C# Класс Opc.Ua.Sample.MonitoredNode

Keeps track of the monitored items for a single node.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ConditionRefresh ( ISystemContext context, IEventMonitoredItem monitoredItem ) : void

Resends the events for any conditions belonging to the node or its children.

CreateDataChangeItem ( ISystemContext context, uint monitoredItemId, uint attributeId, NumericRange indexRange, QualifiedName dataEncoding, DiagnosticsMasks diagnosticsMasks, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, MonitoringMode monitoringMode, uint clientHandle, double samplingInterval, bool alwaysReportUpdates ) : DataChangeMonitoredItem

Creates a new data change monitored item.

CreateDataChangeItem ( ISystemContext context, uint monitoredItemId, uint attributeId, NumericRange indexRange, QualifiedName dataEncoding, DiagnosticsMasks diagnosticsMasks, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, MonitoringMode monitoringMode, uint clientHandle, double samplingInterval, uint queueSize, bool discardOldest, DataChangeFilter filter, Range range, bool alwaysReportUpdates ) : DataChangeMonitoredItem

Creates a new data change monitored item.

DeleteItem ( IMonitoredItem monitoredItem ) : void

Deletes the monitored item.

IsMonitoringRequired ( uint attributeId ) : bool

Whether the node has any active monitored items for the specified attribute.

MonitoredNode ( IServerInternal server, INodeManager nodeManager, NodeState node ) : System

Initializes the instance with the context for the node being monitored.

OnNodeChange ( ISystemContext context, NodeState state, NodeStateChangeMasks masks ) : void

Handles change events raised by the node.

OnReportEvent ( ISystemContext context, NodeState state, IFilterTarget e ) : void

Handles events reported by the node.

SubscribeToEvents ( ISystemContext context, IEventMonitoredItem eventSubscription ) : void

Subscribes to events produced by the node.

UnsubscribeToEvents ( ISystemContext context, IEventMonitoredItem eventSubscription ) : void

Unsubscribes to events produced by the node.

Описание методов

ConditionRefresh() публичный Метод

Resends the events for any conditions belonging to the node or its children.
public ConditionRefresh ( ISystemContext context, IEventMonitoredItem monitoredItem ) : void
context ISystemContext The system context.
monitoredItem IEventMonitoredItem The item to refresh.
Результат void

CreateDataChangeItem() публичный Метод

Creates a new data change monitored item.
public CreateDataChangeItem ( ISystemContext context, uint monitoredItemId, uint attributeId, NumericRange indexRange, QualifiedName dataEncoding, DiagnosticsMasks diagnosticsMasks, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, MonitoringMode monitoringMode, uint clientHandle, double samplingInterval, bool alwaysReportUpdates ) : DataChangeMonitoredItem
context ISystemContext The system context.
monitoredItemId uint The unique identifier for the monitored item.
attributeId uint The attribute to monitor.
indexRange NumericRange The index range to use for array values.
dataEncoding QualifiedName The data encoding to return for structured values.
diagnosticsMasks DiagnosticsMasks The diagnostics masks to use.
timestampsToReturn TimestampsToReturn The timestamps to return.
monitoringMode MonitoringMode The initial monitoring mode.
clientHandle uint The handle assigned by the client.
samplingInterval double The sampling interval.
alwaysReportUpdates bool Whether the monitored item should skip the check for a change in value.
Результат DataChangeMonitoredItem

CreateDataChangeItem() публичный Метод

Creates a new data change monitored item.
public CreateDataChangeItem ( ISystemContext context, uint monitoredItemId, uint attributeId, NumericRange indexRange, QualifiedName dataEncoding, DiagnosticsMasks diagnosticsMasks, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, MonitoringMode monitoringMode, uint clientHandle, double samplingInterval, uint queueSize, bool discardOldest, DataChangeFilter filter, Range range, bool alwaysReportUpdates ) : DataChangeMonitoredItem
context ISystemContext The system context.
monitoredItemId uint The unique identifier for the monitored item.
attributeId uint The attribute to monitor.
indexRange NumericRange The index range to use for array values.
dataEncoding QualifiedName The data encoding to return for structured values.
diagnosticsMasks DiagnosticsMasks The diagnostics masks to use.
timestampsToReturn TimestampsToReturn The timestamps to return.
monitoringMode MonitoringMode The initial monitoring mode.
clientHandle uint The handle assigned by the client.
samplingInterval double The sampling interval.
queueSize uint The queue size.
discardOldest bool Whether to discard the oldest values when the queue overflows.
filter DataChangeFilter The data change filter to use.
range Range The range to use when evaluating a percentage deadband filter.
alwaysReportUpdates bool Whether the monitored item should skip the check for a change in value.
Результат DataChangeMonitoredItem

DeleteItem() публичный Метод

Deletes the monitored item.
public DeleteItem ( IMonitoredItem monitoredItem ) : void
monitoredItem IMonitoredItem
Результат void

IsMonitoringRequired() публичный Метод

Whether the node has any active monitored items for the specified attribute.
public IsMonitoringRequired ( uint attributeId ) : bool
attributeId uint
Результат bool

MonitoredNode() публичный Метод

Initializes the instance with the context for the node being monitored.
public MonitoredNode ( IServerInternal server, INodeManager nodeManager, NodeState node ) : System
server IServerInternal
nodeManager INodeManager
node NodeState
Результат System

OnNodeChange() публичный Метод

Handles change events raised by the node.
public OnNodeChange ( ISystemContext context, NodeState state, NodeStateChangeMasks masks ) : void
context ISystemContext The system context.
state NodeState The node that raised the event.
masks NodeStateChangeMasks What caused the event to be raised
Результат void

OnReportEvent() публичный Метод

Handles events reported by the node.
public OnReportEvent ( ISystemContext context, NodeState state, IFilterTarget e ) : void
context ISystemContext The system context.
state NodeState The node that raised the event.
e IFilterTarget The event to report.
Результат void

SubscribeToEvents() публичный Метод

Subscribes to events produced by the node.
public SubscribeToEvents ( ISystemContext context, IEventMonitoredItem eventSubscription ) : void
context ISystemContext
eventSubscription IEventMonitoredItem
Результат void

UnsubscribeToEvents() публичный Метод

Unsubscribes to events produced by the node.
public UnsubscribeToEvents ( ISystemContext context, IEventMonitoredItem eventSubscription ) : void
context ISystemContext
eventSubscription IEventMonitoredItem
Результат void