C# Класс OneAndOne.Client.Endpoints.Logs.Logs

Наследование: ResourceBase
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Get ( PeriodType period, int page = null, int perPage = null, string sort = null, string query = null, string fields = null, System.DateTime start_date = null, System.DateTime end_date = null ) : List

Returns a list with logs.

Logs ( object _apiUrl = null, object _apiKey = null ) : System
Show ( string log_id ) : LogsResponse

Returns information about a log

Описание методов

Get() публичный Метод

Returns a list with logs.
public Get ( PeriodType period, int page = null, int perPage = null, string sort = null, string query = null, string fields = null, System.DateTime start_date = null, System.DateTime end_date = null ) : List
period PeriodType required (one of LAST_HOUR,LAST_24H,LAST_7D,LAST_30D,LAST_365D,CUSTOM ),Time range whose logs will be shown.
page int Allows to use pagination. Sets the number of servers that will be shown in each page.
perPage int Current page to show.
sort string Allows to sort the result by priority:sort=name retrieves a list of elements ordered by their names.sort=-creation_date retrieves a list of elements ordered according to their creation date in descending order of priority.
query string Allows to search one string in the response and return the elements that contain it. In order to specify the string use parameter q: q=My server
fields string Returns only the parameters requested: fields=id,name,description,hardware.ram
start_date System.DateTime (date) The first date in a custom range. Required only if selected period is CUSTOM.
end_date System.DateTime (date) The second date in a custom range. Required only if selected period is CUSTOM.
Результат List

Logs() публичный Метод

public Logs ( object _apiUrl = null, object _apiKey = null ) : System
_apiUrl object
_apiKey object
Результат System

Show() публичный Метод

Returns information about a log
public Show ( string log_id ) : LogsResponse
log_id string Unique monitoring policy's identifier.
Результат OneAndOne.POCO.Respones.Logs.LogsResponse