C# Класс Nop.Plugin.Payments.AuthorizeNet.AuthorizeNetPaymentProcessor

AuthorizeNet payment processor
Наследование: Nop.Core.Plugins.BasePlugin, IPaymentMethod
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AuthorizeNetPaymentProcessor ( Nop.Plugin.Payments.AuthorizeNet.AuthorizeNetPaymentSettings authorizeNetPaymentSettings, ISettingService settingService, ICurrencyService currencyService, ICustomerService customerService, Nop.Core.Domain.Directory.CurrencySettings currencySettings, IWebHelper webHelper, IOrderTotalCalculationService orderTotalCalculationService, Nop.Core.Domain.StoreInformationSettings storeInformationSettings ) : System
CanRePostProcessPayment ( Nop.Core.Domain.Orders.Order order ) : bool

Gets a value indicating whether customers can complete a payment after order is placed but not completed (for redirection payment methods)

CancelRecurringPayment ( Nop.Services.Payments.CancelRecurringPaymentRequest cancelPaymentRequest ) : Nop.Services.Payments.CancelRecurringPaymentResult

Cancels a recurring payment

Capture ( Nop.Services.Payments.CapturePaymentRequest capturePaymentRequest ) : Nop.Services.Payments.CapturePaymentResult

Captures payment

GetAdditionalHandlingFee ( IList cart ) : decimal

Gets additional handling fee

GetConfigurationRoute ( string &actionName, string &controllerName, RouteValueDictionary &routeValues ) : void

Gets a route for provider configuration

GetControllerType ( ) : Type
GetPaymentInfoRoute ( string &actionName, string &controllerName, RouteValueDictionary &routeValues ) : void

Gets a route for payment info

Install ( ) : void
PostProcessPayment ( PostProcessPaymentRequest postProcessPaymentRequest ) : void

Post process payment (used by payment gateways that require redirecting to a third-party URL)

ProcessPayment ( ProcessPaymentRequest processPaymentRequest ) : ProcessPaymentResult

Process a payment

ProcessRecurringPayment ( ProcessPaymentRequest processPaymentRequest ) : ProcessPaymentResult

Process recurring payment

Refund ( RefundPaymentRequest refundPaymentRequest ) : RefundPaymentResult

Refunds a payment

Uninstall ( ) : void
Void ( VoidPaymentRequest voidPaymentRequest ) : VoidPaymentResult

Voids a payment

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetApiVersion ( ) : string

Gets Authorize.NET API version

GetAuthorizeNETUrl ( ) : string

Gets Authorize.NET URL

GetErrors ( ANetApiResponseType response ) : string

Get errors (ARB Support)

PopulateMerchantAuthentication ( ) : MerchantAuthenticationType

Описание методов

AuthorizeNetPaymentProcessor() публичный Метод

public AuthorizeNetPaymentProcessor ( Nop.Plugin.Payments.AuthorizeNet.AuthorizeNetPaymentSettings authorizeNetPaymentSettings, ISettingService settingService, ICurrencyService currencyService, ICustomerService customerService, Nop.Core.Domain.Directory.CurrencySettings currencySettings, IWebHelper webHelper, IOrderTotalCalculationService orderTotalCalculationService, Nop.Core.Domain.StoreInformationSettings storeInformationSettings ) : System
authorizeNetPaymentSettings Nop.Plugin.Payments.AuthorizeNet.AuthorizeNetPaymentSettings
settingService ISettingService
currencyService ICurrencyService
customerService ICustomerService
currencySettings Nop.Core.Domain.Directory.CurrencySettings
webHelper IWebHelper
orderTotalCalculationService IOrderTotalCalculationService
storeInformationSettings Nop.Core.Domain.StoreInformationSettings
Результат System

CanRePostProcessPayment() публичный Метод

Gets a value indicating whether customers can complete a payment after order is placed but not completed (for redirection payment methods)
public CanRePostProcessPayment ( Nop.Core.Domain.Orders.Order order ) : bool
order Nop.Core.Domain.Orders.Order Order
Результат bool

CancelRecurringPayment() публичный Метод

Cancels a recurring payment
public CancelRecurringPayment ( Nop.Services.Payments.CancelRecurringPaymentRequest cancelPaymentRequest ) : Nop.Services.Payments.CancelRecurringPaymentResult
cancelPaymentRequest Nop.Services.Payments.CancelRecurringPaymentRequest Request
Результат Nop.Services.Payments.CancelRecurringPaymentResult

Capture() публичный Метод

Captures payment
public Capture ( Nop.Services.Payments.CapturePaymentRequest capturePaymentRequest ) : Nop.Services.Payments.CapturePaymentResult
capturePaymentRequest Nop.Services.Payments.CapturePaymentRequest Capture payment request
Результат Nop.Services.Payments.CapturePaymentResult

GetAdditionalHandlingFee() публичный Метод

Gets additional handling fee
public GetAdditionalHandlingFee ( IList cart ) : decimal
cart IList Shoping cart
Результат decimal

GetConfigurationRoute() публичный Метод

Gets a route for provider configuration
public GetConfigurationRoute ( string &actionName, string &controllerName, RouteValueDictionary &routeValues ) : void
actionName string Action name
controllerName string Controller name
routeValues RouteValueDictionary Route values
Результат void

GetControllerType() публичный Метод

public GetControllerType ( ) : Type
Результат Type

GetPaymentInfoRoute() публичный Метод

Gets a route for payment info
public GetPaymentInfoRoute ( string &actionName, string &controllerName, RouteValueDictionary &routeValues ) : void
actionName string Action name
controllerName string Controller name
routeValues RouteValueDictionary Route values
Результат void

Install() публичный Метод

public Install ( ) : void
Результат void

PostProcessPayment() публичный Метод

Post process payment (used by payment gateways that require redirecting to a third-party URL)
public PostProcessPayment ( PostProcessPaymentRequest postProcessPaymentRequest ) : void
postProcessPaymentRequest PostProcessPaymentRequest Payment info required for an order processing
Результат void

ProcessPayment() публичный Метод

Process a payment
public ProcessPayment ( ProcessPaymentRequest processPaymentRequest ) : ProcessPaymentResult
processPaymentRequest ProcessPaymentRequest Payment info required for an order processing
Результат ProcessPaymentResult

ProcessRecurringPayment() публичный Метод

Process recurring payment
public ProcessRecurringPayment ( ProcessPaymentRequest processPaymentRequest ) : ProcessPaymentResult
processPaymentRequest ProcessPaymentRequest Payment info required for an order processing
Результат ProcessPaymentResult

Refund() публичный Метод

Refunds a payment
public Refund ( RefundPaymentRequest refundPaymentRequest ) : RefundPaymentResult
refundPaymentRequest RefundPaymentRequest Request
Результат RefundPaymentResult

Uninstall() публичный Метод

public Uninstall ( ) : void
Результат void

Void() публичный Метод

Voids a payment
public Void ( VoidPaymentRequest voidPaymentRequest ) : VoidPaymentResult
voidPaymentRequest VoidPaymentRequest Request
Результат VoidPaymentResult