C# Класс NFluent.StreamCheckExtensions

Provides check methods to be executed on a stream instance.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
HasSameSequenceOfBytesAs ( this check, Stream expected ) : ICheckLink>

Checks that the actual stream has the same content as another one.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
BuildNegatedMessage ( Stream expected, Stream value ) : MessageBlock
GenerateMessageWhenFullyDistinct ( Stream expected, IChecker checker, Stream value ) : MessageBlock
GenerateMessageWhenSameLenghtButDiffContent ( Stream expected, IChecker checker, Stream value ) : MessageBlock

Описание методов

HasSameSequenceOfBytesAs() публичный статический Метод

Checks that the actual stream has the same content as another one.
public static HasSameSequenceOfBytesAs ( this check, Stream expected ) : ICheckLink>
check this The fluent check to be extended.
expected System.IO.Stream The stream to compare content with.
Результат ICheckLink>