C# Класс Nummer.Cheats.SigScan

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
FindPattern ( byte btPattern, string strMask, int nOffset ) : IntPtr

FindPattern Attempts to locate the given pattern inside the dumped memory region compared against the given mask. If the pattern is found, the offset is added to the located address and returned to the user.

ResetRegion ( ) : void

ResetRegion Resets the memory dump array to nothing to allow the class to redump the memory.

SigScan ( ) : System

SigScan Main class constructor that uses no params. Simply initializes the class properties and expects the user to set them later.

SigScan ( Process proc, IntPtr addr, int size ) : System

SigScan Overloaded class constructor that sets the class properties during construction.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
DumpMemory ( ) : bool

DumpMemory Internal memory dump function that uses the set class properties to dump a memory region.

MaskCheck ( int nOffset, byte btPattern, string strMask ) : bool

MaskCheck Compares the current pattern byte to the current memory dump byte to check for a match. Uses wildcards to skip bytes that are deemed unneeded in the compares.

ReadProcessMemory ( IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpBaseAddress, [ lpBuffer, int dwSize, int &lpNumberOfBytesRead ) : bool

Описание методов

FindPattern() публичный Метод

FindPattern Attempts to locate the given pattern inside the dumped memory region compared against the given mask. If the pattern is found, the offset is added to the located address and returned to the user.
public FindPattern ( byte btPattern, string strMask, int nOffset ) : IntPtr
btPattern byte Byte pattern to look for in the dumped region.
strMask string The mask string to compare against.
nOffset int The offset added to the result address.
Результат System.IntPtr

ResetRegion() публичный Метод

ResetRegion Resets the memory dump array to nothing to allow the class to redump the memory.
public ResetRegion ( ) : void
Результат void

SigScan() публичный Метод

SigScan Main class constructor that uses no params. Simply initializes the class properties and expects the user to set them later.
public SigScan ( ) : System
Результат System

SigScan() публичный Метод

SigScan Overloaded class constructor that sets the class properties during construction.
public SigScan ( Process proc, IntPtr addr, int size ) : System
proc System.Diagnostics.Process The process to dump the memory from.
addr System.IntPtr The started address to begin the dump.
size int The size of the dump.
Результат System