C# Класс Oda.Core

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AppError ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Application error

BeginRequest ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

The start of an Http request

Dispose ( ) : void

Disposes of the resources (other than memory) used by the module that implements T:System.Web.IHttpModule.

EndRequest ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

The end of the Http request

GetAssemblyVersionString ( Assembly asm ) : string

Gets the assembly name, version and copyright information.

GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, System.DateTime defaultValue ) : System.DateTime

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.

GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, System.Guid defaultValue ) : System.Guid

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.

GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, System.Int64 defaultValue ) : System.Int64

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.

GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, bool defaultValue ) : bool

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.

GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, decimal defaultValue ) : decimal

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.

GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, int defaultValue ) : int

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.

GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, string defaultValue ) : string

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.

Hash ( string message ) : string

Hashes the specified message.

Init ( System.Web.HttpApplication sender ) : void

Starts up Oda HttpModule. Starts logging, instantiates plugins, connects to events and creates Json mapper.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
FindPosition ( Stream haystack, byte needle, long offset ) : int

Finds the position of a bit array in in a bit stream.

GetBoundary ( byte b ) : byte[]

Gets the boundary data from a form post.

GetInnermostException ( Exception ex ) : Exception

Gets the innermost exception.

GetWebConfigSettings ( ) : void
LogVersionInformation ( ) : void
ParseRequest ( System.Web.HttpWorkerRequest r ) : Mapper

Parses the request into files then parses the files into form fields and uploaded files.

RaiseOnApplicationError ( HttpEventArgs args ) : void

Raises the on app error.

RaiseOnBeginRequest ( HttpEventArgs args ) : void

Raises the on begin request.

RaiseOnDispose ( HttpEventArgs args ) : void

Raises the on dispose.

RaiseOnEndRequest ( HttpEventArgs args ) : void

Raises the on end request.

RaiseOnInitialize ( HttpEventArgs args ) : void

Raises the on init.

RaiseOnUploadStatus ( HttpUploadStatusEventArgs args ) : void

Raises the Upload Status event.

ResolveEmbeddedAssembiles ( object sender, EventArgs args ) : Assembly

Resolves the embedded assemblies.

updateUploadStatus ( HttpUploadStatusEventArgs &d, long bytesRead, string message ) : void

Updates the upload status event.

Описание методов

AppError() публичный Метод

Application error
public AppError ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The sender.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
Результат void

BeginRequest() публичный Метод

The start of an Http request
public BeginRequest ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The sender.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
Результат void

Dispose() публичный Метод

Disposes of the resources (other than memory) used by the module that implements T:System.Web.IHttpModule.
public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void

EndRequest() публичный Метод

The end of the Http request
public EndRequest ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The sender.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
Результат void

GetAssemblyVersionString() публичный статический Метод

Gets the assembly name, version and copyright information.
public static GetAssemblyVersionString ( Assembly asm ) : string
asm Assembly
Результат string

GetWebConfigSetting() публичный статический Метод

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.
public static GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, System.DateTime defaultValue ) : System.DateTime
appSettingKeyName string The sender.
defaultValue System.DateTime The sender.
Результат System.DateTime

GetWebConfigSetting() публичный статический Метод

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.
public static GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, System.Guid defaultValue ) : System.Guid
appSettingKeyName string The sender.
defaultValue System.Guid The sender.
Результат System.Guid

GetWebConfigSetting() публичный статический Метод

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.
public static GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, System.Int64 defaultValue ) : System.Int64
appSettingKeyName string The sender.
defaultValue System.Int64 The sender.
Результат System.Int64

GetWebConfigSetting() публичный статический Метод

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.
public static GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, bool defaultValue ) : bool
appSettingKeyName string The sender.
defaultValue bool The sender.
Результат bool

GetWebConfigSetting() публичный статический Метод

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.
public static GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, decimal defaultValue ) : decimal
appSettingKeyName string The sender.
defaultValue decimal The sender.
Результат decimal

GetWebConfigSetting() публичный статический Метод

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.
public static GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, int defaultValue ) : int
appSettingKeyName string The sender.
defaultValue int The sender.
Результат int

GetWebConfigSetting() публичный статический Метод

Gets a web config setting, converts the string to the target type and returns an object type.
public static GetWebConfigSetting ( string appSettingKeyName, string defaultValue ) : string
appSettingKeyName string The sender.
defaultValue string The sender.
Результат string

Hash() публичный статический Метод

Hashes the specified message.
public static Hash ( string message ) : string
message string The message.
Результат string

Init() публичный Метод

Starts up Oda HttpModule. Starts logging, instantiates plugins, connects to events and creates Json mapper.
public Init ( System.Web.HttpApplication sender ) : void
sender System.Web.HttpApplication The HTTP application.
Результат void