C# Класс NetSparkle.SparkleUpdateInfo

A simple class to hold information on potential updates to a software product.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
SparkleUpdateInfo ( UpdateStatus status ) : System

Constructor for SparkleUpdate for when there aren't any updates available. Updates are automatically set to null.

SparkleUpdateInfo ( UpdateStatus status, NetSparkleAppCastItem updates ) : System

Constructor for SparkleUpdate when there are some updates available.

Описание методов

SparkleUpdateInfo() публичный Метод

Constructor for SparkleUpdate for when there aren't any updates available. Updates are automatically set to null.
public SparkleUpdateInfo ( UpdateStatus status ) : System
status UpdateStatus
Результат System

SparkleUpdateInfo() публичный Метод

Constructor for SparkleUpdate when there are some updates available.
public SparkleUpdateInfo ( UpdateStatus status, NetSparkleAppCastItem updates ) : System
status UpdateStatus
updates NetSparkleAppCastItem
Результат System