C# Класс MonoSoftware.MonoX.Resources.DefaultResources

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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
DefaultResources System

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ActivationEmailRecovery_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ActivationEmailRecovery_Title property value.

ActivationEmailRecovery_UserNameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ActivationEmailRecovery_UserName property value.

AjaxConfirm_ConfirmDialogMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the AjaxConfirm_ConfirmDialogMessage property value.

AjaxConfirm_ConfirmDialogTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the AjaxConfirm_ConfirmDialogTitle property value.

AjaxConfirm_DeleteDialogMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the AjaxConfirm_DeleteDialogMessage property value.

AjaxConfirm_DeleteDialogTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the AjaxConfirm_DeleteDialogTitle property value.

Button_CancelFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Cancel property value.

Button_Cancel_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Cancel_AccessKey property value.

Button_ChangeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Change property value.

Button_CloseFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Close property value.

Button_Close_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Close_AccessKey property value.

Button_DeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Delete property value.

Button_Delete_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Delete_AccessKey property value.

Button_EditFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Edit property value.

Button_Edit_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Edit_AccessKey property value.

Button_OKFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_OK property value.

Button_OK_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_OK_AccessKey property value.

Button_SaveFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Save property value.

Button_Save_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Save_AccessKey property value.

Button_SendFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Send property value.

Button_Send_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Send_AccessKey property value.

Button_UpdateFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Update property value.

Button_Update_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Update_AccessKey property value.

Button_UploadFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Upload property value.

Button_Upload_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Upload_AccessKey property value.

CachedOnFormatTextFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Cached on {0}'.

Captcha_ImageTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_ImageTitle property value.

Captcha_ImgCaptcha_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_ImgCaptcha_ToolTip property value.

Captcha_LblInvalidCaptcha_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_LblInvalidCaptcha_Text property value.

Captcha_LoadingFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_Loading property value.

Captcha_LongInfoFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_LongInfo property value.

Captcha_RefreshCodeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_RefreshCode property value.

Captcha_ReqCaptchaCode_ErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_ReqCaptchaCode_ErrorMessage property value.

Captcha_ShortInfoFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_ShortInfo property value.

Captcha_imgCaptcha_AlternateTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_imgCaptcha_AlternateText property value.

Confirmation_RequestErrorTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Confirmation_RequestErrorText property value.

Confirmation_RequestErrorTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Confirmation_RequestErrorTitle property value.

ContactForm_AddressLabelFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_AddressLabel property value.

ContactForm_ContactInfoTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_ContactInfoTitle property value.

ContactForm_EmailFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_Email property value.

ContactForm_EmailInvalidFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_EmailInvalid property value.

ContactForm_EmailRequiredFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_EmailRequired property value.

ContactForm_FaxLabelFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_FaxLabel property value.

ContactForm_MessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_Message property value.

ContactForm_MissingContactEMailAddressFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_MissingContactEMailAddress property value.

ContactForm_NameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_Name property value.

ContactForm_NameRequiredFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_NameRequired property value.

ContactForm_PhoneLabelFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_PhoneLabel property value.

ContactForm_SendButtonFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_SendButton property value.

ContactForm_SubjectFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_Subject property value.

ContactForm_SubjectRequiredFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_SubjectRequired property value.

ContactForm_SuccessfulSendFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_SuccessfulSend property value.

ContactForm_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_Title property value.

ContactForm_UnSuccessfulSendFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_UnSuccessfulSend property value.

CropImage_CancelFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the CropImage_Cancel property value.

CropImage_CropCaptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the CropImage_CropCaption property value.

CropImage_RotateFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the CropImage_Rotate property value.

CustomRadEditor_MaxLenReachedFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'You have reached maximum number ({0}) of allowed characters!'.

DateTimeExtension_DaysAgoFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} day(s)'.

DateTimeExtension_FormatPrefixFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_FormatPrefix property value.

DateTimeExtension_FormatSufixFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_FormatSufix property value.

DateTimeExtension_HoursAgoFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} hour(s)'.

DateTimeExtension_JustNowFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_JustNow property value.

DateTimeExtension_MinutesAgoFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} minute(s)'.

DateTimeExtension_MonthsAgoFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} month(s)'.

DateTimeExtension_OneHourAgoFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_OneHourAgo property value.

DateTimeExtension_OneMinuteAgoFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_OneMinuteAgo property value.

DateTimeExtension_OneWeekAgoFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_OneWeekAgo property value.

DateTimeExtension_OneYearAgoFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_OneYearAgo property value.

DateTimeExtension_WeeksAgoFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} week(s)'.

DateTimeExtension_YearsAgoFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} year(s)'.

DateTimeExtension_YesterdayFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_Yesterday property value.

DemoIndicatorFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DemoIndicator property value.

DropHereFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DropHere property value.

DualListBox_MaxErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DualListBox_MaxErrorMessage property value.

DualListBox_MinErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DualListBox_MinErrorMessage property value.

DualListBox_MinItemsRequiredFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Minimum of {0} items are required!'.

DualListBox_NoPreferenceFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DualListBox_NoPreference property value.

DynamicPager_ViewLessFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DynamicPager_ViewLess property value.

DynamicPager_ViewMoreFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the DynamicPager_ViewMore property value.

Email_Activation_HtmlContentFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Dear <i>{0}</i>, this is an account activation e-mail from {1}. Please click on the following link in order to activate your account: <br /><br /> <a href="{2}">{2}</a> <br /><br /><br /> Sincerely, <br /><br /> Your {1} team'.

Email_Activation_PlainContentFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Dear {0}, this is an account activation e-mail from {1}. Please go to the following link in order to activate your account: {2} Sincerely, Your {1} team'.

Email_Activation_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Email_Activation_Title property value.

Email_PasswordRecoveryRequest_HtmlContentFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Dear <i>{0}</i>, we have just received a password retrieval request for your username at {1}. <br /><br /> Please click here to change your password: <b>{2}</b> <br /><br /><br /> Sincerely, <br /><br /> Your {1} team'.

Email_PasswordRecoveryRequest_PlainContentFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Dear {0}, we have received a password retrieval request for your username at {1}. Please click here to change your password: {2} Sincerely, Your {1} team'.

Email_PasswordRecovery_HtmlContentFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Dear <i>{0}</i>, we have just received a password retrieval request for your username at {1}. <br /><br /> Your password is: <b>{2}</b> <br /><br /><br /> Sincerely, <br /><br /> Your {1} team'.

Email_PasswordRecovery_PlainContentFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Dear {0}, we have received a password retrieval request for your username at {1}. Your password is: {2} Sincerely, Your {1} team'.

Email_PasswordRecovery_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Email_PasswordRecovery_Title property value.

ErrorMessage_ActivationEmailFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'An uexpected error has occured while sending you an activation e-mail. Your account has been successfully created but you can't login until you activate it via activation e-mail. To resend your activation e-mail please go to the <a href="{0}">Activation e-mail recovery</a> page. If the problem persists, please contact us.'.

ErrorMessage_ActivationEmailRecovery_UserAlreadyActiveFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_ActivationEmailRecovery_UserAlreadyActive property value.

ErrorMessage_ActivationUrlFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_ActivationUrl property value.

ErrorMessage_InvalidUserNameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_InvalidUserName property value.

ErrorMessage_LoginFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_Login property value.

ErrorMessage_Login_LockedOutFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_Login_LockedOut property value.

ErrorMessage_Login_NotActivatedFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Your account has not yet been activated. Please activate it via an activation e-mail we sent you. If you didn't get the e-mail, then please try resending it by going to the <a href="{0}">Activation E-mail Recovery</a> page. If you can't send or receive the activation e-mail, please contact us.'.

ErrorMessage_NotEnablePasswordResetFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_NotEnablePasswordReset property value.

ErrorMessage_NotEnablePasswordRetrievalFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_NotEnablePasswordRetrieval property value.

ErrorMessage_OpenId_AuthenticationCanceledFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_OpenId_AuthenticationCanceled property value.

ErrorMessage_OpenId_AuthenticationFailedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_OpenId_AuthenticationFailed property value.

ErrorMessage_OpenId_FormatFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_OpenId_Format property value.

ErrorMessage_OpenId_ImmediateModeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_OpenId_ImmediateMode property value.

ErrorMessage_UploadFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_Upload property value.

ErrorMessage_UserAccountHasBeenLockedOutFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_UserAccountHasBeenLockedOut property value.

Global_EmailFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Global_Email property value.

Global_ErrorFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Global_Error property value.

Global_OKFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Global_OK property value.

Global_PasswordFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Global_Password property value.

Global_RepeatPasswordFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Global_RepeatPassword property value.

Global_UserNameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Global_UserName property value.

GoogleMaps_DefaultLocationFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the GoogleMaps_DefaultLocation property value.

HTML5Upload_UploadFilesTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the HTML5Upload_UploadFilesText property value.

HTML5Upload_UploadFilesTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the HTML5Upload_UploadFilesTitle property value.

HtmlEditor_DefaultTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_DefaultText property value.

HtmlEditor_DefaultTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_DefaultTitle property value.

HtmlEditor_EditVerbDescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_EditVerbDescription property value.

HtmlEditor_EditVerbTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_EditVerbText property value.

HtmlEditor_HistoryFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_History property value.

HtmlEditor_ResetConfirmationFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_ResetConfirmation property value.

HtmlEditor_ResetVerbDescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_ResetVerbDescription property value.

HtmlEditor_ResetVerbTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_ResetVerbText property value.

Label_LoadingFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Label_Loading property value.

Label_NoDataFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Label_NoData property value.

LocaleChanger_DefaultLangTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LocaleChanger_DefaultLangTitle property value.

LoginName_FormatStringFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'You are logged in as: {0}'.

LoginRpx_EmailDescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginRpx_EmailDescription property value.

LoginRpx_EmailFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginRpx_Email property value.

LoginRpx_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginRpx_Title property value.

LoginSocial_AccountCreationNotAllowedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_AccountCreationNotAllowed property value.

LoginSocial_EmailFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_Email property value.

LoginSocial_EmailInvalidFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_EmailInvalid property value.

LoginSocial_EmailNeededFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_EmailNeeded property value.

LoginSocial_ErrorMessageFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'An error has occured while opening an account using the selected social network: {0}'.

LoginSocial_InfoMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_InfoMessage property value.

LoginSocial_InfoTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_InfoTitle property value.

LoginSocial_LoginWithFacebookFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_LoginWithFacebook property value.

LoginSocial_LoginWithGoogleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_LoginWithGoogle property value.

LoginSocial_LoginWithLinkedInFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_LoginWithLinkedIn property value.

LoginSocial_LoginWithTwitterFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_LoginWithTwitter property value.

LoginSocial_ProceedButtonFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_ProceedButton property value.

LoginSocial_SubTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_SubTitle property value.

LoginSocial_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_Title property value.

LoginSocial_UnableToConnectFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_UnableToConnect property value.

LoginSocial_VerifyEmailFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'We've been able to locate your account on our site, however, our records indicate that you didn't verify your identity by clicking on a link in the mail message that was sent to your address. You need to do this before your account becomes fully functional. Please verify that your address is correct and click <a href="{0}">here</a> if you want us to re-send the activation message.'.

LoginStatus_LoginTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginStatus_LoginText property value.

LoginStatus_LogoutTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the LoginStatus_LogoutText property value.

Login_LoginFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_Login property value.

Login_OpenIdFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId property value.

Login_OpenId_Error_CreateFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_Error_Create property value.

Login_OpenId_ExampleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_Example property value.

Login_OpenId_LoginFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_Login property value.

Login_OpenId_PasswordQuestionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_PasswordQuestion property value.

Login_OpenId_RegisterFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_Register property value.

Login_OpenId_Register_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_Register_ToolTip property value.

Login_OpenId_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_Title property value.

Login_PasswordFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_Password property value.

Login_PasswordRecoveryTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_PasswordRecoveryText property value.

Login_RegisterFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_Register property value.

Login_RegisterInvitationFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_RegisterInvitation property value.

Login_RememberMeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_RememberMe property value.

Login_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_Title property value.

Login_UserNameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_UserName property value.

Login_ViewProfileFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Login_ViewProfile property value.

MembershipEditor_CreateAccountFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_CreateAccount property value.

MembershipEditor_EmailFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_Email property value.

MembershipEditor_PasswordFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_Password property value.

MembershipEditor_RememberMeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_RememberMe property value.

MembershipEditor_RepeatPasswordFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_RepeatPassword property value.

MembershipEditor_TimeZoneFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_TimeZone property value.

MembershipEditor_Title_CreateAccountFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_Title_CreateAccount property value.

MembershipEditor_Title_UpdateAccountFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_Title_UpdateAccount property value.

MembershipEditor_UpdateAccountFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_UpdateAccount property value.

MembershipEditor_UserNameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_UserName property value.

MessageCenterFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MessageCenter property value.

Message_AccountActivated_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Message_AccountActivated_Description property value.

Message_AccountActivated_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Message_AccountActivated_Title property value.

Message_AccountActivationEmailSent_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Message_AccountActivationEmailSent_Description property value.

Message_AccountActivationEmailSent_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Message_AccountActivationEmailSent_Title property value.

Message_AccountCreated_DescriptionFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Thanks for creating your account. The last step you need to do is activating it. An e-mail has been sent to the address you provided.To activate your account, please click on the link in the e-mail. Your account we'll be activated and you'll be automatically signed in.<br /><br />If you don't get the e-mail within 10 minutes, please try to resend it by going to the <a href="{0}">Activation E-mail Recovery</a> page. If you keep experiencing problems, please contact us.'.

Message_AccountCreated_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Message_AccountCreated_Title property value.

Message_AccountUpdatedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Message_AccountUpdated property value.

Message_PasswordRecoveryEmailSent_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Message_PasswordRecoveryEmailSent_Description property value.

Message_PasswordRecoveryEmailSent_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Message_PasswordRecoveryEmailSent_Title property value.

MonoXMaster_AppearanceEditorPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_AppearanceEditorPart_Title property value.

MonoXMaster_AutoRegisterCatalogPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_AutoRegisterCatalogPart_Title property value.

MonoXMaster_BehaviorEditorPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_BehaviorEditorPart_Title property value.

MonoXMaster_CatalogPane_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CatalogPane_Text property value.

MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_EmptyZoneTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_EmptyZoneText property value.

MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_HeaderTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_HeaderText property value.

MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_InstructionTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_InstructionText property value.

MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_SelectTargetZoneTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_SelectTargetZoneText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsPane_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsPane_Text property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConfigureConnectionTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConfigureConnectionTitle property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerInstructionTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerInstructionText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerTitle property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderInstructionTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderInstructionText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderTitle property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConsumersInstructionTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConsumersInstructionText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConsumersTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConsumersTitle property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ExistingConnectionErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ExistingConnectionErrorMessage property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GeneralInstructionsTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GeneralInstructionsText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GetFromTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GetFromText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GetTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GetText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_HeaderTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_HeaderText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_InstructionTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_InstructionText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_InstructionTitleFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Manage the connections for {0}'.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NewConnectionErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NewConnectionErrorMessage property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NoExistingConnectionInstructionTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NoExistingConnectionInstructionText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NoExistingConnectionTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NoExistingConnectionTitle property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ProvidersInstructionTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ProvidersInstructionText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ProvidersTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ProvidersTitle property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_SendTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_SendText property value.

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_SendToTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_SendToText property value.

MonoXMaster_ControlsPaneHeader_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ControlsPaneHeader_Text property value.

MonoXMaster_ControlsPane_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ControlsPane_Text property value.

MonoXMaster_CopiedCatalogPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CopiedCatalogPart_Title property value.

MonoXMaster_CurrentLanguageTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CurrentLanguageText property value.

MonoXMaster_CurrentModeTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CurrentModeText property value.

MonoXMaster_DeclarativeCatalogPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_DeclarativeCatalogPart_Title property value.

MonoXMaster_EditorPane_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorPane_Text property value.

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_ApplyVerb_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_ApplyVerb_Description property value.

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_ApplyVerb_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_ApplyVerb_Text property value.

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_CancelVerb_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_CancelVerb_Description property value.

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_CancelVerb_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_CancelVerb_Text property value.

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_EmptyZoneTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_EmptyZoneText property value.

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_HeaderTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_HeaderText property value.

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_InstructionTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_InstructionText property value.

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_OKVerb_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_OKVerb_Description property value.

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_OKVerb_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_OKVerb_Text property value.

MonoXMaster_HiddenCatalogPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_HiddenCatalogPart_Title property value.

MonoXMaster_ImgHelp_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ImgHelp_ToolTip property value.

MonoXMaster_ImgToggle_AlternateTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ImgToggle_AlternateText property value.

MonoXMaster_ImgToggle_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ImgToggle_ToolTip property value.

MonoXMaster_ImportCatalogPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ImportCatalogPart_Title property value.

MonoXMaster_LayoutEditorPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LayoutEditorPart_Title property value.

MonoXMaster_LoginNameShort_FormatStringFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'You are logged in as: {0}'.

MonoXMaster_LoginName_FormatStringFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'You are logged in as: {0}'.

MonoXMaster_LoginName_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LoginName_ToolTip property value.

MonoXMaster_LoginStatusShort_LogoutTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LoginStatusShort_LogoutText property value.

MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_LoginTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_LoginText property value.

MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_LogoutTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_LogoutText property value.

MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_ToolTip property value.

MonoXMaster_LtlClickHere_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LtlClickHere_Text property value.

MonoXMaster_LtlPortalAdmin_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LtlPortalAdmin_Text property value.

MonoXMaster_PageCatalogPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PageCatalogPart_Title property value.

MonoXMaster_PageTasksPane_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PageTasksPane_Text property value.

MonoXMaster_PnlToggle_GroupingTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PnlToggle_GroupingText property value.

MonoXMaster_PnlToggle_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PnlToggle_ToolTip property value.

MonoXMaster_PnlToolboxMain_GroupingTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PnlToolboxMain_GroupingText property value.

MonoXMaster_PnlToolboxMain_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PnlToolboxMain_ToolTip property value.

MonoXMaster_PortalModuleTasksPane_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PortalModuleTasksPane_Text property value.

MonoXMaster_PropertyGridEditorPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PropertyGridEditorPart_Title property value.

MonoXRating_CaptionFormat ( object arg0, object arg1 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Rated {0:f2}, {1} vote(s).'.

MonoXRating_CaptionToolTipFormat ( object arg0, object arg1 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Content is rated {0:f2} of {1} vote(s).'.

MonoXRating_NoRatePermissionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXRating_NoRatePermission property value.

MonoXRating_NotRatedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXRating_NotRated property value.

MonoXRating_RatedByNotMemberFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXRating_RatedByNotMember property value.

MonoXRating_RatingHistorySubTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXRating_RatingHistorySubTitle property value.

MonoXRating_RatingHistoryTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXRating_RatingHistoryTitle property value.

MonoXRating_ViewHistoryFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXRating_ViewHistory property value.

News_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the News_Title property value.

NotValidUserDataPPFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the NotValidUserDataPP property value.

OpenSocial_AllowFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the OpenSocial_Allow property value.

OpenSocial_DenyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the OpenSocial_Deny property value.

OpenSocial_RequestMessageFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} application wants to access your social data.'.

PageModeChanger_ModeDropdownToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PageModeChanger_ModeDropdownToolTip property value.

PasswordRecovery_ChangeNoteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordRecovery_ChangeNote property value.

PasswordRecovery_RequestExpiredFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordRecovery_RequestExpired property value.

PasswordRecovery_SentSuccessfullyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordRecovery_SentSuccessfully property value.

PasswordRecovery_SentUnSuccessfullyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordRecovery_SentUnSuccessfully property value.

PasswordRecovery_TitleChangeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordRecovery_TitleChange property value.

PasswordRecovery_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordRecovery_Title property value.

PasswordlRecovery_UserNameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordlRecovery_UserName property value.

PeopleSearch_DefaultTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_DefaultText property value.

Poll_ResultsButtonTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Poll_ResultsButtonText property value.

Poll_TotalVotesTemplateTextFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Total: {0} vote(s).'.

Poll_VoteButtonTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Poll_VoteButtonText property value.

RecentPhotos_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the RecentPhotos_Title property value.

RecentPhotos_ViewAllAlbumsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the RecentPhotos_ViewAllAlbums property value.

RefreshFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Refresh property value.

Registration_RegistrationNotAllowed_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Registration_RegistrationNotAllowed_Description property value.

Registration_RegistrationNotAllowed_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Registration_RegistrationNotAllowed_Title property value.

RelatedContent_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the RelatedContent_Title property value.

Search_BtnSearch2Format ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Search_BtnSearch2 property value.

Search_BtnSearchTooltipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Search_BtnSearchTooltip property value.

Search_EnterSearchPhraseFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Search_EnterSearchPhrase property value.

Search_GoFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Search_Go property value.

Search_LabNoSearchProviderSelectedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Search_LabNoSearchProviderSelected property value.

SiteSearch_DefaultTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the SiteSearch_DefaultText property value.

SlideShow_NextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the SlideShow_Next property value.

SlideShow_PrevFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the SlideShow_Prev property value.

SlideShow_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the SlideShow_Title property value.

SocialDisconnect_EmptyButtonListFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the SocialDisconnect_EmptyButtonList property value.

SocialDisconnect_FacebookButtonTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the SocialDisconnect_FacebookButtonText property value.

SocialDisconnect_GoogleButtonTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the SocialDisconnect_GoogleButtonText property value.

SocialDisconnect_LinkedInButtonTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the SocialDisconnect_LinkedInButtonText property value.

SocialDisconnect_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the SocialDisconnect_Title property value.

SocialDisconnect_TwitterButtonTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the SocialDisconnect_TwitterButtonText property value.

SyntaxHighlighter_EmptyPlaceHolderCaptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the SyntaxHighlighter_EmptyPlaceHolderCaption property value.

SyntaxHighlighter_MenuRootItemCaptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the SyntaxHighlighter_MenuRootItemCaption property value.

UserPicker_ErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the UserPicker_ErrorMessage property value.

UserPicker_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the UserPicker_ToolTip property value.

ValidationMessage_EmailFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Please enter a valid e-mail address for '{0}'.'.

ValidationMessage_NameFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Please only use letters, numbers and punctuation for the '{0}'.'.

ValidationMessage_PasswordMatchFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the ValidationMessage_PasswordMatch property value.

ValidationMessage_RequiredFieldFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Please enter a value for '{0}'.'.

VideoArgumentsEditorPart_AddVideoFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the VideoArgumentsEditorPart_AddVideo property value.

VideoArgumentsEditorPart_VideoMimeTypeLabelFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the VideoArgumentsEditorPart_VideoMimeTypeLabel property value.

VideoArgumentsEditorPart_VideoURLLabelFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the VideoArgumentsEditorPart_VideoURLLabel property value.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
DefaultResources ( ) : System

Описание методов

ActivationEmailRecovery_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ActivationEmailRecovery_Title property value.
public static ActivationEmailRecovery_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ActivationEmailRecovery_UserNameFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ActivationEmailRecovery_UserName property value.
public static ActivationEmailRecovery_UserNameFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

AjaxConfirm_ConfirmDialogMessageFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the AjaxConfirm_ConfirmDialogMessage property value.
public static AjaxConfirm_ConfirmDialogMessageFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

AjaxConfirm_ConfirmDialogTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the AjaxConfirm_ConfirmDialogTitle property value.
public static AjaxConfirm_ConfirmDialogTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

AjaxConfirm_DeleteDialogMessageFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the AjaxConfirm_DeleteDialogMessage property value.
public static AjaxConfirm_DeleteDialogMessageFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

AjaxConfirm_DeleteDialogTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the AjaxConfirm_DeleteDialogTitle property value.
public static AjaxConfirm_DeleteDialogTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_CancelFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Cancel property value.
public static Button_CancelFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_Cancel_AccessKeyFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Cancel_AccessKey property value.
public static Button_Cancel_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_ChangeFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Change property value.
public static Button_ChangeFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_CloseFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Close property value.
public static Button_CloseFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_Close_AccessKeyFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Close_AccessKey property value.
public static Button_Close_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_DeleteFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Delete property value.
public static Button_DeleteFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_Delete_AccessKeyFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Delete_AccessKey property value.
public static Button_Delete_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_EditFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Edit property value.
public static Button_EditFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_Edit_AccessKeyFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Edit_AccessKey property value.
public static Button_Edit_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_OKFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_OK property value.
public static Button_OKFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_OK_AccessKeyFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_OK_AccessKey property value.
public static Button_OK_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_SaveFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Save property value.
public static Button_SaveFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_Save_AccessKeyFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Save_AccessKey property value.
public static Button_Save_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_SendFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Send property value.
public static Button_SendFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_Send_AccessKeyFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Send_AccessKey property value.
public static Button_Send_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_UpdateFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Update property value.
public static Button_UpdateFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_Update_AccessKeyFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Update_AccessKey property value.
public static Button_Update_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_UploadFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Upload property value.
public static Button_UploadFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Button_Upload_AccessKeyFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Button_Upload_AccessKey property value.
public static Button_Upload_AccessKeyFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

CachedOnFormatTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Cached on {0}'.
public static CachedOnFormatTextFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

Captcha_ImageTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_ImageTitle property value.
public static Captcha_ImageTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Captcha_ImgCaptcha_ToolTipFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_ImgCaptcha_ToolTip property value.
public static Captcha_ImgCaptcha_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Captcha_LblInvalidCaptcha_TextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_LblInvalidCaptcha_Text property value.
public static Captcha_LblInvalidCaptcha_TextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Captcha_LoadingFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_Loading property value.
public static Captcha_LoadingFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Captcha_LongInfoFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_LongInfo property value.
public static Captcha_LongInfoFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Captcha_RefreshCodeFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_RefreshCode property value.
public static Captcha_RefreshCodeFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Captcha_ReqCaptchaCode_ErrorMessageFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_ReqCaptchaCode_ErrorMessage property value.
public static Captcha_ReqCaptchaCode_ErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Captcha_ShortInfoFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_ShortInfo property value.
public static Captcha_ShortInfoFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Captcha_imgCaptcha_AlternateTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Captcha_imgCaptcha_AlternateText property value.
public static Captcha_imgCaptcha_AlternateTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Confirmation_RequestErrorTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Confirmation_RequestErrorText property value.
public static Confirmation_RequestErrorTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Confirmation_RequestErrorTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Confirmation_RequestErrorTitle property value.
public static Confirmation_RequestErrorTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_AddressLabelFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_AddressLabel property value.
public static ContactForm_AddressLabelFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_ContactInfoTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_ContactInfoTitle property value.
public static ContactForm_ContactInfoTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_EmailFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_Email property value.
public static ContactForm_EmailFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_EmailInvalidFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_EmailInvalid property value.
public static ContactForm_EmailInvalidFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_EmailRequiredFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_EmailRequired property value.
public static ContactForm_EmailRequiredFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_FaxLabelFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_FaxLabel property value.
public static ContactForm_FaxLabelFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_MessageFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_Message property value.
public static ContactForm_MessageFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_MissingContactEMailAddressFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_MissingContactEMailAddress property value.
public static ContactForm_MissingContactEMailAddressFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_NameFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_Name property value.
public static ContactForm_NameFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_NameRequiredFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_NameRequired property value.
public static ContactForm_NameRequiredFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_PhoneLabelFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_PhoneLabel property value.
public static ContactForm_PhoneLabelFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_SendButtonFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_SendButton property value.
public static ContactForm_SendButtonFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_SubjectFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_Subject property value.
public static ContactForm_SubjectFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_SubjectRequiredFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_SubjectRequired property value.
public static ContactForm_SubjectRequiredFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_SuccessfulSendFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_SuccessfulSend property value.
public static ContactForm_SuccessfulSendFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_Title property value.
public static ContactForm_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ContactForm_UnSuccessfulSendFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ContactForm_UnSuccessfulSend property value.
public static ContactForm_UnSuccessfulSendFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

CropImage_CancelFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the CropImage_Cancel property value.
public static CropImage_CancelFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

CropImage_CropCaptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the CropImage_CropCaption property value.
public static CropImage_CropCaptionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

CropImage_RotateFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the CropImage_Rotate property value.
public static CropImage_RotateFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

CustomRadEditor_MaxLenReachedFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'You have reached maximum number ({0}) of allowed characters!'.
public static CustomRadEditor_MaxLenReachedFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_DaysAgoFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} day(s)'.
public static DateTimeExtension_DaysAgoFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_FormatPrefixFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_FormatPrefix property value.
public static DateTimeExtension_FormatPrefixFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_FormatSufixFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_FormatSufix property value.
public static DateTimeExtension_FormatSufixFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_HoursAgoFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} hour(s)'.
public static DateTimeExtension_HoursAgoFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_JustNowFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_JustNow property value.
public static DateTimeExtension_JustNowFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_MinutesAgoFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} minute(s)'.
public static DateTimeExtension_MinutesAgoFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_MonthsAgoFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} month(s)'.
public static DateTimeExtension_MonthsAgoFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_OneHourAgoFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_OneHourAgo property value.
public static DateTimeExtension_OneHourAgoFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_OneMinuteAgoFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_OneMinuteAgo property value.
public static DateTimeExtension_OneMinuteAgoFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_OneWeekAgoFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_OneWeekAgo property value.
public static DateTimeExtension_OneWeekAgoFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_OneYearAgoFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_OneYearAgo property value.
public static DateTimeExtension_OneYearAgoFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_WeeksAgoFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} week(s)'.
public static DateTimeExtension_WeeksAgoFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_YearsAgoFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} year(s)'.
public static DateTimeExtension_YearsAgoFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

DateTimeExtension_YesterdayFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DateTimeExtension_Yesterday property value.
public static DateTimeExtension_YesterdayFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DemoIndicatorFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DemoIndicator property value.
public static DemoIndicatorFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DropHereFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DropHere property value.
public static DropHereFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DualListBox_MaxErrorMessageFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DualListBox_MaxErrorMessage property value.
public static DualListBox_MaxErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DualListBox_MinErrorMessageFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DualListBox_MinErrorMessage property value.
public static DualListBox_MinErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DualListBox_MinItemsRequiredFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Minimum of {0} items are required!'.
public static DualListBox_MinItemsRequiredFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

DualListBox_NoPreferenceFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DualListBox_NoPreference property value.
public static DualListBox_NoPreferenceFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DynamicPager_ViewLessFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DynamicPager_ViewLess property value.
public static DynamicPager_ViewLessFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

DynamicPager_ViewMoreFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the DynamicPager_ViewMore property value.
public static DynamicPager_ViewMoreFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Email_Activation_HtmlContentFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Dear <i>{0}</i>, this is an account activation e-mail from {1}. Please click on the following link in order to activate your account: <br /><br /> <a href="{2}">{2}</a> <br /><br /><br /> Sincerely, <br /><br /> Your {1} team'.
public static Email_Activation_HtmlContentFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
arg1 object An object (1) to format.
arg2 object An object (2) to format.
Результат string

Email_Activation_PlainContentFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Dear {0}, this is an account activation e-mail from {1}. Please go to the following link in order to activate your account: {2} Sincerely, Your {1} team'.
public static Email_Activation_PlainContentFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
arg1 object An object (1) to format.
arg2 object An object (2) to format.
Результат string

Email_Activation_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Email_Activation_Title property value.
public static Email_Activation_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Email_PasswordRecoveryRequest_HtmlContentFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Dear <i>{0}</i>, we have just received a password retrieval request for your username at {1}. <br /><br /> Please click here to change your password: <b>{2}</b> <br /><br /><br /> Sincerely, <br /><br /> Your {1} team'.
public static Email_PasswordRecoveryRequest_HtmlContentFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
arg1 object An object (1) to format.
arg2 object An object (2) to format.
Результат string

Email_PasswordRecoveryRequest_PlainContentFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Dear {0}, we have received a password retrieval request for your username at {1}. Please click here to change your password: {2} Sincerely, Your {1} team'.
public static Email_PasswordRecoveryRequest_PlainContentFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
arg1 object An object (1) to format.
arg2 object An object (2) to format.
Результат string

Email_PasswordRecovery_HtmlContentFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Dear <i>{0}</i>, we have just received a password retrieval request for your username at {1}. <br /><br /> Your password is: <b>{2}</b> <br /><br /><br /> Sincerely, <br /><br /> Your {1} team'.
public static Email_PasswordRecovery_HtmlContentFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
arg1 object An object (1) to format.
arg2 object An object (2) to format.
Результат string

Email_PasswordRecovery_PlainContentFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Dear {0}, we have received a password retrieval request for your username at {1}. Your password is: {2} Sincerely, Your {1} team'.
public static Email_PasswordRecovery_PlainContentFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
arg1 object An object (1) to format.
arg2 object An object (2) to format.
Результат string

Email_PasswordRecovery_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Email_PasswordRecovery_Title property value.
public static Email_PasswordRecovery_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ErrorMessage_ActivationEmailFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'An uexpected error has occured while sending you an activation e-mail. Your account has been successfully created but you can't login until you activate it via activation e-mail. To resend your activation e-mail please go to the <a href="{0}">Activation e-mail recovery</a> page. If the problem persists, please contact us.'.
public static ErrorMessage_ActivationEmailFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

ErrorMessage_ActivationEmailRecovery_UserAlreadyActiveFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_ActivationEmailRecovery_UserAlreadyActive property value.
public static ErrorMessage_ActivationEmailRecovery_UserAlreadyActiveFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ErrorMessage_ActivationUrlFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_ActivationUrl property value.
public static ErrorMessage_ActivationUrlFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ErrorMessage_InvalidUserNameFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_InvalidUserName property value.
public static ErrorMessage_InvalidUserNameFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ErrorMessage_LoginFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_Login property value.
public static ErrorMessage_LoginFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ErrorMessage_Login_LockedOutFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_Login_LockedOut property value.
public static ErrorMessage_Login_LockedOutFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ErrorMessage_Login_NotActivatedFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Your account has not yet been activated. Please activate it via an activation e-mail we sent you. If you didn't get the e-mail, then please try resending it by going to the <a href="{0}">Activation E-mail Recovery</a> page. If you can't send or receive the activation e-mail, please contact us.'.
public static ErrorMessage_Login_NotActivatedFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

ErrorMessage_NotEnablePasswordResetFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_NotEnablePasswordReset property value.
public static ErrorMessage_NotEnablePasswordResetFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ErrorMessage_NotEnablePasswordRetrievalFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_NotEnablePasswordRetrieval property value.
public static ErrorMessage_NotEnablePasswordRetrievalFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ErrorMessage_OpenId_AuthenticationCanceledFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_OpenId_AuthenticationCanceled property value.
public static ErrorMessage_OpenId_AuthenticationCanceledFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ErrorMessage_OpenId_AuthenticationFailedFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_OpenId_AuthenticationFailed property value.
public static ErrorMessage_OpenId_AuthenticationFailedFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ErrorMessage_OpenId_FormatFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_OpenId_Format property value.
public static ErrorMessage_OpenId_FormatFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ErrorMessage_OpenId_ImmediateModeFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_OpenId_ImmediateMode property value.
public static ErrorMessage_OpenId_ImmediateModeFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ErrorMessage_UploadFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_Upload property value.
public static ErrorMessage_UploadFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ErrorMessage_UserAccountHasBeenLockedOutFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ErrorMessage_UserAccountHasBeenLockedOut property value.
public static ErrorMessage_UserAccountHasBeenLockedOutFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Global_EmailFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Global_Email property value.
public static Global_EmailFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Global_ErrorFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Global_Error property value.
public static Global_ErrorFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Global_OKFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Global_OK property value.
public static Global_OKFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Global_PasswordFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Global_Password property value.
public static Global_PasswordFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Global_RepeatPasswordFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Global_RepeatPassword property value.
public static Global_RepeatPasswordFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Global_UserNameFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Global_UserName property value.
public static Global_UserNameFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

GoogleMaps_DefaultLocationFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the GoogleMaps_DefaultLocation property value.
public static GoogleMaps_DefaultLocationFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

HTML5Upload_UploadFilesTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the HTML5Upload_UploadFilesText property value.
public static HTML5Upload_UploadFilesTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

HTML5Upload_UploadFilesTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the HTML5Upload_UploadFilesTitle property value.
public static HTML5Upload_UploadFilesTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

HtmlEditor_DefaultTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_DefaultText property value.
public static HtmlEditor_DefaultTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

HtmlEditor_DefaultTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_DefaultTitle property value.
public static HtmlEditor_DefaultTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

HtmlEditor_EditVerbDescriptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_EditVerbDescription property value.
public static HtmlEditor_EditVerbDescriptionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

HtmlEditor_EditVerbTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_EditVerbText property value.
public static HtmlEditor_EditVerbTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

HtmlEditor_HistoryFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_History property value.
public static HtmlEditor_HistoryFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

HtmlEditor_ResetConfirmationFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_ResetConfirmation property value.
public static HtmlEditor_ResetConfirmationFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

HtmlEditor_ResetVerbDescriptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_ResetVerbDescription property value.
public static HtmlEditor_ResetVerbDescriptionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

HtmlEditor_ResetVerbTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the HtmlEditor_ResetVerbText property value.
public static HtmlEditor_ResetVerbTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Label_LoadingFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Label_Loading property value.
public static Label_LoadingFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Label_NoDataFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Label_NoData property value.
public static Label_NoDataFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LocaleChanger_DefaultLangTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LocaleChanger_DefaultLangTitle property value.
public static LocaleChanger_DefaultLangTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginName_FormatStringFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'You are logged in as: {0}'.
public static LoginName_FormatStringFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

LoginRpx_EmailDescriptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginRpx_EmailDescription property value.
public static LoginRpx_EmailDescriptionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginRpx_EmailFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginRpx_Email property value.
public static LoginRpx_EmailFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginRpx_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginRpx_Title property value.
public static LoginRpx_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_AccountCreationNotAllowedFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_AccountCreationNotAllowed property value.
public static LoginSocial_AccountCreationNotAllowedFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_EmailFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_Email property value.
public static LoginSocial_EmailFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_EmailInvalidFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_EmailInvalid property value.
public static LoginSocial_EmailInvalidFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_EmailNeededFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_EmailNeeded property value.
public static LoginSocial_EmailNeededFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_ErrorMessageFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'An error has occured while opening an account using the selected social network: {0}'.
public static LoginSocial_ErrorMessageFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

LoginSocial_InfoMessageFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_InfoMessage property value.
public static LoginSocial_InfoMessageFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_InfoTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_InfoTitle property value.
public static LoginSocial_InfoTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_LoginWithFacebookFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_LoginWithFacebook property value.
public static LoginSocial_LoginWithFacebookFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_LoginWithGoogleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_LoginWithGoogle property value.
public static LoginSocial_LoginWithGoogleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_LoginWithLinkedInFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_LoginWithLinkedIn property value.
public static LoginSocial_LoginWithLinkedInFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_LoginWithTwitterFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_LoginWithTwitter property value.
public static LoginSocial_LoginWithTwitterFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_ProceedButtonFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_ProceedButton property value.
public static LoginSocial_ProceedButtonFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_SubTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_SubTitle property value.
public static LoginSocial_SubTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_Title property value.
public static LoginSocial_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_UnableToConnectFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginSocial_UnableToConnect property value.
public static LoginSocial_UnableToConnectFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginSocial_VerifyEmailFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'We've been able to locate your account on our site, however, our records indicate that you didn't verify your identity by clicking on a link in the mail message that was sent to your address. You need to do this before your account becomes fully functional. Please verify that your address is correct and click <a href="{0}">here</a> if you want us to re-send the activation message.'.
public static LoginSocial_VerifyEmailFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

LoginStatus_LoginTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginStatus_LoginText property value.
public static LoginStatus_LoginTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

LoginStatus_LogoutTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the LoginStatus_LogoutText property value.
public static LoginStatus_LogoutTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_LoginFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_Login property value.
public static Login_LoginFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_OpenIdFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId property value.
public static Login_OpenIdFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_OpenId_Error_CreateFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_Error_Create property value.
public static Login_OpenId_Error_CreateFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_OpenId_ExampleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_Example property value.
public static Login_OpenId_ExampleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_OpenId_LoginFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_Login property value.
public static Login_OpenId_LoginFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_OpenId_PasswordQuestionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_PasswordQuestion property value.
public static Login_OpenId_PasswordQuestionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_OpenId_RegisterFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_Register property value.
public static Login_OpenId_RegisterFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_OpenId_Register_ToolTipFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_Register_ToolTip property value.
public static Login_OpenId_Register_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_OpenId_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_OpenId_Title property value.
public static Login_OpenId_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_PasswordFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_Password property value.
public static Login_PasswordFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_PasswordRecoveryTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_PasswordRecoveryText property value.
public static Login_PasswordRecoveryTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_RegisterFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_Register property value.
public static Login_RegisterFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_RegisterInvitationFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_RegisterInvitation property value.
public static Login_RegisterInvitationFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_RememberMeFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_RememberMe property value.
public static Login_RememberMeFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_Title property value.
public static Login_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_UserNameFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_UserName property value.
public static Login_UserNameFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Login_ViewProfileFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Login_ViewProfile property value.
public static Login_ViewProfileFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MembershipEditor_CreateAccountFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_CreateAccount property value.
public static MembershipEditor_CreateAccountFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MembershipEditor_EmailFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_Email property value.
public static MembershipEditor_EmailFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MembershipEditor_PasswordFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_Password property value.
public static MembershipEditor_PasswordFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MembershipEditor_RememberMeFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_RememberMe property value.
public static MembershipEditor_RememberMeFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MembershipEditor_RepeatPasswordFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_RepeatPassword property value.
public static MembershipEditor_RepeatPasswordFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MembershipEditor_TimeZoneFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_TimeZone property value.
public static MembershipEditor_TimeZoneFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MembershipEditor_Title_CreateAccountFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_Title_CreateAccount property value.
public static MembershipEditor_Title_CreateAccountFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MembershipEditor_Title_UpdateAccountFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_Title_UpdateAccount property value.
public static MembershipEditor_Title_UpdateAccountFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MembershipEditor_UpdateAccountFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_UpdateAccount property value.
public static MembershipEditor_UpdateAccountFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MembershipEditor_UserNameFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MembershipEditor_UserName property value.
public static MembershipEditor_UserNameFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MessageCenterFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MessageCenter property value.
public static MessageCenterFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Message_AccountActivated_DescriptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Message_AccountActivated_Description property value.
public static Message_AccountActivated_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Message_AccountActivated_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Message_AccountActivated_Title property value.
public static Message_AccountActivated_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Message_AccountActivationEmailSent_DescriptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Message_AccountActivationEmailSent_Description property value.
public static Message_AccountActivationEmailSent_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Message_AccountActivationEmailSent_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Message_AccountActivationEmailSent_Title property value.
public static Message_AccountActivationEmailSent_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Message_AccountCreated_DescriptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Thanks for creating your account. The last step you need to do is activating it. An e-mail has been sent to the address you provided.To activate your account, please click on the link in the e-mail. Your account we'll be activated and you'll be automatically signed in.<br /><br />If you don't get the e-mail within 10 minutes, please try to resend it by going to the <a href="{0}">Activation E-mail Recovery</a> page. If you keep experiencing problems, please contact us.'.
public static Message_AccountCreated_DescriptionFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

Message_AccountCreated_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Message_AccountCreated_Title property value.
public static Message_AccountCreated_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Message_AccountUpdatedFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Message_AccountUpdated property value.
public static Message_AccountUpdatedFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Message_PasswordRecoveryEmailSent_DescriptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Message_PasswordRecoveryEmailSent_Description property value.
public static Message_PasswordRecoveryEmailSent_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Message_PasswordRecoveryEmailSent_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Message_PasswordRecoveryEmailSent_Title property value.
public static Message_PasswordRecoveryEmailSent_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_AppearanceEditorPart_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_AppearanceEditorPart_Title property value.
public static MonoXMaster_AppearanceEditorPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_AutoRegisterCatalogPart_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_AutoRegisterCatalogPart_Title property value.
public static MonoXMaster_AutoRegisterCatalogPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_BehaviorEditorPart_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_BehaviorEditorPart_Title property value.
public static MonoXMaster_BehaviorEditorPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_CatalogPane_TextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CatalogPane_Text property value.
public static MonoXMaster_CatalogPane_TextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_EmptyZoneTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_EmptyZoneText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_EmptyZoneTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_HeaderTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_HeaderText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_HeaderTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_InstructionTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_InstructionText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_InstructionTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_SelectTargetZoneTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_SelectTargetZoneText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_CatalogZone_SelectTargetZoneTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsPane_TextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsPane_Text property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsPane_TextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConfigureConnectionTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConfigureConnectionTitle property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConfigureConnectionTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerInstructionTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerInstructionText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerInstructionTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerTitle property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToConsumerTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderInstructionTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderInstructionText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderInstructionTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderTitle property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConnectToProviderTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConsumersInstructionTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConsumersInstructionText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConsumersInstructionTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConsumersTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConsumersTitle property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ConsumersTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ExistingConnectionErrorMessageFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ExistingConnectionErrorMessage property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ExistingConnectionErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GeneralInstructionsTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GeneralInstructionsText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GeneralInstructionsTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GetFromTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GetFromText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GetFromTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GetTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GetText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_GetTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_HeaderTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_HeaderText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_HeaderTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_InstructionTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_InstructionText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_InstructionTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_InstructionTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Manage the connections for {0}'.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_InstructionTitleFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NewConnectionErrorMessageFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NewConnectionErrorMessage property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NewConnectionErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NoExistingConnectionInstructionTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NoExistingConnectionInstructionText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NoExistingConnectionInstructionTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NoExistingConnectionTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NoExistingConnectionTitle property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_NoExistingConnectionTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ProvidersInstructionTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ProvidersInstructionText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ProvidersInstructionTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ProvidersTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ProvidersTitle property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_ProvidersTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_SendTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_SendText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_SendTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_SendToTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_SendToText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ConnectionsZone_SendToTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ControlsPaneHeader_TextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ControlsPaneHeader_Text property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ControlsPaneHeader_TextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ControlsPane_TextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ControlsPane_Text property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ControlsPane_TextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_CopiedCatalogPart_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CopiedCatalogPart_Title property value.
public static MonoXMaster_CopiedCatalogPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_CurrentLanguageTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CurrentLanguageText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_CurrentLanguageTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_CurrentModeTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_CurrentModeText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_CurrentModeTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_DeclarativeCatalogPart_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_DeclarativeCatalogPart_Title property value.
public static MonoXMaster_DeclarativeCatalogPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_EditorPane_TextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorPane_Text property value.
public static MonoXMaster_EditorPane_TextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_ApplyVerb_DescriptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_ApplyVerb_Description property value.
public static MonoXMaster_EditorZone_ApplyVerb_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_ApplyVerb_TextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_ApplyVerb_Text property value.
public static MonoXMaster_EditorZone_ApplyVerb_TextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_CancelVerb_DescriptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_CancelVerb_Description property value.
public static MonoXMaster_EditorZone_CancelVerb_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_CancelVerb_TextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_CancelVerb_Text property value.
public static MonoXMaster_EditorZone_CancelVerb_TextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_EmptyZoneTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_EmptyZoneText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_EditorZone_EmptyZoneTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_HeaderTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_HeaderText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_EditorZone_HeaderTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_InstructionTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_InstructionText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_EditorZone_InstructionTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_OKVerb_DescriptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_OKVerb_Description property value.
public static MonoXMaster_EditorZone_OKVerb_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_EditorZone_OKVerb_TextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_EditorZone_OKVerb_Text property value.
public static MonoXMaster_EditorZone_OKVerb_TextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_HiddenCatalogPart_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_HiddenCatalogPart_Title property value.
public static MonoXMaster_HiddenCatalogPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ImgHelp_ToolTipFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ImgHelp_ToolTip property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ImgHelp_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ImgToggle_AlternateTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ImgToggle_AlternateText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ImgToggle_AlternateTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ImgToggle_ToolTipFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ImgToggle_ToolTip property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ImgToggle_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_ImportCatalogPart_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_ImportCatalogPart_Title property value.
public static MonoXMaster_ImportCatalogPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_LayoutEditorPart_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LayoutEditorPart_Title property value.
public static MonoXMaster_LayoutEditorPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_LoginNameShort_FormatStringFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'You are logged in as: {0}'.
public static MonoXMaster_LoginNameShort_FormatStringFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

MonoXMaster_LoginName_FormatStringFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'You are logged in as: {0}'.
public static MonoXMaster_LoginName_FormatStringFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

MonoXMaster_LoginName_ToolTipFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LoginName_ToolTip property value.
public static MonoXMaster_LoginName_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_LoginStatusShort_LogoutTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LoginStatusShort_LogoutText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_LoginStatusShort_LogoutTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_LoginTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_LoginText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_LoginTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_LogoutTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_LogoutText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_LogoutTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_ToolTipFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_ToolTip property value.
public static MonoXMaster_LoginStatus_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_LtlClickHere_TextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LtlClickHere_Text property value.
public static MonoXMaster_LtlClickHere_TextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_LtlPortalAdmin_TextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_LtlPortalAdmin_Text property value.
public static MonoXMaster_LtlPortalAdmin_TextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_PageCatalogPart_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PageCatalogPart_Title property value.
public static MonoXMaster_PageCatalogPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_PageTasksPane_TextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PageTasksPane_Text property value.
public static MonoXMaster_PageTasksPane_TextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_PnlToggle_GroupingTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PnlToggle_GroupingText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_PnlToggle_GroupingTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_PnlToggle_ToolTipFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PnlToggle_ToolTip property value.
public static MonoXMaster_PnlToggle_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_PnlToolboxMain_GroupingTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PnlToolboxMain_GroupingText property value.
public static MonoXMaster_PnlToolboxMain_GroupingTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_PnlToolboxMain_ToolTipFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PnlToolboxMain_ToolTip property value.
public static MonoXMaster_PnlToolboxMain_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_PortalModuleTasksPane_TextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PortalModuleTasksPane_Text property value.
public static MonoXMaster_PortalModuleTasksPane_TextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXMaster_PropertyGridEditorPart_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXMaster_PropertyGridEditorPart_Title property value.
public static MonoXMaster_PropertyGridEditorPart_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXRating_CaptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Rated {0:f2}, {1} vote(s).'.
public static MonoXRating_CaptionFormat ( object arg0, object arg1 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
arg1 object An object (1) to format.
Результат string

MonoXRating_CaptionToolTipFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Content is rated {0:f2} of {1} vote(s).'.
public static MonoXRating_CaptionToolTipFormat ( object arg0, object arg1 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
arg1 object An object (1) to format.
Результат string

MonoXRating_NoRatePermissionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXRating_NoRatePermission property value.
public static MonoXRating_NoRatePermissionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXRating_NotRatedFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXRating_NotRated property value.
public static MonoXRating_NotRatedFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXRating_RatedByNotMemberFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXRating_RatedByNotMember property value.
public static MonoXRating_RatedByNotMemberFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXRating_RatingHistorySubTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXRating_RatingHistorySubTitle property value.
public static MonoXRating_RatingHistorySubTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXRating_RatingHistoryTitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXRating_RatingHistoryTitle property value.
public static MonoXRating_RatingHistoryTitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

MonoXRating_ViewHistoryFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the MonoXRating_ViewHistory property value.
public static MonoXRating_ViewHistoryFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

News_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the News_Title property value.
public static News_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

NotValidUserDataPPFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the NotValidUserDataPP property value.
public static NotValidUserDataPPFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

OpenSocial_AllowFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the OpenSocial_Allow property value.
public static OpenSocial_AllowFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

OpenSocial_DenyFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the OpenSocial_Deny property value.
public static OpenSocial_DenyFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

OpenSocial_RequestMessageFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} application wants to access your social data.'.
public static OpenSocial_RequestMessageFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

PageModeChanger_ModeDropdownToolTipFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the PageModeChanger_ModeDropdownToolTip property value.
public static PageModeChanger_ModeDropdownToolTipFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

PasswordRecovery_ChangeNoteFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordRecovery_ChangeNote property value.
public static PasswordRecovery_ChangeNoteFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

PasswordRecovery_RequestExpiredFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordRecovery_RequestExpired property value.
public static PasswordRecovery_RequestExpiredFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

PasswordRecovery_SentSuccessfullyFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordRecovery_SentSuccessfully property value.
public static PasswordRecovery_SentSuccessfullyFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

PasswordRecovery_SentUnSuccessfullyFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordRecovery_SentUnSuccessfully property value.
public static PasswordRecovery_SentUnSuccessfullyFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

PasswordRecovery_TitleChangeFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordRecovery_TitleChange property value.
public static PasswordRecovery_TitleChangeFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

PasswordRecovery_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordRecovery_Title property value.
public static PasswordRecovery_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

PasswordlRecovery_UserNameFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the PasswordlRecovery_UserName property value.
public static PasswordlRecovery_UserNameFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

PeopleSearch_DefaultTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_DefaultText property value.
public static PeopleSearch_DefaultTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Poll_ResultsButtonTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Poll_ResultsButtonText property value.
public static Poll_ResultsButtonTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Poll_TotalVotesTemplateTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Total: {0} vote(s).'.
public static Poll_TotalVotesTemplateTextFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

Poll_VoteButtonTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Poll_VoteButtonText property value.
public static Poll_VoteButtonTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

RecentPhotos_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the RecentPhotos_Title property value.
public static RecentPhotos_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

RecentPhotos_ViewAllAlbumsFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the RecentPhotos_ViewAllAlbums property value.
public static RecentPhotos_ViewAllAlbumsFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

RefreshFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Refresh property value.
public static RefreshFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Registration_RegistrationNotAllowed_DescriptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Registration_RegistrationNotAllowed_Description property value.
public static Registration_RegistrationNotAllowed_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Registration_RegistrationNotAllowed_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Registration_RegistrationNotAllowed_Title property value.
public static Registration_RegistrationNotAllowed_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

RelatedContent_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the RelatedContent_Title property value.
public static RelatedContent_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Search_BtnSearch2Format() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Search_BtnSearch2 property value.
public static Search_BtnSearch2Format ( ) : string
Результат string

Search_BtnSearchTooltipFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Search_BtnSearchTooltip property value.
public static Search_BtnSearchTooltipFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Search_EnterSearchPhraseFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Search_EnterSearchPhrase property value.
public static Search_EnterSearchPhraseFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Search_GoFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Search_Go property value.
public static Search_GoFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

Search_LabNoSearchProviderSelectedFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the Search_LabNoSearchProviderSelected property value.
public static Search_LabNoSearchProviderSelectedFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

SiteSearch_DefaultTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the SiteSearch_DefaultText property value.
public static SiteSearch_DefaultTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

SlideShow_NextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the SlideShow_Next property value.
public static SlideShow_NextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

SlideShow_PrevFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the SlideShow_Prev property value.
public static SlideShow_PrevFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

SlideShow_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the SlideShow_Title property value.
public static SlideShow_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

SocialDisconnect_EmptyButtonListFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the SocialDisconnect_EmptyButtonList property value.
public static SocialDisconnect_EmptyButtonListFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

SocialDisconnect_FacebookButtonTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the SocialDisconnect_FacebookButtonText property value.
public static SocialDisconnect_FacebookButtonTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

SocialDisconnect_GoogleButtonTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the SocialDisconnect_GoogleButtonText property value.
public static SocialDisconnect_GoogleButtonTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

SocialDisconnect_LinkedInButtonTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the SocialDisconnect_LinkedInButtonText property value.
public static SocialDisconnect_LinkedInButtonTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

SocialDisconnect_TitleFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the SocialDisconnect_Title property value.
public static SocialDisconnect_TitleFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

SocialDisconnect_TwitterButtonTextFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the SocialDisconnect_TwitterButtonText property value.
public static SocialDisconnect_TwitterButtonTextFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

SyntaxHighlighter_EmptyPlaceHolderCaptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the SyntaxHighlighter_EmptyPlaceHolderCaption property value.
public static SyntaxHighlighter_EmptyPlaceHolderCaptionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

SyntaxHighlighter_MenuRootItemCaptionFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the SyntaxHighlighter_MenuRootItemCaption property value.
public static SyntaxHighlighter_MenuRootItemCaptionFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

UserPicker_ErrorMessageFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the UserPicker_ErrorMessage property value.
public static UserPicker_ErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

UserPicker_ToolTipFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the UserPicker_ToolTip property value.
public static UserPicker_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ValidationMessage_EmailFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Please enter a valid e-mail address for '{0}'.'.
public static ValidationMessage_EmailFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

ValidationMessage_NameFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Please only use letters, numbers and punctuation for the '{0}'.'.
public static ValidationMessage_NameFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

ValidationMessage_PasswordMatchFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the ValidationMessage_PasswordMatch property value.
public static ValidationMessage_PasswordMatchFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

ValidationMessage_RequiredFieldFormat() публичный статический Метод

Formats a localized string similar to 'Please enter a value for '{0}'.'.
public static ValidationMessage_RequiredFieldFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
Результат string

VideoArgumentsEditorPart_AddVideoFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the VideoArgumentsEditorPart_AddVideo property value.
public static VideoArgumentsEditorPart_AddVideoFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

VideoArgumentsEditorPart_VideoMimeTypeLabelFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the VideoArgumentsEditorPart_VideoMimeTypeLabel property value.
public static VideoArgumentsEditorPart_VideoMimeTypeLabelFormat ( ) : string
Результат string

VideoArgumentsEditorPart_VideoURLLabelFormat() публичный статический Метод

The stub formatting method returning the VideoArgumentsEditorPart_VideoURLLabel property value.
public static VideoArgumentsEditorPart_VideoURLLabelFormat ( ) : string
Результат string