C# Класс Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_SITESS.S02_ManageSubSite

Наследование: Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.TestClassBase
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
VerifyErrorCodeOfCreateWeb ( string actualValue ) : void

CreateWeb MUST return a SOAP fault with the specified error code 0x800700b7, 0x8102009f.

VerifyOperationCreateWeb ( ) : void

This method is used to verify Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 and above support operation CreateWeb.

VerifyOperationDeleteWeb ( ) : void

This method is used to verify Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 and above support operation CreateWeb.

VerifyResultOfGetSiteTemplate ( uint actualValue ) : void

GetSiteTemplatesResult MUST be 0 when the operation succeeded. If actualValue is returned as 0, R153 can be captured.

VerifySoapFault ( bool isSoapFault ) : void

Protocol server faults using SOAP faults as specified either in [SOAP1.1] section 4.4, or in [SOAP1.2/1] section 5.4.

VerifySoapFaultDetail ( System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException soapFault ) : void

Verify SoapFaultDetail message.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
ClassCleanup ( ) : void
ClassInitialize ( Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestContext testContext ) : void
MSSITESS_S02_TC01_ManagingSubsiteSuccessfully ( ) : void
MSSITESS_S02_TC02_ManagingSubsiteWithoutOptionalParameters ( ) : void
MSSITESS_S02_TC03_CreateWebFailureUrlAlreadyInUse ( ) : void
MSSITESS_S02_TC04_CreateWebFailureTemplateNotExist ( ) : void
MSSITESS_S02_TC05_DeleteWebFailureNonExistentUrl ( ) : void
MSSITESS_S02_TC06_CreateWebWithZeroFalse ( ) : void
MSSITESS_S02_TC07_GetSiteTemplateNotInstalledLCID ( ) : void
MSSITESS_S02_TC08_GetSiteTemplatesSuccessfully ( ) : void
MSSITESS_S02_TC09_CreateWebWithPresenceIsFalse ( ) : void
MSSITESS_S02_TC10_CreateWebWithPresenceIsOmitted ( ) : void
TestCaseCleanup ( ) : void
TestCaseInitialize ( ) : void

Описание методов

VerifyErrorCodeOfCreateWeb() публичный Метод

CreateWeb MUST return a SOAP fault with the specified error code 0x800700b7, 0x8102009f.
public VerifyErrorCodeOfCreateWeb ( string actualValue ) : void
actualValue string error code of the SOAP fault
Результат void

VerifyOperationCreateWeb() публичный Метод

This method is used to verify Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 and above support operation CreateWeb.
public VerifyOperationCreateWeb ( ) : void
Результат void

VerifyOperationDeleteWeb() публичный Метод

This method is used to verify Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 and above support operation CreateWeb.
public VerifyOperationDeleteWeb ( ) : void
Результат void

VerifyResultOfGetSiteTemplate() публичный Метод

GetSiteTemplatesResult MUST be 0 when the operation succeeded. If actualValue is returned as 0, R153 can be captured.
public VerifyResultOfGetSiteTemplate ( uint actualValue ) : void
actualValue uint The result of GetSiteTemplates.
Результат void

VerifySoapFault() публичный Метод

Protocol server faults using SOAP faults as specified either in [SOAP1.1] section 4.4, or in [SOAP1.2/1] section 5.4.
public VerifySoapFault ( bool isSoapFault ) : void
isSoapFault bool Indicate whether the response is a SoapFault.
Результат void

VerifySoapFaultDetail() публичный Метод

Verify SoapFaultDetail message.
public VerifySoapFaultDetail ( System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException soapFault ) : void
soapFault System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException A SoapException contains Soap fault message.
Результат void