C# Класс Mono.Math.Prime.PrimalityTests

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
RabinMillerTest ( BigInteger bi, ConfidenceFactor confidence ) : bool

Probabilistic prime test based on Rabin-Miller's test

SmallPrimeSppTest ( BigInteger bi, ConfidenceFactor confidence ) : bool

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetSPPRounds ( BigInteger bi, ConfidenceFactor confidence ) : int

Описание методов

RabinMillerTest() публичный статический Метод

Probabilistic prime test based on Rabin-Miller's test
public static RabinMillerTest ( BigInteger bi, ConfidenceFactor confidence ) : bool
bi BigInteger /// /// The number to test. /// ///
confidence ConfidenceFactor /// /// The number of chosen bases. The test has at least a /// 1/4^confidence chance of falsely returning True. /// ///
Результат bool

SmallPrimeSppTest() публичный статический Метод

public static SmallPrimeSppTest ( BigInteger bi, ConfidenceFactor confidence ) : bool
bi BigInteger
confidence ConfidenceFactor
Результат bool