C# Класс Microsoft.Samples.VisualStudio.SourceControlIntegration.SccProvider.SccProviderService

Наследование: IVsSccCurrentRepository
Показать файл Открыть проект Примеры использования класса

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddFileToSourceControl ( string file ) : void

Adds the specified file to source control; the file must be part of a controlled project

AddProjectsToSourceControl ( Hashtable &hashUncontrolledProjects, bool addSolutionToSourceControl ) : void

Adds the specified projects and solution to source control

AnyItemsUnderSourceControl ( int &pfResult ) : int
BeginPublishWorkflowAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
BeginQuerySaveBatch ( ) : int
BranchUIClickedAsync ( ISccUIClickedEventArgs args, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Handler called when the branch UI is clicked

The UI has an upward arrow visually indicating that a menu would be displayed which when clicked would lead the user to a workflow that enables the switching of branches

BrowseForProject ( string &pbstrDirectory, int &pfOK ) : int
CancelAfterBrowseForProject ( ) : int
CheckinFile ( string file ) : void

Checks in the specified file

CheckoutFile ( string file ) : void

Checkout the specified file from source control

CheckoutFileAndRefreshProjectGlyphs ( string file ) : void

Checkout the file from source control and refreshes the glyphs of the files containing the file

DeclareReloadableFile ( [ pszMkDocument, [ rgf, [ pFileInfo ) : int
DeclareUnreloadableFile ( [ pszMkDocument, [ rgf, [ pFileInfo ) : int
Dispose ( ) : void
EndQuerySaveBatch ( ) : int
GetControlledProjectsContainingFile ( string file ) : IList

Returns a list of controlled projects containing the specified file

GetFileStatus ( string filename ) : SourceControlStatus

Returns the source control status of the specified file

GetGlyphTipText ( [ phierHierarchy, [ itemidNode, string &pbstrTooltipText ) : int

Called by solution explorer to provide tooltips for items. Returns a text describing the source control status of the item.

GetSccGlyph ( [ cFiles, [ rgpszFullPaths, [ rgsiGlyphs, [ rgdwSccStatus ) : int

Provide source control icons for the specified files and returns scc status of files

GetSccGlyphFromStatus ( [ dwSccStatus, [ psiGlyph ) : int

Determines the corresponding scc status glyph to display, given a combination of scc status flags

IsInstalled ( int &pbInstalled ) : int

Returns whether the source control provider is fully installed

IsProjectControlled ( IVsHierarchy pHier ) : bool

Checks whether the specified project or solution (pHier==null) is under source control

IsProjectOffline ( IVsHierarchy pHier ) : bool

Checks whether the specified project or solution (pHier==null) is offline

IsReloadable ( [ pszMkDocument, int &pbResult ) : int
OnAfterAddDirectoriesEx ( [ cProjects, [ cDirectories, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags ) : int
OnAfterAddFilesEx ( [ cProjects, [ cFiles, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags ) : int

Implement this function to update the project scc glyphs when the items are added to the project. If a project doesn't call GetSccGlyphs as they should do (as solution folder do), this will update correctly the glyphs when the project is controled

OnAfterCloseSolution ( [ pUnkReserved ) : int
OnAfterLoadProject ( [ pStubHierarchy, [ pRealHierarchy ) : int
OnAfterMergeSolution ( [ pUnkReserved ) : int
OnAfterOpenProject ( [ pHierarchy, [ fAdded ) : int
OnAfterOpenSolution ( [ pUnkReserved, [ fNewSolution ) : int
OnAfterRemoveDirectories ( [ cProjects, [ cDirectories, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags ) : int
OnAfterRemoveFiles ( [ cProjects, [ cFiles, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags ) : int
OnAfterRenameDirectories ( [ cProjects, [ cDirs, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgszMkOldNames, [ rgszMkNewNames, [ rgFlags ) : int
OnAfterRenameFiles ( [ cProjects, [ cFiles, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgszMkOldNames, [ rgszMkNewNames, [ rgFlags ) : int

Implement OnAfterRenameFiles event to rename a file in the source control store when it gets renamed in the project Also, rename the store if the project itself is renamed

OnAfterSaveUnreloadableFile ( [ pszMkDocument, [ rgf, [ pFileInfo ) : int
OnAfterSccStatusChanged ( [ cProjects, [ cFiles, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgdwSccStatus ) : int
OnBeforeCloseProject ( [ pHierarchy, [ fRemoved ) : int
OnBeforeCloseSolution ( [ pUnkReserved ) : int
OnBeforeUnloadProject ( [ pRealHierarchy, [ pStubHierarchy ) : int
OnQueryAddDirectories ( [ pProject, [ cDirectories, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags, [ pSummaryResult, [ rgResults ) : int
OnQueryAddFiles ( [ pProject, [ cFiles, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags, [ pSummaryResult, [ rgResults ) : int
OnQueryCloseProject ( [ pHierarchy, [ fRemoving, [ pfCancel ) : int
OnQueryCloseSolution ( [ pUnkReserved, [ pfCancel ) : int
OnQueryRemoveDirectories ( [ pProject, [ cDirectories, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags, [ pSummaryResult, [ rgResults ) : int
OnQueryRemoveFiles ( [ pProject, [ cFiles, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags, [ pSummaryResult, [ rgResults ) : int

Implement OnQueryRemoveFilesevent to warn the user when he's deleting controlled files. The user gets the chance to cancel the file removal.

OnQueryRenameDirectories ( [ pProject, [ cDirs, [ rgszMkOldNames, [ rgszMkNewNames, [ rgFlags, [ pSummaryResult, [ rgResults ) : int
OnQueryRenameFiles ( [ pProject, [ cFiles, [ rgszMkOldNames, [ rgszMkNewNames, [ rgFlags, [ pSummaryResult, [ rgResults ) : int
OnQueryUnloadProject ( [ pRealHierarchy, [ pfCancel ) : int
QueryEditFiles ( [ rgfQueryEdit, [ cFiles, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgrgf, [ rgFileInfo, uint &pfEditVerdict, uint &prgfMoreInfo ) : int

Called by projects and editors before modifying a file The function allows the source control systems to take the necessary actions (checkout, flip attributes) to make the file writable in order to allow the edit to continue There are a lot of cases to deal with during QueryEdit/QuerySave. - called in commmand line mode, when UI cannot be displayed - called during builds, when save shoudn't probably be allowed - called during projects migration, when projects are not open and not registered yet with source control - checking out files may bring new versions from vss database which may be reloaded and the user may lose in-memory changes; some other files may not be reloadable - not all editors call QueryEdit when they modify the file the first time (buggy editors!), and the files may be already dirty in memory when QueryEdit is called - files on disk may be modified outside IDE and may have attributes incorrect for their scc status - checkouts may fail The sample provider won't deal with all these situations, but a real source control provider should!

QuerySaveFile ( [ pszMkDocument, [ rgf, [ pFileInfo, uint &pdwQSResult ) : int

Called by editors and projects before saving the files The function allows the source control systems to take the necessary actions (checkout, flip attributes) to make the file writable in order to allow the file saving to continue

QuerySaveFiles ( [ rgfQuerySave, [ cFiles, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgrgf, [ rgFileInfo, uint &pdwQSResult ) : int

Called by editors and projects before saving the files The function allows the source control systems to take the necessary actions (checkout, flip attributes) to make the file writable in order to allow the file saving to continue

RegisterSccProject ( [ pscp2Project, [ pszSccProjectName, [ pszSccAuxPath, [ pszSccLocalPath, [ pszProvider ) : int

One of the most important methods in a source control provider, is called by projects that are under source control when they are first opened to register project settings

RepositoryUIClickedAsync ( ISccUIClickedEventArgs args, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Handler called when the repository UI is clicked

Typically the user would expect to be lead to a workflow that would allow the user to switch repositories

SccProviderService ( SccProvider sccProvider ) : System
SetActive ( ) : int
SetInactive ( ) : int
ToggleOfflineStatus ( IVsHierarchy pHier ) : void

Toggle the offline status of the specified project or solution

UnpublishedCommitsUIClickedAsync ( ISccUIClickedEventArgs args, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
UnregisterSccProject ( [ pscp2Project ) : int

Called by projects registered with the source control portion of the environment before they are closed.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
OnAdvertisePublish ( ) : void

Raises the AdvertisePublish event

Описание методов

AddFileToSourceControl() публичный Метод

Adds the specified file to source control; the file must be part of a controlled project
public AddFileToSourceControl ( string file ) : void
file string
Результат void

AddProjectsToSourceControl() публичный Метод

Adds the specified projects and solution to source control
public AddProjectsToSourceControl ( Hashtable &hashUncontrolledProjects, bool addSolutionToSourceControl ) : void
hashUncontrolledProjects Hashtable
addSolutionToSourceControl bool
Результат void

AnyItemsUnderSourceControl() публичный Метод

public AnyItemsUnderSourceControl ( int &pfResult ) : int
pfResult int
Результат int

BeginPublishWorkflowAsync() публичный Метод

public BeginPublishWorkflowAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken
Результат System.Threading.Tasks.Task

BeginQuerySaveBatch() публичный Метод

public BeginQuerySaveBatch ( ) : int
Результат int

BranchUIClickedAsync() публичный Метод

Handler called when the branch UI is clicked
The UI has an upward arrow visually indicating that a menu would be displayed which when clicked would lead the user to a workflow that enables the switching of branches
public BranchUIClickedAsync ( ISccUIClickedEventArgs args, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
args ISccUIClickedEventArgs
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken
Результат System.Threading.Tasks.Task

BrowseForProject() публичный Метод

public BrowseForProject ( string &pbstrDirectory, int &pfOK ) : int
pbstrDirectory string
pfOK int
Результат int

CancelAfterBrowseForProject() публичный Метод

public CancelAfterBrowseForProject ( ) : int
Результат int

CheckinFile() публичный Метод

Checks in the specified file
public CheckinFile ( string file ) : void
file string
Результат void

CheckoutFile() публичный Метод

Checkout the specified file from source control
public CheckoutFile ( string file ) : void
file string
Результат void

CheckoutFileAndRefreshProjectGlyphs() публичный Метод

Checkout the file from source control and refreshes the glyphs of the files containing the file
public CheckoutFileAndRefreshProjectGlyphs ( string file ) : void
file string
Результат void

DeclareReloadableFile() публичный Метод

public DeclareReloadableFile ( [ pszMkDocument, [ rgf, [ pFileInfo ) : int
pszMkDocument [
rgf [
pFileInfo [
Результат int

DeclareUnreloadableFile() публичный Метод

public DeclareUnreloadableFile ( [ pszMkDocument, [ rgf, [ pFileInfo ) : int
pszMkDocument [
rgf [
pFileInfo [
Результат int

Dispose() публичный Метод

public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void

EndQuerySaveBatch() публичный Метод

public EndQuerySaveBatch ( ) : int
Результат int

GetControlledProjectsContainingFile() публичный Метод

Returns a list of controlled projects containing the specified file
public GetControlledProjectsContainingFile ( string file ) : IList
file string
Результат IList

GetFileStatus() публичный Метод

Returns the source control status of the specified file
public GetFileStatus ( string filename ) : SourceControlStatus
filename string
Результат SourceControlStatus

GetGlyphTipText() публичный Метод

Called by solution explorer to provide tooltips for items. Returns a text describing the source control status of the item.
public GetGlyphTipText ( [ phierHierarchy, [ itemidNode, string &pbstrTooltipText ) : int
phierHierarchy [
itemidNode [
pbstrTooltipText string
Результат int

GetSccGlyph() публичный Метод

Provide source control icons for the specified files and returns scc status of files
public GetSccGlyph ( [ cFiles, [ rgpszFullPaths, [ rgsiGlyphs, [ rgdwSccStatus ) : int
cFiles [
rgpszFullPaths [
rgsiGlyphs [
rgdwSccStatus [
Результат int

GetSccGlyphFromStatus() публичный Метод

Determines the corresponding scc status glyph to display, given a combination of scc status flags
public GetSccGlyphFromStatus ( [ dwSccStatus, [ psiGlyph ) : int
dwSccStatus [
psiGlyph [
Результат int

IsInstalled() публичный Метод

Returns whether the source control provider is fully installed
public IsInstalled ( int &pbInstalled ) : int
pbInstalled int
Результат int

IsProjectControlled() публичный Метод

Checks whether the specified project or solution (pHier==null) is under source control
public IsProjectControlled ( IVsHierarchy pHier ) : bool
pHier IVsHierarchy
Результат bool

IsProjectOffline() публичный Метод

Checks whether the specified project or solution (pHier==null) is offline
public IsProjectOffline ( IVsHierarchy pHier ) : bool
pHier IVsHierarchy
Результат bool

IsReloadable() публичный Метод

public IsReloadable ( [ pszMkDocument, int &pbResult ) : int
pszMkDocument [
pbResult int
Результат int

OnAfterAddDirectoriesEx() публичный Метод

public OnAfterAddDirectoriesEx ( [ cProjects, [ cDirectories, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags ) : int
cProjects [
cDirectories [
rgpProjects [
rgFirstIndices [
rgpszMkDocuments [
rgFlags [
Результат int

OnAfterAddFilesEx() публичный Метод

Implement this function to update the project scc glyphs when the items are added to the project. If a project doesn't call GetSccGlyphs as they should do (as solution folder do), this will update correctly the glyphs when the project is controled
public OnAfterAddFilesEx ( [ cProjects, [ cFiles, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags ) : int
cProjects [
cFiles [
rgpProjects [
rgFirstIndices [
rgpszMkDocuments [
rgFlags [
Результат int

OnAfterCloseSolution() публичный Метод

public OnAfterCloseSolution ( [ pUnkReserved ) : int
pUnkReserved [
Результат int

OnAfterLoadProject() публичный Метод

public OnAfterLoadProject ( [ pStubHierarchy, [ pRealHierarchy ) : int
pStubHierarchy [
pRealHierarchy [
Результат int

OnAfterMergeSolution() публичный Метод

public OnAfterMergeSolution ( [ pUnkReserved ) : int
pUnkReserved [
Результат int

OnAfterOpenProject() публичный Метод

public OnAfterOpenProject ( [ pHierarchy, [ fAdded ) : int
pHierarchy [
fAdded [
Результат int

OnAfterOpenSolution() публичный Метод

public OnAfterOpenSolution ( [ pUnkReserved, [ fNewSolution ) : int
pUnkReserved [
fNewSolution [
Результат int

OnAfterRemoveDirectories() публичный Метод

public OnAfterRemoveDirectories ( [ cProjects, [ cDirectories, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags ) : int
cProjects [
cDirectories [
rgpProjects [
rgFirstIndices [
rgpszMkDocuments [
rgFlags [
Результат int

OnAfterRemoveFiles() публичный Метод

public OnAfterRemoveFiles ( [ cProjects, [ cFiles, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags ) : int
cProjects [
cFiles [
rgpProjects [
rgFirstIndices [
rgpszMkDocuments [
rgFlags [
Результат int

OnAfterRenameDirectories() публичный Метод

public OnAfterRenameDirectories ( [ cProjects, [ cDirs, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgszMkOldNames, [ rgszMkNewNames, [ rgFlags ) : int
cProjects [
cDirs [
rgpProjects [
rgFirstIndices [
rgszMkOldNames [
rgszMkNewNames [
rgFlags [
Результат int

OnAfterRenameFiles() публичный Метод

Implement OnAfterRenameFiles event to rename a file in the source control store when it gets renamed in the project Also, rename the store if the project itself is renamed
public OnAfterRenameFiles ( [ cProjects, [ cFiles, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgszMkOldNames, [ rgszMkNewNames, [ rgFlags ) : int
cProjects [
cFiles [
rgpProjects [
rgFirstIndices [
rgszMkOldNames [
rgszMkNewNames [
rgFlags [
Результат int

OnAfterSaveUnreloadableFile() публичный Метод

public OnAfterSaveUnreloadableFile ( [ pszMkDocument, [ rgf, [ pFileInfo ) : int
pszMkDocument [
rgf [
pFileInfo [
Результат int

OnAfterSccStatusChanged() публичный Метод

public OnAfterSccStatusChanged ( [ cProjects, [ cFiles, [ rgpProjects, [ rgFirstIndices, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgdwSccStatus ) : int
cProjects [
cFiles [
rgpProjects [
rgFirstIndices [
rgpszMkDocuments [
rgdwSccStatus [
Результат int

OnBeforeCloseProject() публичный Метод

public OnBeforeCloseProject ( [ pHierarchy, [ fRemoved ) : int
pHierarchy [
fRemoved [
Результат int

OnBeforeCloseSolution() публичный Метод

public OnBeforeCloseSolution ( [ pUnkReserved ) : int
pUnkReserved [
Результат int

OnBeforeUnloadProject() публичный Метод

public OnBeforeUnloadProject ( [ pRealHierarchy, [ pStubHierarchy ) : int
pRealHierarchy [
pStubHierarchy [
Результат int

OnQueryAddDirectories() публичный Метод

public OnQueryAddDirectories ( [ pProject, [ cDirectories, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags, [ pSummaryResult, [ rgResults ) : int
pProject [
cDirectories [
rgpszMkDocuments [
rgFlags [
pSummaryResult [
rgResults [
Результат int

OnQueryAddFiles() публичный Метод

public OnQueryAddFiles ( [ pProject, [ cFiles, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags, [ pSummaryResult, [ rgResults ) : int
pProject [
cFiles [
rgpszMkDocuments [
rgFlags [
pSummaryResult [
rgResults [
Результат int

OnQueryCloseProject() публичный Метод

public OnQueryCloseProject ( [ pHierarchy, [ fRemoving, [ pfCancel ) : int
pHierarchy [
fRemoving [
pfCancel [
Результат int

OnQueryCloseSolution() публичный Метод

public OnQueryCloseSolution ( [ pUnkReserved, [ pfCancel ) : int
pUnkReserved [
pfCancel [
Результат int

OnQueryRemoveDirectories() публичный Метод

public OnQueryRemoveDirectories ( [ pProject, [ cDirectories, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags, [ pSummaryResult, [ rgResults ) : int
pProject [
cDirectories [
rgpszMkDocuments [
rgFlags [
pSummaryResult [
rgResults [
Результат int

OnQueryRemoveFiles() публичный Метод

Implement OnQueryRemoveFilesevent to warn the user when he's deleting controlled files. The user gets the chance to cancel the file removal.
public OnQueryRemoveFiles ( [ pProject, [ cFiles, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgFlags, [ pSummaryResult, [ rgResults ) : int
pProject [
cFiles [
rgpszMkDocuments [
rgFlags [
pSummaryResult [
rgResults [
Результат int

OnQueryRenameDirectories() публичный Метод

public OnQueryRenameDirectories ( [ pProject, [ cDirs, [ rgszMkOldNames, [ rgszMkNewNames, [ rgFlags, [ pSummaryResult, [ rgResults ) : int
pProject [
cDirs [
rgszMkOldNames [
rgszMkNewNames [
rgFlags [
pSummaryResult [
rgResults [
Результат int

OnQueryRenameFiles() публичный Метод

public OnQueryRenameFiles ( [ pProject, [ cFiles, [ rgszMkOldNames, [ rgszMkNewNames, [ rgFlags, [ pSummaryResult, [ rgResults ) : int
pProject [
cFiles [
rgszMkOldNames [
rgszMkNewNames [
rgFlags [
pSummaryResult [
rgResults [
Результат int

OnQueryUnloadProject() публичный Метод

public OnQueryUnloadProject ( [ pRealHierarchy, [ pfCancel ) : int
pRealHierarchy [
pfCancel [
Результат int

QueryEditFiles() публичный Метод

Called by projects and editors before modifying a file The function allows the source control systems to take the necessary actions (checkout, flip attributes) to make the file writable in order to allow the edit to continue There are a lot of cases to deal with during QueryEdit/QuerySave. - called in commmand line mode, when UI cannot be displayed - called during builds, when save shoudn't probably be allowed - called during projects migration, when projects are not open and not registered yet with source control - checking out files may bring new versions from vss database which may be reloaded and the user may lose in-memory changes; some other files may not be reloadable - not all editors call QueryEdit when they modify the file the first time (buggy editors!), and the files may be already dirty in memory when QueryEdit is called - files on disk may be modified outside IDE and may have attributes incorrect for their scc status - checkouts may fail The sample provider won't deal with all these situations, but a real source control provider should!
public QueryEditFiles ( [ rgfQueryEdit, [ cFiles, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgrgf, [ rgFileInfo, uint &pfEditVerdict, uint &prgfMoreInfo ) : int
rgfQueryEdit [
cFiles [
rgpszMkDocuments [
rgrgf [
rgFileInfo [
pfEditVerdict uint
prgfMoreInfo uint
Результат int

QuerySaveFile() публичный Метод

Called by editors and projects before saving the files The function allows the source control systems to take the necessary actions (checkout, flip attributes) to make the file writable in order to allow the file saving to continue
public QuerySaveFile ( [ pszMkDocument, [ rgf, [ pFileInfo, uint &pdwQSResult ) : int
pszMkDocument [
rgf [
pFileInfo [
pdwQSResult uint
Результат int

QuerySaveFiles() публичный Метод

Called by editors and projects before saving the files The function allows the source control systems to take the necessary actions (checkout, flip attributes) to make the file writable in order to allow the file saving to continue
public QuerySaveFiles ( [ rgfQuerySave, [ cFiles, [ rgpszMkDocuments, [ rgrgf, [ rgFileInfo, uint &pdwQSResult ) : int
rgfQuerySave [
cFiles [
rgpszMkDocuments [
rgrgf [
rgFileInfo [
pdwQSResult uint
Результат int

RegisterSccProject() публичный Метод

One of the most important methods in a source control provider, is called by projects that are under source control when they are first opened to register project settings
public RegisterSccProject ( [ pscp2Project, [ pszSccProjectName, [ pszSccAuxPath, [ pszSccLocalPath, [ pszProvider ) : int
pscp2Project [
pszSccProjectName [
pszSccAuxPath [
pszSccLocalPath [
pszProvider [
Результат int

RepositoryUIClickedAsync() публичный Метод

Handler called when the repository UI is clicked
Typically the user would expect to be lead to a workflow that would allow the user to switch repositories
public RepositoryUIClickedAsync ( ISccUIClickedEventArgs args, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
args ISccUIClickedEventArgs
cancellationToken CancellationToken
Результат System.Threading.Tasks.Task

SccProviderService() публичный Метод

public SccProviderService ( SccProvider sccProvider ) : System
sccProvider SccProvider
Результат System

SetActive() публичный Метод

public SetActive ( ) : int
Результат int

SetInactive() публичный Метод

public SetInactive ( ) : int
Результат int

ToggleOfflineStatus() публичный Метод

Toggle the offline status of the specified project or solution
public ToggleOfflineStatus ( IVsHierarchy pHier ) : void
pHier IVsHierarchy
Результат void

UnpublishedCommitsUIClickedAsync() публичный Метод

public UnpublishedCommitsUIClickedAsync ( ISccUIClickedEventArgs args, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
args ISccUIClickedEventArgs
cancellationToken CancellationToken
Результат System.Threading.Tasks.Task

UnregisterSccProject() публичный Метод

Called by projects registered with the source control portion of the environment before they are closed.
public UnregisterSccProject ( [ pscp2Project ) : int
pscp2Project [
Результат int