C# Класс Nancy.Serialization.ProtoBuf.BodyDeserializers.ProtobufNetBodyDeserializer

Deserializes request bodies in ProtoBuffer format
Наследование: IBodyDeserializer
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CanDeserialize ( MediaRange mediaRange, BindingContext context ) : bool

Whether the deserializer can deserialize the content type

Deserialize ( MediaRange mediaRange, Stream bodyStream, BindingContext context ) : object

Deserialize the request body to a model

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
IsProtoBufType ( MediaRange mediaRange ) : bool

Attempts to detect if the content type is ProtoBuffer. Supports: application/x-protobuf Matches are case insentitive to try and be as "accepting" as possible.

Описание методов

CanDeserialize() публичный Метод

Whether the deserializer can deserialize the content type
public CanDeserialize ( MediaRange mediaRange, BindingContext context ) : bool
mediaRange MediaRange Content type to deserialize
context BindingContext Current .
Результат bool

Deserialize() публичный Метод

Deserialize the request body to a model
public Deserialize ( MediaRange mediaRange, Stream bodyStream, BindingContext context ) : object
mediaRange MediaRange Content type to deserialize
bodyStream Stream Request body stream
context BindingContext Current context
Результат object