C# Класс OfficeOpenXml.OfficeProperties

Provides access to the properties bag of any office document (i.e. Word, Excel etc.)
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetCustomPropertyValue ( string propertyName ) : object

Gets the value of a custom property

SetCustomPropertyValue ( string propertyName, object value ) : void

Allows you to set the value of a current custom property or create your own custom property.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetExtendedPropertyValue ( string propertyName ) : string
GetXmlDocument ( string startXml, Uri uri, string contentType, string relationship ) : XmlDocument
OfficeProperties ( ExcelPackage package, XmlNamespaceManager ns ) : System

Provides access to all the office document properties.

Save ( ) : void

Saves the document properties back to the package.

Описание методов

GetCustomPropertyValue() публичный Метод

Gets the value of a custom property
public GetCustomPropertyValue ( string propertyName ) : object
propertyName string The name of the property
Результат object

SetCustomPropertyValue() публичный Метод

Allows you to set the value of a current custom property or create your own custom property.
public SetCustomPropertyValue ( string propertyName, object value ) : void
propertyName string The name of the property
value object The value of the property
Результат void