C# Класс NFluent.CharCheckExtensions

Provides check methods to be executed on a char value.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
IsADigit ( this check ) : ICheckLink>

Checks that the checked char is a decimal digit.

IsALetter ( this check ) : ICheckLink>

Checks that the checked char is a letter.

IsAPunctuationMark ( this check ) : ICheckLink>

Checks that the checked char is a punctuation mark.

IsSameLetterAs ( this check, char otherChar ) : ICheckLink>

Checks that the checked char and the given one are the same letter, whatever the case.

IsSameLetterButWithDifferentCaseAs ( this check, char otherChar ) : ICheckLink>

Checks that the checked char is the same letter as the other, but with different case only.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
HaveSameCase ( char checkedChar, char otherChar ) : bool
IsALetter ( char checkedChar ) : bool
IsSameCharCaseInsensitive ( char checkedChar, char otherChar ) : bool

Описание методов

IsADigit() публичный статический Метод

Checks that the checked char is a decimal digit.
The checked is not a decimal digit.
public static IsADigit ( this check ) : ICheckLink>
check this The chained fluent check.
Результат ICheckLink>

IsALetter() публичный статический Метод

Checks that the checked char is a letter.
The checked is not a letter.
public static IsALetter ( this check ) : ICheckLink>
check this The chained fluent check.
Результат ICheckLink>

IsAPunctuationMark() публичный статический Метод

Checks that the checked char is a punctuation mark.
The checked is not a punctuation mark.
public static IsAPunctuationMark ( this check ) : ICheckLink>
check this The chained fluent check.
Результат ICheckLink>

IsSameLetterAs() публичный статический Метод

Checks that the checked char and the given one are the same letter, whatever the case.
The checked is not the same letter as the expected one, whatever the case.
public static IsSameLetterAs ( this check, char otherChar ) : ICheckLink>
check this The chained fluent check.
otherChar char The other char that.
Результат ICheckLink>

IsSameLetterButWithDifferentCaseAs() публичный статический Метод

Checks that the checked char is the same letter as the other, but with different case only.
The checked is not the same as the expected one, or is the same but with the same case.
public static IsSameLetterButWithDifferentCaseAs ( this check, char otherChar ) : ICheckLink>
check this The chained fluent check.
otherChar char The other char that.
Результат ICheckLink>