C# Класс NPlot.BaseSequencePlot

Adds additional basic functionality to BasePlot that is common to all plots that implement the ISequencePlot interface.
If C# had multiple inheritance, the heirachy would be different. The way it is isn't very nice.
Наследование: BasePlot, ISequencePlot
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
WriteData ( System sb, RectangleD region, bool onlyInRegion ) : void

Writes text data of the plot object to the supplied string builder. It is possible to specify that only data in the specified range be written.

Описание методов

WriteData() публичный Метод

Writes text data of the plot object to the supplied string builder. It is possible to specify that only data in the specified range be written.
public WriteData ( System sb, RectangleD region, bool onlyInRegion ) : void
sb System the StringBuilder object to write to.
region RectangleD a region used if onlyInRegion is true.
onlyInRegion bool If true, only data enclosed in the provided region will be written.
Результат void