C# Класс Monobjc.GLKit.GLKVector2

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
x float
y float

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Add ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : GLKVector2

Returns the sum of two vectors.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Add ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

AddScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new vector created by adding a scalar value to each component of a vector.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2AddScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

AllEqualToScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : bool

Returns a Boolean value that states whether all the components of the source vector are equal to a scalar value.

Original signature is 'bool GLKVector2AllEqualToScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

AllEqualToVector2 ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : bool

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether each component of the first vector is equal to the corresponding component of a second vector.

Original signature is 'bool GLKVector2AllEqualToVector2 ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

AllGreaterThanOrEqualToScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : bool

Returns a Boolean value that states whether all the components of the source vector are greater than or equal to a scalar value.

Original signature is 'bool GLKVector2AllGreaterThanOrEqualToScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

AllGreaterThanOrEqualToVector2 ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : bool

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether each component of the first vector is greater than or equal to the corresponding component of a second vector.

Original signature is 'bool GLKVector2AllGreaterThanOrEqualToVector2 ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

AllGreaterThanScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : bool

Returns a Boolean value that states whether all the components of the source vector are greater than a scalar value.

Original signature is 'bool GLKVector2AllGreaterThanScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

AllGreaterThanVector2 ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : bool

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether each component of the first vector is greater than the corresponding component of a second vector.

Original signature is 'bool GLKVector2AllGreaterThanVector2 ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

Distance ( GLKVector2 vectorStart, GLKVector2 vectorEnd ) : float

Returns the distance between two points.

Original signature is 'float GLKVector2Distance ( GLKVector2 vectorStart, GLKVector2 vectorEnd ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

Divide ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new vector created by dividing one vector by another.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Divide ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

DivideScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new vector created by dividing each component of a vector by a scalar value.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2DivideScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

DotProduct ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : float

Returns the dot product of two vectors.

Original signature is 'float GLKVector2.DotProduct ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

GLKVector2 ( float x, float y ) : System.Runtime.InteropServices

Initializes a new instance of the Monobjc.GLKit.GLKVector2 struct.

Length ( GLKVector2 vector ) : float

Returns the length of a vector.

Original signature is 'float GLKVector2Length ( GLKVector2 vector ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

Lerp ( GLKVector2 vectorStart, GLKVector2 vectorEnd, float t ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new vector created by linearly interpreting between two vectors.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Lerp ( GLKVector2 vectorStart, GLKVector2 vectorEnd, float t ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

Make ( float x, float y ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new two-component vector created from individual component values.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Make ( float x, float y ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

MakeWithArray ( IntPtr values ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new two-component vector created from an array of components.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2MakeWithArray ( float values[2] ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

Maximum ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new vector whose component value at each position is the largest component value at the same position of the two source vectors.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Maximum ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

Minimum ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new vector whose component value at each position is the smallest component value at the same position of the two source vectors.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Minimum ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

Multiply ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new vector created by multiplying one vector by another.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Multiply ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

MultiplyScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new vector created by multiplying each component of a vector by a scalar value.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2.MultiplyScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

Negate ( GLKVector2 vector ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new vector created by negating the component values of another vector.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Negate ( GLKVector2 vector ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

Normalize ( GLKVector2 vector ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new vector created by normalizing an input vector to a length of 1.0.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Normalize ( GLKVector2 vector ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

Project ( GLKVector2 vectorToProject, GLKVector2 projectionVector ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new vector created by projecting a vector onto another vector

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Project ( GLKVector2 vectorToProject, GLKVector2 projectionVector ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

Subtract ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : GLKVector2

Returns the difference between two vectors.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Subtract ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

SubtractScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : GLKVector2

Returns a new vector created by subtracting a scalar value from each component of a vector.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2SubtractScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

Описание методов

Add() публичный статический Метод

Returns the sum of two vectors.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Add ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static Add ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : GLKVector2
vectorLeft GLKVector2 MISSING
vectorRight GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

AddScalar() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new vector created by adding a scalar value to each component of a vector.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2AddScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static AddScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : GLKVector2
vector GLKVector2 MISSING
value float MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

AllEqualToScalar() публичный статический Метод

Returns a Boolean value that states whether all the components of the source vector are equal to a scalar value.

Original signature is 'bool GLKVector2AllEqualToScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static AllEqualToScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : bool
vector GLKVector2 MISSING
value float MISSING
Результат bool

AllEqualToVector2() публичный статический Метод

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether each component of the first vector is equal to the corresponding component of a second vector.

Original signature is 'bool GLKVector2AllEqualToVector2 ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static AllEqualToVector2 ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : bool
vectorLeft GLKVector2 MISSING
vectorRight GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат bool

AllGreaterThanOrEqualToScalar() публичный статический Метод

Returns a Boolean value that states whether all the components of the source vector are greater than or equal to a scalar value.

Original signature is 'bool GLKVector2AllGreaterThanOrEqualToScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static AllGreaterThanOrEqualToScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : bool
vector GLKVector2 MISSING
value float MISSING
Результат bool

AllGreaterThanOrEqualToVector2() публичный статический Метод

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether each component of the first vector is greater than or equal to the corresponding component of a second vector.

Original signature is 'bool GLKVector2AllGreaterThanOrEqualToVector2 ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static AllGreaterThanOrEqualToVector2 ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : bool
vectorLeft GLKVector2 MISSING
vectorRight GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат bool

AllGreaterThanScalar() публичный статический Метод

Returns a Boolean value that states whether all the components of the source vector are greater than a scalar value.

Original signature is 'bool GLKVector2AllGreaterThanScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static AllGreaterThanScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : bool
vector GLKVector2 MISSING
value float MISSING
Результат bool

AllGreaterThanVector2() публичный статический Метод

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether each component of the first vector is greater than the corresponding component of a second vector.

Original signature is 'bool GLKVector2AllGreaterThanVector2 ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static AllGreaterThanVector2 ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : bool
vectorLeft GLKVector2 MISSING
vectorRight GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат bool

Distance() публичный статический Метод

Returns the distance between two points.

Original signature is 'float GLKVector2Distance ( GLKVector2 vectorStart, GLKVector2 vectorEnd ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static Distance ( GLKVector2 vectorStart, GLKVector2 vectorEnd ) : float
vectorStart GLKVector2 MISSING
vectorEnd GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат float

Divide() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new vector created by dividing one vector by another.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Divide ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static Divide ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : GLKVector2
vectorLeft GLKVector2 MISSING
vectorRight GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

DivideScalar() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new vector created by dividing each component of a vector by a scalar value.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2DivideScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static DivideScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : GLKVector2
vector GLKVector2 MISSING
value float MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

DotProduct() публичный статический Метод

Returns the dot product of two vectors.

Original signature is 'float GLKVector2.DotProduct ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static DotProduct ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : float
vectorLeft GLKVector2 MISSING
vectorRight GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат float

GLKVector2() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the Monobjc.GLKit.GLKVector2 struct.
public GLKVector2 ( float x, float y ) : System.Runtime.InteropServices
x float
y float
Результат System.Runtime.InteropServices

Length() публичный статический Метод

Returns the length of a vector.

Original signature is 'float GLKVector2Length ( GLKVector2 vector ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static Length ( GLKVector2 vector ) : float
vector GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат float

Lerp() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new vector created by linearly interpreting between two vectors.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Lerp ( GLKVector2 vectorStart, GLKVector2 vectorEnd, float t ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static Lerp ( GLKVector2 vectorStart, GLKVector2 vectorEnd, float t ) : GLKVector2
vectorStart GLKVector2 MISSING
vectorEnd GLKVector2 MISSING
t float MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

Make() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new two-component vector created from individual component values.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Make ( float x, float y ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static Make ( float x, float y ) : GLKVector2
x float MISSING
y float MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

MakeWithArray() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new two-component vector created from an array of components.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2MakeWithArray ( float values[2] ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static MakeWithArray ( IntPtr values ) : GLKVector2
values IntPtr MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

Maximum() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new vector whose component value at each position is the largest component value at the same position of the two source vectors.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Maximum ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static Maximum ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : GLKVector2
vectorLeft GLKVector2 MISSING
vectorRight GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

Minimum() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new vector whose component value at each position is the smallest component value at the same position of the two source vectors.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Minimum ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static Minimum ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : GLKVector2
vectorLeft GLKVector2 MISSING
vectorRight GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

Multiply() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new vector created by multiplying one vector by another.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Multiply ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static Multiply ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : GLKVector2
vectorLeft GLKVector2 MISSING
vectorRight GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

MultiplyScalar() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new vector created by multiplying each component of a vector by a scalar value.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2.MultiplyScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static MultiplyScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : GLKVector2
vector GLKVector2 MISSING
value float MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

Negate() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new vector created by negating the component values of another vector.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Negate ( GLKVector2 vector ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static Negate ( GLKVector2 vector ) : GLKVector2
vector GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

Normalize() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new vector created by normalizing an input vector to a length of 1.0.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Normalize ( GLKVector2 vector ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static Normalize ( GLKVector2 vector ) : GLKVector2
vector GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

Project() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new vector created by projecting a vector onto another vector

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Project ( GLKVector2 vectorToProject, GLKVector2 projectionVector ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static Project ( GLKVector2 vectorToProject, GLKVector2 projectionVector ) : GLKVector2
vectorToProject GLKVector2 MISSING
projectionVector GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

Subtract() публичный статический Метод

Returns the difference between two vectors.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2Subtract ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static Subtract ( GLKVector2 vectorLeft, GLKVector2 vectorRight ) : GLKVector2
vectorLeft GLKVector2 MISSING
vectorRight GLKVector2 MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

SubtractScalar() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new vector created by subtracting a scalar value from each component of a vector.

Original signature is 'GLKVector2 GLKVector2SubtractScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) {}'

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

public static SubtractScalar ( GLKVector2 vector, float value ) : GLKVector2
vector GLKVector2 MISSING
value float MISSING
Результат GLKVector2

Описание свойств

x публичное свойство

The first element.

public float x
Результат float

y публичное свойство

The second element.

public float y
Результат float