C# Класс Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstaller.PatchSequencer

Determines patch applicability for given products.
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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
Add bool
AddTargetProductCodesFromPatch void
AddTargetProductCodesFromXml void
BeginGetApplicablePatches IAsyncResult
DetermineApplicablePatches IEnumerable
EndGetApplicablePatches IEnumerable
GetApplicablePatches IEnumerable
IsPatch bool
OnInapplicablePatch void
PatchSequencer System

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
Add ( string path, bool validatePatch = false ) : bool

Adds the path to a patch or patch XML.

AddTargetProductCodesFromPatch ( string path ) : void
AddTargetProductCodesFromXml ( string path ) : void
BeginGetApplicablePatches ( string product, string userSid = null, UserContexts context = UserContexts.None ) : IAsyncResult

Start to get a list of patches that are applicable to the given ProductCode in a separate thread.

DetermineApplicablePatches ( string product, string userSid, UserContexts context ) : IEnumerable
EndGetApplicablePatches ( IAsyncResult result ) : IEnumerable

Returns the list of patches that are applicable to the given ProductCode.

GetApplicablePatches ( string product, string userSid = null, UserContexts context = UserContexts.None ) : IEnumerable

Gets a list of patches that are applicable to the given ProductCode.

IsPatch ( string path ) : bool
OnInapplicablePatch ( InapplicablePatchEventArgs args ) : void
PatchSequencer ( ) : System

Creates a new instance of the PatchSequencer class.