C# Класс MsgPack.Serialization.PolymorphismSchema

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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
Create PolymorphismSchema
FilterSelf PolymorphismSchema
PolymorphismSchema System
PolymorphismSchema System
PolymorphismSchema System
PolymorphismSchema System
SerializerDebugging type.GetIsValueType()){
ToDebugString void
VerifyArity void

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ForContextSpecifiedCollection ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema itemSchema ) : PolymorphismSchema

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for collection object which uses declared type or context specified concrete type.

ForContextSpecifiedDictionary ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema keySchema, PolymorphismSchema valueSchema ) : PolymorphismSchema

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for dictionary object which uses declared type or context specified concrete type.

ForPolymorphicCollection ( Type targetType, Type>.IDictionary codeTypeMapping, PolymorphismSchema itemSchema ) : PolymorphismSchema

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for collection object which uses ext-type code mapping based polymorphism.

ForPolymorphicCollection ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema itemSchema ) : PolymorphismSchema

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for collection object which uses type embedding based polymorphism.

ForPolymorphicCollection ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema itemSchema, bool>.Func typeVerifier ) : PolymorphismSchema

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for collection object which uses type embedding based polymorphism.

ForPolymorphicDictionary ( Type targetType, Type>.IDictionary codeTypeMapping, PolymorphismSchema keySchema, PolymorphismSchema valueSchema ) : PolymorphismSchema

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for dictionary object which uses ext-type code mapping based polymorphism.

ForPolymorphicDictionary ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema keySchema, PolymorphismSchema valueSchema ) : PolymorphismSchema

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for dictionary object which uses type embedding based polymorphism.

ForPolymorphicDictionary ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema keySchema, PolymorphismSchema valueSchema, bool>.Func typeVerifier ) : PolymorphismSchema

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for dictionary object which uses type embedding based polymorphism.

ForPolymorphicObject ( Type targetType ) : PolymorphismSchema

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for non-collection object which uses type embedding based polymorphism.

ForPolymorphicObject ( Type targetType, bool>.Func typeVerifier ) : PolymorphismSchema

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for non-collection object which uses type embedding based polymorphism.

ForPolymorphicObject ( Type targetType, Type>.IDictionary codeTypeMapping ) : PolymorphismSchema

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for non-collection object which uses ext-type code mapping based polymorphism.

ForPolymorphicTuple ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema itemSchemaList ) : PolymorphismSchema

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for Tuple object.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
Create ( Type type, MsgPack.Serialization.SerializingMember memberMayBeNull ) : PolymorphismSchema
FilterSelf ( ) : PolymorphismSchema
PolymorphismSchema ( ) : System
PolymorphismSchema ( Type targetType, PolymorphismType polymorphismType, bool>.Func typeVerifier, PolymorphismSchemaChildrenType childrenType ) : System
PolymorphismSchema ( Type targetType, PolymorphismType polymorphismType, Type>.IDictionary codeTypeMapping, bool>.Func typeVerifier, PolymorphismSchemaChildrenType childrenType ) : System
PolymorphismSchema ( Type targetType, PolymorphismType polymorphismType, Type>.ReadOnlyDictionary codeTypeMapping, bool>.Func typeVerifier, PolymorphismSchemaChildrenType childrenType, ReadOnlyCollection childItemSchemaList ) : System
SerializerDebugging ( ) : type.GetIsValueType()){
ToDebugString ( System.StringBuilder buffer ) : void
VerifyArity ( Type tupleType, ICollection itemSchemaList ) : void

Описание методов

ForContextSpecifiedCollection() публичный статический Метод

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for collection object which uses declared type or context specified concrete type.
is null.
public static ForContextSpecifiedCollection ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema itemSchema ) : PolymorphismSchema
targetType System.Type The type of the serialization target.
itemSchema PolymorphismSchema The schema for collection items of the serialization target collection.
Результат PolymorphismSchema

ForContextSpecifiedDictionary() публичный статический Метод

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for dictionary object which uses declared type or context specified concrete type.
is null.
public static ForContextSpecifiedDictionary ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema keySchema, PolymorphismSchema valueSchema ) : PolymorphismSchema
targetType System.Type The type of the serialization target.
keySchema PolymorphismSchema The schema for dictionary keys of the serialization target dictionary.
valueSchema PolymorphismSchema The schema for dictionary values of the serialization target dictionary.
Результат PolymorphismSchema

ForPolymorphicCollection() публичный статический Метод

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for collection object which uses ext-type code mapping based polymorphism.
is null.
public static ForPolymorphicCollection ( Type targetType, Type>.IDictionary codeTypeMapping, PolymorphismSchema itemSchema ) : PolymorphismSchema
targetType System.Type The type of the serialization target.
codeTypeMapping Type>.IDictionary The code type mapping which maps between ext-type codes and .NET s.
itemSchema PolymorphismSchema The schema for collection items of the serialization target collection.
Результат PolymorphismSchema

ForPolymorphicCollection() публичный статический Метод

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for collection object which uses type embedding based polymorphism.
is null.
public static ForPolymorphicCollection ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema itemSchema ) : PolymorphismSchema
targetType System.Type The type of the serialization target.
itemSchema PolymorphismSchema The schema for collection items of the serialization target collection.
Результат PolymorphismSchema

ForPolymorphicCollection() публичный статический Метод

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for collection object which uses type embedding based polymorphism.
is null.
public static ForPolymorphicCollection ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema itemSchema, bool>.Func typeVerifier ) : PolymorphismSchema
targetType System.Type The type of the serialization target.
itemSchema PolymorphismSchema The schema for collection items of the serialization target collection.
typeVerifier bool>.Func The delegate which verifies loading type in runtime type polymorphism.
Результат PolymorphismSchema

ForPolymorphicDictionary() публичный статический Метод

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for dictionary object which uses ext-type code mapping based polymorphism.
is null.
public static ForPolymorphicDictionary ( Type targetType, Type>.IDictionary codeTypeMapping, PolymorphismSchema keySchema, PolymorphismSchema valueSchema ) : PolymorphismSchema
targetType System.Type The type of the serialization target.
codeTypeMapping Type>.IDictionary The code type mapping which maps between ext-type codes and .NET s.
keySchema PolymorphismSchema The schema for dictionary keys of the serialization target dictionary.
valueSchema PolymorphismSchema The schema for dictionary values of the serialization target dictionary.
Результат PolymorphismSchema

ForPolymorphicDictionary() публичный статический Метод

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for dictionary object which uses type embedding based polymorphism.
is null.
public static ForPolymorphicDictionary ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema keySchema, PolymorphismSchema valueSchema ) : PolymorphismSchema
targetType System.Type The type of the serialization target.
keySchema PolymorphismSchema The schema for dictionary keys of the serialization target dictionary.
valueSchema PolymorphismSchema The schema for dictionary values of the serialization target dictionary.
Результат PolymorphismSchema

ForPolymorphicDictionary() публичный статический Метод

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for dictionary object which uses type embedding based polymorphism.
is null.
public static ForPolymorphicDictionary ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema keySchema, PolymorphismSchema valueSchema, bool>.Func typeVerifier ) : PolymorphismSchema
targetType System.Type The type of the serialization target.
keySchema PolymorphismSchema The schema for dictionary keys of the serialization target dictionary.
valueSchema PolymorphismSchema The schema for dictionary values of the serialization target dictionary.
typeVerifier bool>.Func The delegate which verifies loading type in runtime type polymorphism.
Результат PolymorphismSchema

ForPolymorphicObject() публичный статический Метод

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for non-collection object which uses type embedding based polymorphism.
is null.
public static ForPolymorphicObject ( Type targetType ) : PolymorphismSchema
targetType System.Type The type of the serialization target.
Результат PolymorphismSchema

ForPolymorphicObject() публичный статический Метод

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for non-collection object which uses type embedding based polymorphism.
is null.
public static ForPolymorphicObject ( Type targetType, bool>.Func typeVerifier ) : PolymorphismSchema
targetType System.Type The type of the serialization target.
typeVerifier bool>.Func The delegate which verifies loading type in runtime type polymorphism.
Результат PolymorphismSchema

ForPolymorphicObject() публичный статический Метод

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for non-collection object which uses ext-type code mapping based polymorphism.
is null.
public static ForPolymorphicObject ( Type targetType, Type>.IDictionary codeTypeMapping ) : PolymorphismSchema
targetType System.Type The type of the serialization target.
codeTypeMapping Type>.IDictionary The code-type mapping which maps between ext-type codes and .NET s.
Результат PolymorphismSchema

ForPolymorphicTuple() публичный статический Метод

Creates a new instance of the PolymorphismSchema class for Tuple object.
is null. A count of does not match for an arity of the tuple type specified as .
public static ForPolymorphicTuple ( Type targetType, PolymorphismSchema itemSchemaList ) : PolymorphismSchema
targetType System.Type The type of the serialization target.
itemSchemaList PolymorphismSchema The schema for collection items of the serialization target tuple. null or empty indicates all items do not have any polymorphism.
Результат PolymorphismSchema