C# Класс NPlot.ArrowItem

An Arrow IDrawable, with a text label that is automatically nicely positioned at the non-pointy end of the arrow. Future feature idea: have constructor that takes a dataset, and have the arrow know how to automatically set it's angle to avoid the data.
Наследование: IDrawable
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ArrowItem ( PointD position ) : System

Default constructor : text = "" angle = 45 degrees anticlockwise from horizontal.

ArrowItem ( PointD position, double angle ) : System


ArrowItem ( PointD position, double angle, string text ) : System


Draw ( System g, PhysicalAxis xAxis, PhysicalAxis yAxis ) : void

Draws the arrow on a plot surface.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
Init ( ) : void

Описание методов

ArrowItem() публичный Метод

Default constructor : text = "" angle = 45 degrees anticlockwise from horizontal.
public ArrowItem ( PointD position ) : System
position PointD The position the arrow points to.
Результат System

ArrowItem() публичный Метод

public ArrowItem ( PointD position, double angle ) : System
position PointD The position the arrow points to.
angle double angle of arrow with respect to x axis.
Результат System

ArrowItem() публичный Метод

public ArrowItem ( PointD position, double angle, string text ) : System
position PointD The position the arrow points to.
angle double angle of arrow with respect to x axis.
text string The text associated with the arrow.
Результат System

Draw() публичный Метод

Draws the arrow on a plot surface.
public Draw ( System g, PhysicalAxis xAxis, PhysicalAxis yAxis ) : void
g System graphics surface on which to draw
xAxis PhysicalAxis The X-Axis to draw against.
yAxis PhysicalAxis The Y-Axis to draw against.
Результат void