C# Класс Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Contracts.SecurityMessageInspector

The Security Message Inspector
Наследование: IClientMessageInspector
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AfterReceiveReply ( System &reply, object correlationState ) : void

AfterReceiveReply executes after a reply has been received from the channel

BeforeSendRequest ( System &request, System channel ) : object

BeforeSendRequest executes before a reply has been sent to the channel

Описание методов

AfterReceiveReply() публичный Метод

AfterReceiveReply executes after a reply has been received from the channel
public AfterReceiveReply ( System &reply, object correlationState ) : void
reply System This parameter contains the reply from the channel
correlationState object This parameter contains the correlation state
Результат void

BeforeSendRequest() публичный Метод

BeforeSendRequest executes before a reply has been sent to the channel
public BeforeSendRequest ( System &request, System channel ) : object
request System This parameter contains the request to the channel
channel System The channel to send to
Результат object