C# Класс Migr8.Database

This is the entry point: Use Migr8 by calling Migrate, supplying a connection string (or a connection string name), some migrations (by calling Migrations.FromThisAssembly, Migrations.FromAssemblyOf{T}, or Migrations.FromAssembly), and possibly some Options if you want to customize something. Migrations are classes decorated with the MigrationAttribute, which must implement ISqlMigration in order to provide some SQL to be executed.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Migrate ( string connectionStringOrConnectionStringName, Migrations migrations, Options options = null ) : void

Executes the given migrations on the specified database.

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Метод Описание
GetDatabase ( ) : IDb

Описание методов

Migrate() публичный статический Метод

Executes the given migrations on the specified database.
public static Migrate ( string connectionStringOrConnectionStringName, Migrations migrations, Options options = null ) : void
connectionStringOrConnectionStringName string Specifies a connection string or the name of a connection string in the current application configuration file to use.
migrations Migrations Supplies the migrations to be executed.
options Options Optionally specifies some custom options to use.
Результат void