C# Класс MyMediaLite.IO.KDDCup2011.Track2Items

Class that offers static methods for reading in test data from the KDD Cup 2011 files
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Read ( TextReader reader ) : IList>.Dictionary

Read track 2 candidates from a TextReader

Read ( string filename ) : IList>.Dictionary

Read track 2 candidates from a file

Описание методов

Read() публичный статический Метод

Read track 2 candidates from a TextReader
public static Read ( TextReader reader ) : IList>.Dictionary
reader System.IO.TextReader the to read from
Результат IList>.Dictionary

Read() публичный статический Метод

Read track 2 candidates from a file
public static Read ( string filename ) : IList>.Dictionary
filename string the name of the file to read from, "-" if STDIN
Результат IList>.Dictionary