C# Класс Microsoft.SqlServer.TDS.EndPoint.SSPI.SSPIContext

SSPI context
Наследование: IDisposable
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ContinueClientAuthentication ( byte clientToken ) : SSPIResponse

Initialize authentication sequence for the client

ContinueServerAuthentication ( byte clientToken ) : SSPIResponse

Continue authentication sequence for the server

CreateClient ( ) : SSPIContext

Create SSPI context for client

CreateServer ( ) : SSPIContext

Create SSPI context for server

Dispose ( ) : void


GetRemoteIdentity ( ) : IIdentity

Return identity of the party on the other end

StartClientAuthentication ( string targetMachine, uint targetPort ) : SSPIResponse

Initialize authentication sequence for the client

StartServerAuthentication ( byte clientToken ) : SSPIResponse

Initialize authentication sequence for the server

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
Dispose ( bool bIsDisposing ) : void

Dispose the instance

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
SSPIContext ( ) : System

Default constructor

Описание методов

ContinueClientAuthentication() публичный Метод

Initialize authentication sequence for the client
public ContinueClientAuthentication ( byte clientToken ) : SSPIResponse
clientToken byte Payload received from the server
Результат SSPIResponse

ContinueServerAuthentication() публичный Метод

Continue authentication sequence for the server
public ContinueServerAuthentication ( byte clientToken ) : SSPIResponse
clientToken byte Token received from the client
Результат SSPIResponse

CreateClient() публичный статический Метод

Create SSPI context for client
public static CreateClient ( ) : SSPIContext
Результат SSPIContext

CreateServer() публичный статический Метод

Create SSPI context for server
public static CreateServer ( ) : SSPIContext
Результат SSPIContext

Dispose() публичный Метод

public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void

Dispose() защищенный Метод

Dispose the instance
protected Dispose ( bool bIsDisposing ) : void
bIsDisposing bool
Результат void

GetRemoteIdentity() публичный Метод

Return identity of the party on the other end
public GetRemoteIdentity ( ) : IIdentity
Результат IIdentity

StartClientAuthentication() публичный Метод

Initialize authentication sequence for the client
public StartClientAuthentication ( string targetMachine, uint targetPort ) : SSPIResponse
targetMachine string
targetPort uint
Результат SSPIResponse

StartServerAuthentication() публичный Метод

Initialize authentication sequence for the server
public StartServerAuthentication ( byte clientToken ) : SSPIResponse
clientToken byte Token received from the client
Результат SSPIResponse