C# Класс Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.WebApi.Api.WindowsLiveAuthorizationController

Class contains the methods to manage the Windows Live Authentication
Наследование: ApiController
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
WindowsLiveAuthorizationController ( ) : Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.RepositoryAdapters.SkyDrive

Initializes a new instance of the WindowsLiveAuthorizationController class.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AppendAuthTokensToCallBackUrl ( Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.RepositoryAdapters.SkyDrive.OAuthToken token, string callBackUrl ) : string

Appends the Auth tokens as parameters to the callback Url

AuthorizeUser ( ) : HttpResponseMessage
ConstructCallBack ( string callBack ) : string

Constructs the Callback URL to be used while fetching the AccessToken and RefreshToken. The call back URL should be exactly the same as that specifed during the call to get the Authorization Code

GetAccessTokenFromRefreshToken ( string accessToken, string refreshToken ) : Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.RepositoryAdapters.SkyDrive.OAuthToken
GetWindowsLiveLoginUrl ( string callBack ) : string

Constructs the URL for WindowsLive Auth

GetWindowsLiveTokens ( string code, string redirectUrl ) : Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.RepositoryAdapters.SkyDrive.OAuthToken

Makes Rest call to Retreive the AccessToken and RefreshToken

HasOAuthCode ( ) : bool

Checks if the param "code" exists in the questring params

Описание методов

WindowsLiveAuthorizationController() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the WindowsLiveAuthorizationController class.
public WindowsLiveAuthorizationController ( ) : Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.RepositoryAdapters.SkyDrive
Результат Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.RepositoryAdapters.SkyDrive