

Returns a list of targets the match the browse path.

TranslateBrowsePath ( OperationContext context, NodeId sourceId, RelativePath relativePath ) : IList

Returns a list of targets the match the browse path.

TranslateBrowsePath ( OperationContext context, NodeId sourceId, string browsePath ) : IList

Returns a list of targets the match the browse path.

TranslateBrowsePath ( OperationContext context, object sourceHandle, RelativePathElement relativePath, IList targetIds, IList unresolvedTargetIds ) : void
UnreferenceSharedNode ( ILocalNode source, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, QualifiedName browseName ) : ILocalNode

Adds a reference to a shared child node.

UnregisterSource ( object source ) : void

Called when the source is no longer used.

When a source disappears it must either delete all of its nodes from the address space or unregister itself their source by calling RegisterSource with source == null. After doing that the source must call this method.

UpdateDataType ( NodeId nodeId, LocalizedText displayName, LocalizedText description, uint writeMask, uint userWriteMask, bool isAbstract ) : void

Updates a DataType node in the address space.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

An overrideable version of the Dispose.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AddNode ( ILocalNode node ) : void

Adds a node to the address space.

AddReference ( ILocalNode source, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, ExpandedNodeId targetId ) : void

Adds a reference to the address space.

AddReference ( ILocalNode source, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, ILocalNode target, bool bidirectional ) : void

Adds a reference to the address space.

AddReferenceToLocalNode ( ILocalNode source, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, ExpandedNodeId targetId, bool isInternal ) : void

Ensures any changes to built-in nodes are reflected in the diagnostics node manager.

ApplyBrowseFilters ( IReference reference, BrowseDirection browseDirection, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool includeSubtypes ) : bool

Returns true is the target meets the filter criteria.

ApplyModellingRules ( ILocalNode instance, ILocalNode typeDefinition, ILocalNode templateDeclaration, ushort namespaceIndex ) : void
AttachNode ( ILocalNode node, bool isInternal ) : void

Attaches a node to the address space.

BuildDeclarationList ( DeclarationNode parent, List declarations ) : void

Builds a list of declarations from the nodes aggregated by a parent.

BuildDeclarationList ( ILocalNode typeDefinition, List declarations ) : void

Builds the list of declaration nodes for a type definition.

BuildInstanceList ( ILocalNode parent, string browsePath, ILocalNode>.IDictionary instances ) : void

Builds a table of instances indexed by browse path from the nodes aggregated by a parent

Call ( OperationContext context, IList methodsToCall, IList results, IList errors ) : void
CheckSourceHandle ( ILocalNode node, Type sourceType, int index, IDictionary sources ) : bool

Checks if the operation needs to be handled by an external source.

CreateUniqueNodeId ( ushort namespaceIndex ) : NodeId

Creates a new unique identifier for a node.

CreateVariable ( NodeId parentId, NodeId referenceTypeId, NodeId nodeId, QualifiedName browseName, VariableAttributes attributes, ExpandedNodeId typeDefinitionId ) : NodeId
DeleteNode ( ILocalNode node, bool deleteChildren, bool instance, Dictionary referencesToDelete ) : void

Deletes a node from the address sapce.

DeleteRegisteredSources ( ILocalNode existingNode ) : void

Deletes any sources for a node.

FindInstanceDeclarationsInParent ( ILocalNode node, List browsePath, List declarations ) : ILocalNode

Recursively finds the instance declarations in the model parent that match the browse path.

FindInstanceDeclarationsInType ( ExpandedNodeId instanceId, List browsePath, int index, List declarations ) : bool

Recursively finds the first instance declaration that matches the browse path.

FindInstanceDeclarationsInType ( ILocalNode type, List browsePath, List declarations ) : void

Recursively finds the instance declarations that match the browse path.

FindTopLevelModelParent ( ILocalNode instance ) : ILocalNode

Finds the top level model parent for an instance.

GetInstanceDeclarations ( ILocalNode type, IList browsePath, ILocalNode>.Dictionary targets ) : void
GetManagerHandle ( ExpandedNodeId nodeId ) : object
GetTargetNode ( ILocalNode source, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, bool includeSubtypes, QualifiedName browseName ) : ILocalNode

Returns a node managed by the manager that has the specified browse name.

HistoryUpdate ( OperationContext context, Type detailsType, IList nodesToUpdate, IList results, IList errors ) : void
ImportNodes ( ISystemContext context, IEnumerable predefinedNodes, bool isInternal ) : void

Imports the nodes from a dictionary of NodeState objects.

IsExternalReferenceAllowed ( NodeId referenceTypeId ) : bool

Returns true if a one-way reference to external nodes is permitted.

OnDeleteReferences ( object state ) : void

Deletes the external references to a node in a background thread.

ReadEURange ( OperationContext context, ILocalNode node, Range &range ) : ServiceResult

Reads the EU Range for a variable.

SubscribeToEvents ( OperationContext context, ILocalNode node, uint subscriptionId, IEventMonitoredItem monitoredItem, bool unsubscribe ) : void

Recursively subscribes to events for the notifiers in the tree.

UpdateAttributes ( ILocalNode node, NodeAttributes attributes ) : void

Updates the attributes for the node.

UpdateTypeDefinition ( ILocalNode instance, ExpandedNodeId typeDefinitionId ) : void

Updates the type definition for a node.

ValidateFilter ( NodeMetadata metadata, uint attributeId, ExtensionObject filter, bool &rangeRequired ) : ServiceResult

Validates a filter for a monitored item.

ValidateReference ( ILocalNode source, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, NodeClass targetNodeClass ) : void

Verifies that the source and the target meet the restrictions imposed by the reference type.

Write ( OperationContext context, IList nodesToWrite, IList errors ) : void

Описание методов

AddReference() публичный Метод

Adds a reference between two existing nodes.
public AddReference ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, NodeId targetId, bool bidirectional ) : ServiceResult
sourceId NodeId
referenceTypeId NodeId
isInverse bool
targetId NodeId
bidirectional bool
Результат ServiceResult

AddReferences() публичный Метод

This method must not be called without first acquiring
public AddReferences ( IDictionary references ) : void
references IDictionary
Результат void

AttachNode() публичный Метод

Attaches a node to the address space.
public AttachNode ( ILocalNode node ) : void
node ILocalNode
Результат void

Browse() публичный Метод

public Browse ( OperationContext context, ContinuationPoint &continuationPoint, IList references ) : void
context OperationContext
continuationPoint ContinuationPoint
references IList
Результат void

ChangeTypeDefinition() публичный Метод

Changes the type definition for an instance.
public ChangeTypeDefinition ( NodeId instanceId, NodeId typeDefinitionId ) : void
instanceId NodeId
typeDefinitionId NodeId
Результат void

CheckNodeClassMask() публичный статический Метод

Returns true if the node class matches the node class mask.
public static CheckNodeClassMask ( uint nodeClassMask, NodeClass nodeClass ) : bool
nodeClassMask uint
nodeClass NodeClass
Результат bool

ConditionRefresh() публичный Метод

public ConditionRefresh ( OperationContext context, IList monitoredItems ) : ServiceResult
context OperationContext
monitoredItems IList
Результат ServiceResult

CoreNodeManager() публичный Метод

Initializes the object with default values.
public CoreNodeManager ( IServerInternal server, ApplicationConfiguration configuration, ushort dynamicNamespaceIndex ) : System
server IServerInternal
configuration ApplicationConfiguration
dynamicNamespaceIndex ushort
Результат System

CreateAddressSpace() публичный Метод

Populates the NodeManager by loading the standard nodes from an XML file stored as an embedded resource.
public CreateAddressSpace ( IDictionary externalReferences ) : void
externalReferences IDictionary
Результат void

CreateDataType() публичный Метод

Creates an DataType node in the address space.
public CreateDataType ( NodeId parentId, NodeId nodeId, QualifiedName browseName, LocalizedText displayName, LocalizedText description, uint writeMask, uint userWriteMask, bool isAbstract, NodeId>.IDictionary encodings ) : NodeId
parentId NodeId
nodeId NodeId
browseName QualifiedName
displayName LocalizedText
description LocalizedText
writeMask uint
userWriteMask uint
isAbstract bool
encodings NodeId>.IDictionary
Результат NodeId

CreateMethod() публичный Метод

Creates an Method node in the address space.
public CreateMethod ( NodeId parentId, NodeId referenceTypeId, NodeId nodeId, QualifiedName browseName, MethodAttributes attributes ) : NodeId
parentId NodeId
referenceTypeId NodeId
nodeId NodeId
browseName QualifiedName
attributes MethodAttributes
Результат NodeId

CreateMonitoredItems() публичный Метод

Creates a set of monitored items.
public CreateMonitoredItems ( OperationContext context, uint subscriptionId, double publishingInterval, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, IList itemsToCreate, IList errors, IList filterErrors, IList monitoredItems, long &globalIdCounter ) : void
context OperationContext
subscriptionId uint
publishingInterval double
timestampsToReturn TimestampsToReturn
itemsToCreate IList
errors IList
filterErrors IList
monitoredItems IList
globalIdCounter long
Результат void

CreateObject() публичный Метод

Creates an Object node in the address space.
public CreateObject ( NodeId parentId, NodeId referenceTypeId, NodeId nodeId, QualifiedName browseName, ObjectAttributes attributes, ExpandedNodeId typeDefinitionId ) : NodeId
parentId NodeId
referenceTypeId NodeId
nodeId NodeId
browseName QualifiedName
attributes ObjectAttributes
typeDefinitionId ExpandedNodeId
Результат NodeId

CreateObjectType() публичный Метод

Creates an ObjectType node in the address space.
public CreateObjectType ( NodeId parentId, NodeId nodeId, QualifiedName browseName, ObjectTypeAttributes attributes ) : NodeId
parentId NodeId
nodeId NodeId
browseName QualifiedName
attributes ObjectTypeAttributes
Результат NodeId

CreateReference() публичный Метод

Adds a reference between two existing nodes.
public CreateReference ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, NodeId targetId, bool bidirectional ) : void
sourceId NodeId
referenceTypeId NodeId
isInverse bool
targetId NodeId
bidirectional bool
Результат void

CreateReferenceType() публичный Метод

Creates an ReferenceType node with the specified node id.
public CreateReferenceType ( NodeId parentId, NodeId nodeId, QualifiedName browseName, LocalizedText displayName, LocalizedText description, uint writeMask, uint userWriteMask, LocalizedText inverseName, bool isAbstract, bool symmetric ) : NodeId
parentId NodeId
nodeId NodeId
browseName QualifiedName
displayName LocalizedText
description LocalizedText
writeMask uint
userWriteMask uint
inverseName LocalizedText
isAbstract bool
symmetric bool
Результат NodeId

CreateUniqueNodeId() публичный Метод

Creates a unique node identifier.
public CreateUniqueNodeId ( ) : NodeId
Результат NodeId

CreateVariableType() публичный Метод

Creates an VariableType node in the address space.
public CreateVariableType ( NodeId parentId, NodeId nodeId, QualifiedName browseName, VariableTypeAttributes attributes ) : NodeId
parentId NodeId
nodeId NodeId
browseName QualifiedName
attributes VariableTypeAttributes
Результат NodeId

DeleteAddressSpace() публичный Метод

Disposes all of the nodes.
public DeleteAddressSpace ( ) : void
Результат void

DeleteMonitoredItems() публичный Метод

Deletes a set of monitored items.
public DeleteMonitoredItems ( OperationContext context, IList monitoredItems, IList processedItems, IList errors ) : void
context OperationContext
monitoredItems IList
processedItems IList
errors IList
Результат void

DeleteNode() публичный Метод

Deletes a node from the address sapce.
public DeleteNode ( NodeId nodeId, bool deleteChildren, bool silent ) : void
nodeId NodeId
deleteChildren bool
silent bool
Результат void

DeleteReference() публичный Метод

Deletes a reference.
public DeleteReference ( object sourceHandle, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, ExpandedNodeId targetId, bool deleteBidirectional ) : ServiceResult
sourceHandle object
referenceTypeId NodeId
isInverse bool
targetId ExpandedNodeId
deleteBidirectional bool
Результат ServiceResult

DeleteReference() публичный Метод

Deletes a reference.
public DeleteReference ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, ExpandedNodeId targetId, bool deleteBidirectional ) : void
sourceId NodeId
referenceTypeId NodeId
isInverse bool
targetId ExpandedNodeId
deleteBidirectional bool
Результат void

Dispose() публичный Метод

Frees any unmanaged resources.
public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void

Dispose() защищенный Метод

An overrideable version of the Dispose.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
Результат void

ExportNode() публичный Метод

Exports a node to a nodeset.
public ExportNode ( ILocalNode node, NodeSet nodeSet, bool instance ) : void
node ILocalNode
nodeSet NodeSet
instance bool
Результат void

ExportNode() публичный Метод

Exports a node to a nodeset.
public ExportNode ( NodeId nodeId, NodeSet nodeSet ) : void
nodeId NodeId
nodeSet NodeSet
Результат void

Find() публичный Метод

Returns the first target that matches the browse path.
public Find ( NodeId sourceId, string browsePath ) : NodeId
sourceId NodeId
browsePath string
Результат NodeId

FindInstanceDeclaration() публичный Метод

Returns the instance declarations that match the browse name.
This function recusively searches the fully inheirited type for matching instance declarations. It then follows the HasModelParent reference to find nested instance declarations in the fully inheirited type for the parent(s).
public FindInstanceDeclaration ( ILocalNode parent, QualifiedName browseName ) : ILocalNode
parent ILocalNode
browseName QualifiedName
Результат ILocalNode

FindLocalNodes() публичный Метод

Returns all targets of the specified reference.
public FindLocalNodes ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse ) : NodeIdCollection
sourceId NodeId
referenceTypeId NodeId
isInverse bool
Результат NodeIdCollection

FindTargetId() публичный Метод

Returns the id the first node with the specified browse name if it exists. null otherwise
public FindTargetId ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, QualifiedName browseName ) : NodeId
sourceId NodeId
referenceTypeId NodeId
isInverse bool
browseName QualifiedName
Результат NodeId

GetInstanceDeclarations() публичный Метод

Returns a list of children of the node with the specified browse path.
This methods returns all nodes in the fully inhierited type. if the browsePath is null then the immediate children of the type node are returned.
public GetInstanceDeclarations ( NodeId typeId, IList browsePath ) : IList
typeId NodeId
browsePath IList
Результат IList

GetLocalNode() публичный Метод

Returns a node managed by the manager with the specified node id.
public GetLocalNode ( ExpandedNodeId nodeId ) : ILocalNode
nodeId ExpandedNodeId
Результат ILocalNode

GetLocalNode() публичный Метод

Returns a node managed by the manager with the specified node id.
public GetLocalNode ( NodeId nodeId ) : ILocalNode
nodeId NodeId
Результат ILocalNode

GetLocalNode() публичный Метод

Returns a node managed by the manager with the specified node id.
public GetLocalNode ( NodeId nodeId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, bool includeSubtypes, QualifiedName browseName ) : ILocalNode
nodeId NodeId
referenceTypeId NodeId
isInverse bool
includeSubtypes bool
browseName QualifiedName
Результат ILocalNode

GetLocalNodes() публичный Метод

Returns a list of nodes which are targets of the specified references.
public GetLocalNodes ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, bool includeSubtypes ) : IList
sourceId NodeId
referenceTypeId NodeId
isInverse bool
includeSubtypes bool
Результат IList

GetManagerHandle() публичный Метод

public GetManagerHandle ( NodeId nodeId ) : object
nodeId NodeId
Результат object

GetNamespaceIndex() публичный Метод

Returns an index for the NamespaceURI (Adds it to the server namespace table if it does not already exist).
Returns the server's default index (1) if the namespaceUri is empty or null.
public GetNamespaceIndex ( string namespaceUri ) : ushort
namespaceUri string
Результат ushort

GetNodeMetadata() публичный Метод

public GetNodeMetadata ( OperationContext context, object targetHandle, BrowseResultMask resultMask ) : NodeMetadata
context OperationContext
targetHandle object
resultMask BrowseResultMask
Результат NodeMetadata

GetTargetNode() публичный Метод

Returns a node managed by the manager that has the specified browse name.
public GetTargetNode ( NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, bool includeSubtypes, QualifiedName browseName ) : ILocalNode
sourceId NodeId
referenceTypeId NodeId
isInverse bool
includeSubtypes bool
browseName QualifiedName
Результат ILocalNode

HasLock() публичный Метод

Returns true if the current thread has the lock on the node manager.
public HasLock ( ) : bool
Результат bool

HistoryRead() публичный Метод

public HistoryRead ( OperationContext context, HistoryReadDetails details, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, bool releaseContinuationPoints, IList nodesToRead, IList results, IList errors ) : void
context OperationContext
details HistoryReadDetails
timestampsToReturn TimestampsToReturn
releaseContinuationPoints bool
nodesToRead IList
results IList
errors IList
Результат void

ImportNodes() публичный Метод

Imports the nodes from a dictionary of NodeState objects.
public ImportNodes ( ISystemContext context, IEnumerable predefinedNodes ) : void
context ISystemContext
predefinedNodes IEnumerable
Результат void

ModifyMonitoredItems() публичный Метод

Modifies a set of monitored items.
public ModifyMonitoredItems ( OperationContext context, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, IList monitoredItems, IList itemsToModify, IList errors, IList filterErrors ) : void
context OperationContext
timestampsToReturn TimestampsToReturn
monitoredItems IList
itemsToModify IList
errors IList
filterErrors IList
Результат void

Read() публичный Метод

public Read ( OperationContext context, double maxAge, IList nodesToRead, IList values, IList errors ) : void
context OperationContext
maxAge double
nodesToRead IList
values IList
errors IList
Результат void

ReferenceSharedNode() публичный Метод

Adds a reference to a shared child node.
public ReferenceSharedNode ( ILocalNode source, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, QualifiedName browseName ) : ILocalNode
source ILocalNode
referenceTypeId NodeId
isInverse bool
browseName QualifiedName
Результат ILocalNode

RegisterSource() публичный Метод

Registers a source for a node.
The source could be one or more of IDataSource, IEventSource, ICallable, IHistorian or IViewManager
public RegisterSource ( NodeId nodeId, object source, object handle, bool isEventSource ) : void
nodeId NodeId
source object
handle object
isEventSource bool
Результат void

ReplaceNode() публичный Метод

Replaces a node in the address.
public ReplaceNode ( ILocalNode existingNode, ILocalNode newNode ) : void
existingNode ILocalNode
newNode ILocalNode
Результат void

SetMonitoringMode() публичный Метод

Changes the monitoring mode for a set of monitored items.
public SetMonitoringMode ( OperationContext context, MonitoringMode monitoringMode, IList monitoredItems, IList processedItems, IList errors ) : void
context OperationContext
monitoringMode MonitoringMode
monitoredItems IList
processedItems IList
errors IList
Результат void

SubscribeToAllEvents() публичный Метод

public SubscribeToAllEvents ( OperationContext context, uint subscriptionId, IEventMonitoredItem monitoredItem, bool unsubscribe ) : ServiceResult
context OperationContext
subscriptionId uint
monitoredItem IEventMonitoredItem
unsubscribe bool
Результат ServiceResult

SubscribeToEvents() публичный Метод

public SubscribeToEvents ( OperationContext context, object sourceId, uint subscriptionId, IEventMonitoredItem monitoredItem, bool unsubscribe ) : ServiceResult
context OperationContext
sourceId object
subscriptionId uint
monitoredItem IEventMonitoredItem
unsubscribe bool
Результат ServiceResult

TranslateBrowsePath() публичный Метод

Returns a list of targets the match the browse path.
public TranslateBrowsePath ( NodeId sourceId, RelativePath relativePath ) : IList
sourceId NodeId
relativePath RelativePath
Результат IList

TranslateBrowsePath() публичный Метод

Returns a list of targets the match the browse path.
public TranslateBrowsePath ( NodeId sourceId, string browsePath ) : IList
sourceId NodeId
browsePath string
Результат IList

TranslateBrowsePath() публичный Метод

Returns a list of targets the match the browse path.
public TranslateBrowsePath ( OperationContext context, NodeId sourceId, RelativePath relativePath ) : IList
context OperationContext
sourceId NodeId
relativePath RelativePath
Результат IList

TranslateBrowsePath() публичный Метод

Returns a list of targets the match the browse path.
public TranslateBrowsePath ( OperationContext context, NodeId sourceId, string browsePath ) : IList
context OperationContext
sourceId NodeId
browsePath string
Результат IList

TranslateBrowsePath() публичный Метод

public TranslateBrowsePath ( OperationContext context, object sourceHandle, RelativePathElement relativePath, IList targetIds, IList unresolvedTargetIds ) : void
context OperationContext
sourceHandle object
relativePath RelativePathElement
targetIds IList
unresolvedTargetIds IList
Результат void

UnreferenceSharedNode() публичный Метод

Adds a reference to a shared child node.
public UnreferenceSharedNode ( ILocalNode source, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, QualifiedName browseName ) : ILocalNode
source ILocalNode
referenceTypeId NodeId
isInverse bool
browseName QualifiedName
Результат ILocalNode

UnregisterSource() публичный Метод

Called when the source is no longer used.
When a source disappears it must either delete all of its nodes from the address space or unregister itself their source by calling RegisterSource with source == null. After doing that the source must call this method.
public UnregisterSource ( object source ) : void
source object
Результат void

UpdateDataType() публичный Метод

Updates a DataType node in the address space.
public UpdateDataType ( NodeId nodeId, LocalizedText displayName, LocalizedText description, uint writeMask, uint userWriteMask, bool isAbstract ) : void
nodeId NodeId
displayName LocalizedText
description LocalizedText
writeMask uint
userWriteMask uint
isAbstract bool
Результат void