C# Класс MimeKit.MultipartRelated

A multipart/related MIME entity.
A multipart/related MIME entity contains, as one might expect, inter-related MIME parts which typically reference each other via URIs based on the Content-Id and/or Content-Location headers.
Наследование: Multipart
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Accept ( MimeKit.MimeVisitor visitor ) : void

Dispatches to the specific visit method for this MIME entity.

This default implementation for MimeKit.MultipartRelated nodes calls MimeKit.MimeVisitor.VisitMultipartRelated. Override this method to call into a more specific method on a derived visitor class of the MimeKit.MimeVisitor class. However, it should still support unknown visitors by calling MimeKit.MimeVisitor.VisitMultipartRelated.

Contains ( Uri uri ) : bool

Checks if the MultipartRelated contains a part matching the specified URI.

Determines whether or not the multipart/related entity contains a part matching the specified URI.

IndexOf ( Uri uri ) : int

Gets the index of the part matching the specified URI.

Finds the index of the part matching the specified URI, if it exists.

If the URI scheme is "cid", then matching is performed based on the Content-Id header values, otherwise the Content-Location headers are used. If the provided URI is absolute and a child part's Content-Location is relative, then then the child part's Content-Location URI will be combined with the value of its Content-Base header, if available, otherwise it will be combined with the multipart/related part's Content-Base header in order to produce an absolute URI that can be compared with the provided absolute URI.

MultipartRelated ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the MimeKit.MultipartRelated class.

Creates a new MultipartRelated part.

MultipartRelated ( MimeEntityConstructorArgs args ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the MimeKit.MultipartRelated class.

This constructor is used by MimeKit.MimeParser.

Open ( Uri uri ) : Stream

Opens a stream for reading the decoded content of the MIME part specified by the provided URI.

Opens a stream for reading the decoded content of the MIME part specified by the provided URI.

Open ( Uri uri, string &mimeType, string &charset ) : Stream

Opens a stream for reading the decoded content of the MIME part specified by the provided URI.

Opens a stream for reading the decoded content of the MIME part specified by the provided URI.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetRootIndex ( ) : int

Описание методов

Accept() публичный Метод

Dispatches to the specific visit method for this MIME entity.
This default implementation for MimeKit.MultipartRelated nodes calls MimeKit.MimeVisitor.VisitMultipartRelated. Override this method to call into a more specific method on a derived visitor class of the MimeKit.MimeVisitor class. However, it should still support unknown visitors by calling MimeKit.MimeVisitor.VisitMultipartRelated.
/// is null. ///
public Accept ( MimeKit.MimeVisitor visitor ) : void
visitor MimeKit.MimeVisitor The visitor.
Результат void

Contains() публичный Метод

Checks if the MultipartRelated contains a part matching the specified URI.
Determines whether or not the multipart/related entity contains a part matching the specified URI.
/// is null. ///
public Contains ( Uri uri ) : bool
uri System.Uri The URI of the MIME part.
Результат bool

IndexOf() публичный Метод

Gets the index of the part matching the specified URI.

Finds the index of the part matching the specified URI, if it exists.

If the URI scheme is "cid", then matching is performed based on the Content-Id header values, otherwise the Content-Location headers are used. If the provided URI is absolute and a child part's Content-Location is relative, then then the child part's Content-Location URI will be combined with the value of its Content-Base header, if available, otherwise it will be combined with the multipart/related part's Content-Base header in order to produce an absolute URI that can be compared with the provided absolute URI.

/// is null. ///
public IndexOf ( Uri uri ) : int
uri Uri The URI of the MIME part.
Результат int

MultipartRelated() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the MimeKit.MultipartRelated class.
Creates a new MultipartRelated part.
/// is null. /// /// contains one or more arguments of an unknown type. ///
public MultipartRelated ( ) : System
Результат System

MultipartRelated() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the MimeKit.MultipartRelated class.
This constructor is used by MimeKit.MimeParser.
/// is null. ///
public MultipartRelated ( MimeEntityConstructorArgs args ) : System
args MimeEntityConstructorArgs Information used by the constructor.
Результат System

Open() публичный Метод

Opens a stream for reading the decoded content of the MIME part specified by the provided URI.
Opens a stream for reading the decoded content of the MIME part specified by the provided URI.
/// is null. /// /// The MIME part for the specified URI could not be found. ///
public Open ( Uri uri ) : Stream
uri Uri The URI.
Результат Stream

Open() публичный Метод

Opens a stream for reading the decoded content of the MIME part specified by the provided URI.
Opens a stream for reading the decoded content of the MIME part specified by the provided URI.
/// is null. /// /// The MIME part for the specified URI could not be found. ///
public Open ( Uri uri, string &mimeType, string &charset ) : Stream
uri Uri The URI.
mimeType string The mime-type of the content.
charset string The charset of the content (if the content is text-based)
Результат Stream