C# Класс OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.GUIOnlineVideos

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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
currentView GUIFacadeControl.Layout
suggestedView GUIFacadeControl.Layout?

Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
AddFavoritesAndDownloadsSitesToFacade void
CleanExpression string
ContextKeywordSelection void
DisplayCategories void
DisplayCategories_NextPage void
DisplayDetails void
DisplayGroups void
DisplayPlaybackOptions bool
DisplaySites void
DisplayUnableToPlayDialog void
DisplayVideos_Category void
DisplayVideos_Filter void
DisplayVideos_NextPage void
Display_SearchResults void
FilterOut bool
GetUserInputString bool
HideAndDisable void
HideFilterButtons void
HideSearchButtons void
ISetupForm bool
ISetupForm bool
ISetupForm int
ISetupForm string
IShowPlugin bool
OnDownloadFileCompleted void
PlayAll void
Play_Step1 void
Play_Step2 void
Play_Step3 void
Play_Step6 void
ResetSelectedSite void
SaveSubtitles void
SaveVideo_Step1 void
SaveVideo_Step2 void
SaveVideo_Step3 void
SetCategoriesToFacade void
SetGuiProperties_ExtendedVideoInfo void
SetGuiProperties_PlayingVideo void
SetSearchResultItemsToFacade void
SetVideosToFacade bool
SetVideosToInfoList void
ShowAndEnable void
ShowCategoryButton void
ShowFilterButtons void
ShowFullScreenWindowHandler bool
ShowOrderButtons void
ShowPreviousMenu void
ShowSearchButtons void
ToggleFacadeViewMode void
UpdateViewState void

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
DeInit ( ) : void

Called when MediaPortal is closed.

FilterCurrentFacadeItems ( ) : void
GUIWindowManager_OnNewAction ( MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action action ) : void
GUIWindowManager_OnThreadMessageHandler ( object sender, GUIMessage message ) : void
GetModuleName ( ) : string
HandleCustomContextMenuEntry ( Sites currentEntry, Category aCategory, VideoInfo aVideo ) : void
ISetupForm ( ) : void

Show Plugin Configuration Dialog.

Init ( ) : bool
OnAction ( MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action action ) : void
OnItemSelected ( GUIListItem item, GUIControl parent ) : void
OnMessage ( GUIMessage message ) : bool
PlayNextPlaylistItem ( ) : void
Play_Step4 ( PlayListItem playItem, string lsUrl, bool goFullScreen ) : void
Play_Step5 ( PlayListItem playItem, string lsUrl, bool goFullScreen, OnlineVideos factory, bool factoryPrepareResult, bool showMessage ) : void
ResetExtendedGuiProperties ( string prefix ) : void

Clears all known set extended property values

ResetToFirstView ( ) : void
SetExtendedGuiProperty ( string key, string value ) : void

Set an extended property in the GUIPropertyManager

TrackPlayback ( ) : void
g_Player_PlayBackEnded ( g_Player type, string filename ) : void
g_Player_PlayBackStopped ( g_Player type, int stoptime, string filename ) : void

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
OnClicked ( int controlId, GUIControl control, MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action actionType ) : void
OnPageDestroy ( int newWindowId ) : void
OnPageLoad ( ) : void
OnShowContextMenu ( ) : void
SetFacadeViewMode ( ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AddFavoritesAndDownloadsSitesToFacade ( ) : void
CleanExpression ( string expression ) : string
ContextKeywordSelection ( List searchexpressions ) : void
DisplayCategories ( Category parentCategory, bool diveDownOrUpIfSingle = null ) : void
DisplayCategories_NextPage ( NextPageCategory cat ) : void
DisplayDetails ( ) : void
DisplayGroups ( ) : void
DisplayPlaybackOptions ( System.VideoInfo videoInfo, string &defaultUrl, bool skipDialog ) : bool

Displays a modal dialog, with a list of the PlaybackOptions to the user, only if PlaybackOptions holds more than one entry.

DisplaySites ( ) : void
DisplayUnableToPlayDialog ( ) : void
DisplayVideos_Category ( Category category, bool displayCategoriesOnError ) : void
DisplayVideos_Filter ( ) : void
DisplayVideos_NextPage ( ) : void
Display_SearchResults ( string query = null ) : void
FilterOut ( string fsStr ) : bool
GetUserInputString ( string &sString, bool password ) : bool
HideAndDisable ( int iControlId ) : void
HideFilterButtons ( ) : void
HideSearchButtons ( ) : void
ISetupForm ( ) : bool
ISetupForm ( string &strButtonText, string &strButtonImage, string &strButtonImageFocus, string &strPictureImage ) : bool
ISetupForm ( ) : int
ISetupForm ( ) : string
IShowPlugin ( ) : bool
OnDownloadFileCompleted ( DownloadList saveItems, Exception error ) : void
PlayAll ( bool random = false, VideoInfo startWith = null ) : void
Play_Step1 ( PlayListItem playItem, bool goFullScreen, bool skipPlaybackOptionsDialog = false ) : void
Play_Step2 ( PlayListItem playItem, List loUrlList, bool goFullScreen, bool skipPlaybackOptionsDialog ) : void
Play_Step3 ( PlayListItem playItem, List loUrlList, bool goFullScreen, bool skipPlaybackOptionsDialog ) : void
Play_Step6 ( PlayListItem playItem, string lsUrl, OnlineVideos factory ) : void
ResetSelectedSite ( ) : void
SaveSubtitles ( VideoInfo video, string destinationFileName ) : void
SaveVideo_Step1 ( DownloadList saveItems, bool enque = false ) : void

SaveVideo_Step2 ( DownloadList saveItems, List loUrlList, bool enque ) : void
SaveVideo_Step3 ( DownloadList saveItems, string url, bool enque ) : void
SetCategoriesToFacade ( Category parentCategory, IList categories, bool diveDownOrUpIfSingle, bool append = false ) : void
SetGuiProperties_ExtendedVideoInfo ( VideoInfo videoInfo, bool DetailsItem ) : void

Processes extended properties which might be available if the VideoInfo.Other object is using the IVideoDetails interface

SetGuiProperties_PlayingVideo ( PlayListItem playItem ) : void
SetSearchResultItemsToFacade ( List resultList, VideosMode mode = VideosMode.Search, string categoryName = "" ) : void
SetVideosToFacade ( List videos, VideosMode mode, bool append = false ) : bool
SetVideosToInfoList ( List videos ) : void
ShowAndEnable ( int iControlId ) : void
ShowCategoryButton ( ) : void
ShowFilterButtons ( ) : void
ShowFullScreenWindowHandler ( ) : bool

This function replaces g_player.ShowFullScreenWindowVideo

ShowOrderButtons ( ) : void
ShowPreviousMenu ( ) : void
ShowSearchButtons ( ) : void
ToggleFacadeViewMode ( ) : void
UpdateViewState ( ) : void

Описание методов

DeInit() публичный Метод

Called when MediaPortal is closed.
public DeInit ( ) : void
Результат void

FilterCurrentFacadeItems() публичный Метод

public FilterCurrentFacadeItems ( ) : void
Результат void

GUIWindowManager_OnNewAction() публичный Метод

public GUIWindowManager_OnNewAction ( MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action action ) : void
action MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action
Результат void

GUIWindowManager_OnThreadMessageHandler() публичный Метод

public GUIWindowManager_OnThreadMessageHandler ( object sender, GUIMessage message ) : void
sender object
message MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIMessage
Результат void

GetModuleName() публичный Метод

public GetModuleName ( ) : string
Результат string

HandleCustomContextMenuEntry() публичный Метод

public HandleCustomContextMenuEntry ( Sites currentEntry, Category aCategory, VideoInfo aVideo ) : void
currentEntry Sites
aCategory Category
aVideo VideoInfo
Результат void

ISetupForm() публичный Метод

Show Plugin Configuration Dialog.
public ISetupForm ( ) : void
Результат void

Init() публичный Метод

public Init ( ) : bool
Результат bool

OnAction() публичный Метод

public OnAction ( MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action action ) : void
action MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action
Результат void

OnClicked() защищенный Метод

protected OnClicked ( int controlId, GUIControl control, MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action actionType ) : void
controlId int
control GUIControl
actionType MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action
Результат void

OnItemSelected() публичный Метод

public OnItemSelected ( GUIListItem item, GUIControl parent ) : void
item GUIListItem
parent GUIControl
Результат void

OnMessage() публичный Метод

public OnMessage ( GUIMessage message ) : bool
message GUIMessage
Результат bool

OnPageDestroy() защищенный Метод

protected OnPageDestroy ( int newWindowId ) : void
newWindowId int
Результат void

OnPageLoad() защищенный Метод

protected OnPageLoad ( ) : void
Результат void

OnShowContextMenu() защищенный Метод

protected OnShowContextMenu ( ) : void
Результат void

PlayNextPlaylistItem() публичный Метод

public PlayNextPlaylistItem ( ) : void
Результат void

Play_Step4() публичный Метод

public Play_Step4 ( PlayListItem playItem, string lsUrl, bool goFullScreen ) : void
playItem PlayListItem
lsUrl string
goFullScreen bool
Результат void

Play_Step5() публичный Метод

public Play_Step5 ( PlayListItem playItem, string lsUrl, bool goFullScreen, OnlineVideos factory, bool factoryPrepareResult, bool showMessage ) : void
playItem PlayListItem
lsUrl string
goFullScreen bool
factory OnlineVideos
factoryPrepareResult bool
showMessage bool
Результат void

ResetExtendedGuiProperties() публичный Метод

Clears all known set extended property values
public ResetExtendedGuiProperties ( string prefix ) : void
prefix string prefix
Результат void

ResetToFirstView() публичный Метод

public ResetToFirstView ( ) : void
Результат void

SetExtendedGuiProperty() публичный Метод

Set an extended property in the GUIPropertyManager
public SetExtendedGuiProperty ( string key, string value ) : void
key string
value string
Результат void

SetFacadeViewMode() защищенный Метод

protected SetFacadeViewMode ( ) : void
Результат void

TrackPlayback() публичный Метод

public TrackPlayback ( ) : void
Результат void

g_Player_PlayBackEnded() публичный Метод

public g_Player_PlayBackEnded ( g_Player type, string filename ) : void
type g_Player
filename string
Результат void

g_Player_PlayBackStopped() публичный Метод

public g_Player_PlayBackStopped ( g_Player type, int stoptime, string filename ) : void
type g_Player
stoptime int
filename string
Результат void

Описание свойств

currentView защищенное свойство

protected GUIFacadeControl.Layout currentView
Результат GUIFacadeControl.Layout

suggestedView защищенное свойство

protected GUIFacadeControl.Layout? suggestedView
Результат GUIFacadeControl.Layout?