C# Класс Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_OXCFXICS.MS_OXCFXICSAdapter

Adapter class of MS-OXCFXICS
Наследование: Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.ManagedAdapterBase, IMS_OXCFXICSAdapter
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AreEqual ( EnumFastTransferOperation operation, int firstBufferIndex, int secondBufferIndex ) : bool

Validate if the given two buffers are equal

CheckMAPIHTTPTransportSupported ( bool &isSupported ) : void

This method is used to check whether MAPIHTTP transport is supported by SUT.

CheckRequirementEnabled ( int rsid, bool &enabled ) : void

Determines if the requirement is enabled or not.

CheckSecondSUTOnline ( bool &isSecondSUTOnline ) : void

This method is used to check the second system under test whether is online or not.

Connect ( int serverId, ConnectionType connectionType ) : void

Connect to the server.

ConvertStringToBytes ( string str ) : byte[]

This method converts a string to bytes array

CreateAttachment ( int serverId, int messageHandleIndex, int &attachmentHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Create an attachment on specific message object.

CreateFolder ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex, string folderName, int &folderIdIndex, int &folderHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Create a folder and return the folder handle created.

CreateFolder ( int serverId, uint objHandle, string folderName, int &folderIdIndex, int &folderHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Create a folder and return the folder handle for the newly created folder.

CreateMessage ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, int folderIdIndex, bool associatedFlag, int &messageHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Create a message and return the message handle created.

DeleteFolder ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, int folderIdIndex ) : RopResult

Delete the specific folder.

DeleteFolder ( int serverId, uint folderHandle, ulong folderId ) : RopResult

Delete the specific folder.

Disconnect ( int serverId ) : void

Disconnect the connection to server.

FastTransferDestinationConfigure ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, SourceOperation option, FastTransferDestinationConfigureCopyFlags copyFlag, int &configHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Initializes a FastTransfer operation for uploading content encoded in a client-provided FastTransfer stream into a mailbox

FastTransferDestinationPutBuffer ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, int transferDataIndex ) : RopResult

Uploads the next portion of an input FastTransfer stream for a previously configured FastTransfer upload operation.

FastTransferSourceCopyFolder ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, CopyFolderCopyFlags copyFlag, SendOptionAlls option, int &copyFolderHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Initializes a FastTransfer operation to download properties and descendant subobjects for a specified folder.

FastTransferSourceCopyMessages ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, RopFastTransferSourceCopyMessagesCopyFlags copyFlag, SendOptionAlls option, Sequence messageIds, int &copyMessageHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Initializes a FastTransfer operation on a folder for downloading content and descendant subobjects for messages identified by a given set of IDs.

FastTransferSourceCopyProperties ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, InputHandleType handleType, bool level, CopyPropertiesCopyFlags copyFlag, SendOptionAlls option, Sequence propertyTags, int &copyPropertiesHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Initializes a FastTransfer operation to download content from a given messaging object and its descendant subobjects.

FastTransferSourceCopyTo ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, InputHandleType handleType, bool level, CopyToCopyFlags copyFlag, SendOptionAlls option, Sequence propertyTags, int &copyToHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Initializes a FastTransfer operation to download content from a given messaging object and its descendant subobjects.

FastTransferSourceGetBuffer ( int serverId, int downloadHandleIndex, BufferSize bufferSize, int &transferBufferIndex, AbstractFastTransferStream &abstractFastTransferStream, bool &transferDataSmallOrEqualToBufferSize ) : RopResult

Downloads the next portion of a FastTransfer stream.

GetAbstractContentSync ( int serverID, int stateIndex, ContentsSync cs ) : AbstractFastTransferStream

Get content sync data.

GetContentsTable ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, DeleteFlags deleteFlags, int &rowCount ) : RopResult

Retrieve the content table for a folder.

GetHierarchyTable ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, DeleteFlags deleteFlags, int &rowCount ) : RopResult

Retrieve the hierarchy table for a folder.

GetLocalReplicaIds ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex, uint idcount ) : RopResult

Allocates a range of internal identifiers for the purpose of assigning them to client-originated objects in a local replica.

GetPropertiesSpecific ( int serverId, int handleindex, Sequence propertyTag ) : RopResult

Get specific property value.

Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void

Initialize the adapter.

Logon ( int serverId, LogonFlags flag, int &logonHandleIndex, int &inboxFolderIdIndex ) : RopResult

Logon the server.

ModifyPermissions ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, PermissionLevels permissionLevel ) : RopResult

Modifies the permissions associated with a folder.

OpenFolder ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex, int folderIdIndex, int &folderHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Open specific folder.

OpenMessage ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, int folderIdIndex, int messageIdIndex, int &openMessageHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Open a specific message.

Release ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Release the object by handle.

Reset ( ) : void

Reset the adapter.

SaveChangesAttachment ( int serverId, int attachmentHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Commits the changes made to the Attachment object.

SaveChangesMessage ( int serverId, int messageHandleIndex, int &messageIdIndex ) : RopResult

Save the changes property of message.

SetLocalReplicaMidsetDeleted ( int serverId, int folderhandleIndex, Sequence longTermIdRangeIndex ) : RopResult

Identifies that a set of IDs either belongs to deleted messages in the specified folder or will never be used for any messages in the specified folder.

SetProperties ( int serverId, int handleindex, Sequence taggedPropertyValueArray ) : RopResult

Set the specific object's property value.

SynchronizationConfigure ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, SynchronizationTypes synchronizationType, SendOptionAlls option, SynchronizationFlag synchronizationFlag, SynchronizationExtraFlag synchronizationExtraFlag, Sequence property, int &downloadcontextHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Define the scope and parameters of the synchronization download operation.

SynchronizationGetTransferState ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex, int &stateHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Creates a FastTransfer download context for a snapshot of the checkpoint ICS state of the operation identified by the given synchronization download context, or synchronization upload context.

SynchronizationImportDeletes ( int serverId, int uploadcontextHandleIndex, Sequence objIdIndexes, byte importDeleteFlag ) : RopResult

Imports deletions of messages or folders into the server replica.

SynchronizationImportHierarchyChange ( int serverId, int uploadContextHandleIndex, int parentFolderHandleIndex, Set properties, int localFolderIdIndex, int &folderIdIndex ) : RopResult

Import new folders, or changes to existing folders, into the server replica.

SynchronizationImportHierarchyChangeWithConflict ( int serverId, int uploadContextHandleIndex, int parentFolderHandleIndex, Set properties, int localFolderIdIndex, int &folderIdIndex, ConflictTypes conflictType ) : RopResult

Import new folders, or changes with conflict to existing folders, into the server replica.

SynchronizationImportMessageChange ( int serverId, int uploadContextHandleIndex, int localMessageidIndex, ImportFlag importFlag, int &importMessageHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Import new messages or changes to existing messages into the server replica.

SynchronizationImportMessageMove ( int serverId, int synchronizationUploadContextHandleIndex, int sourceFolderIdIndex, int destinationFolderIdIndex, int sourceMessageIdIndex, int sourceFolderHandleIndex, int destinationFolderHandleIndex, bool inewerClientChange, bool &iolderversion, bool &icnpc ) : RopResult

Imports information about moving a message between two existing folders within the same mailbox.

SynchronizationImportReadStateChanges ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex, int objectHandleIndex, bool readStatus ) : RopResult

Imports message read state changes into the server replica.

SynchronizationOpenCollector ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex, SynchronizationTypes synchronizationType, int &synchronizationHandleIndex ) : RopResult

Configures the synchronization upload operation.

SynchronizationUploadState ( int serverId, int uploadContextHandleIndex, ICSStateProperties icsPropertyType, bool isPidTagIdsetGivenInputAsInter32, int icsStateIndex ) : RopResult

Upload of an ICS state property into the synchronization context.

TellVersion ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, int otherServerId ) : RopResult

Tell the server of another server's version.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AddRecipient ( int serverId, uint messageHandle ) : void

Add Recipient to specific message.

CreateHierarchyTablePropertyTagsForFolder ( ) : Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.PropertyTag[]

Create the PropertyTag sent to setColumn for GetHierarchyTable

CreateSampleHierarchyValues ( int serverId, int folderIdIndex, int parentFolderHandleIndex, ulong &folderId, ConflictTypes conflictType ) : Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.TaggedPropertyValue[]

Create values for SynchronizationImportHierarchyChange.

CreateSamplePropertyValues ( int messageIndex ) : Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.TaggedPropertyValue[]

Create values for SynchronizationImportMessageChange

CreateSampleRecipientColumnsAndRecipientRows ( PropertyTag &recipientColumns, ModifyRecipientRow &recipientRows ) : void

Generate recipientColumns value and recipientRows value.

GenerateAbstractFastTransferStream ( int serverId, byte buffer ) : AbstractFastTransferStream

Generate fast transfer stream data.

GetAbstractDeletion ( Deletions deletion ) : AbstractDeletion

Gets abstract deletion

GetAbstractHierachySync ( int serverId, HierarchySync hsync, int stateIndex ) : AbstractFastTransferStream

Get HierachySync data.

GetAbstractState ( int serverID, int astateIndex, State s ) : AbstractState

Gets AbstractState structure.

GetChangeNumber ( int serverId, ulong messageId, ulong folderId, uint folderHandle ) : byte[]

Get changeNmuber of a specific message object.

GetCommonByteStack ( int maxIndex, List commandList, CommonByteStack comByteStack ) : CommonByteStack

Get the data from stack.

GetHierarchyTable ( int serverID, uint handle, TableFlags flag, List &soh ) : RopGetHierarchyTableResponse

Get hierarchy table

GetIdFromLongTerm ( int serverId, LongTermId longTermId ) : ulong

Convert longTermId to id.

GetLongTermIdByte ( int serverId, ulong objectId ) : byte[]

Get longTermId bytes.

GetPublicFolderHandle ( int serverID, ulong rootFolderID, string name, ulong &folderID, uint &folderHandle ) : void

Get public folder handle.

HardDeleteMessageAndSubfolders ( int serverId ) : void

Delete sub folders and messages

HasSameCnset ( REPLGUID_IDSET idset, REPLGUID_IDSET>.Dictionary dict ) : bool

Indicate If IDSET is in dictionary.

InitialPropertyTagsDictionary ( ) : void

Initialize the propertyTagsDictionary.

InitialTaggedPropertyValuesDictionary ( ) : void

Initialize the taggedPropertyValuesDictionary.

InitialVariables ( ) : void

Initial the Variables.

InsertStateDict ( State s ) : int

Insert state value into state dictionary.

IsInDict ( REPLGUID_IDSET idset, REPLGUID_IDSET>.Dictionary dict ) : bool

Indicate If IDSET is in dictionary.

OpenFolder ( int serverID, uint inputHandle, ulong folderId, List &soh ) : RopOpenFolderResponse

Open folder operation.

Process ( int serverId, ISerializable ropRequest, uint inputHandle ) : IDeserializable

Send ROP request with single operation and get ROP response.

ProcessFXSourceGetBuffer ( byte buf ) : byte[]

Get required buffer from total buffer.

QueryRows ( int serverID, uint inputHandle, QueryRowsFlags queryRowsFlags, bool forwardRead, ushort rowCount, List &serverObjectHandleTable ) : RopQueryRowsResponse

Query table rows data.

RevertPublicFolder ( LogonFlags logonFlags ) : void

Revert public folder by deleting its subfolder and messages.

SetColumns ( int serverID, uint inputHandle, byte setColumnsFlags, PropertyTag propertyTags, List &serverObjectHandleTable ) : RopSetColumnsResponse

Set specific table column.

Описание методов

AreEqual() публичный Метод

Validate if the given two buffers are equal
public AreEqual ( EnumFastTransferOperation operation, int firstBufferIndex, int secondBufferIndex ) : bool
operation EnumFastTransferOperation Fast transfer operation
firstBufferIndex int The first buffer's index
secondBufferIndex int The second buffer's index
Результат bool

CheckMAPIHTTPTransportSupported() публичный Метод

This method is used to check whether MAPIHTTP transport is supported by SUT.
public CheckMAPIHTTPTransportSupported ( bool &isSupported ) : void
isSupported bool The transport is supported or not.
Результат void

CheckRequirementEnabled() публичный Метод

Determines if the requirement is enabled or not.
public CheckRequirementEnabled ( int rsid, bool &enabled ) : void
rsid int Requirement id.
enabled bool Requirement is enable or not.
Результат void

CheckSecondSUTOnline() публичный Метод

This method is used to check the second system under test whether is online or not.
public CheckSecondSUTOnline ( bool &isSecondSUTOnline ) : void
isSecondSUTOnline bool Check second SUT is online or not
Результат void

Connect() публичный Метод

Connect to the server.
public Connect ( int serverId, ConnectionType connectionType ) : void
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
connectionType ConnectionType The type of connection
Результат void

ConvertStringToBytes() публичный статический Метод

This method converts a string to bytes array
public static ConvertStringToBytes ( string str ) : byte[]
str string A string to convert
Результат byte[]

CreateAttachment() публичный Метод

Create an attachment on specific message object.
public CreateAttachment ( int serverId, int messageHandleIndex, int &attachmentHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server
messageHandleIndex int The message handle
attachmentHandleIndex int The attachment handle of created
Результат RopResult

CreateFolder() публичный Метод

Create a folder and return the folder handle created.
public CreateFolder ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex, string folderName, int &folderIdIndex, int &folderHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
objHandleIndex int The server object handle index.
folderName string The new folder's name.
folderIdIndex int The folder id index.
folderHandleIndex int The new folder's handle index.
Результат RopResult

CreateFolder() публичный Метод

Create a folder and return the folder handle for the newly created folder.
public CreateFolder ( int serverId, uint objHandle, string folderName, int &folderIdIndex, int &folderHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
objHandle uint The server object handle
folderName string The new folder's name.
folderIdIndex int The folder id index
folderHandleIndex int The new folder's handle index.
Результат RopResult

CreateMessage() публичный Метод

Create a message and return the message handle created.
public CreateMessage ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, int folderIdIndex, bool associatedFlag, int &messageHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
folderHandleIndex int The folder handle index for creating message.
folderIdIndex int The folder Id index.
associatedFlag bool The message is FAI or not.
messageHandleIndex int The created message handle index.
Результат RopResult

DeleteFolder() публичный Метод

Delete the specific folder.
public DeleteFolder ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, int folderIdIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
folderHandleIndex int The folder handle index.
folderIdIndex int The folder id index.
Результат RopResult

DeleteFolder() публичный Метод

Delete the specific folder.
public DeleteFolder ( int serverId, uint folderHandle, ulong folderId ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
folderHandle uint The folder handle
folderId ulong The folder id
Результат RopResult

Disconnect() публичный Метод

Disconnect the connection to server.
public Disconnect ( int serverId ) : void
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
Результат void

FastTransferDestinationConfigure() публичный Метод

Initializes a FastTransfer operation for uploading content encoded in a client-provided FastTransfer stream into a mailbox
public FastTransferDestinationConfigure ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, SourceOperation option, FastTransferDestinationConfigureCopyFlags copyFlag, int &configHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
sourceHandleIndex int A fast transfer stream object handle index.
option SourceOperation Defines the parameters of a download operation.
copyFlag FastTransferDestinationConfigureCopyFlags Defines parameters of the FastTransfer download operation.
configHandleIndex int Configure handle's index.
Результат RopResult

FastTransferDestinationPutBuffer() публичный Метод

Uploads the next portion of an input FastTransfer stream for a previously configured FastTransfer upload operation.
public FastTransferDestinationPutBuffer ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, int transferDataIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
sourceHandleIndex int A fast transfer stream object handle index.
transferDataIndex int Transfer data index.
Результат RopResult

FastTransferSourceCopyFolder() публичный Метод

Initializes a FastTransfer operation to download properties and descendant subobjects for a specified folder.
public FastTransferSourceCopyFolder ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, CopyFolderCopyFlags copyFlag, SendOptionAlls option, int &copyFolderHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
sourceHandleIndex int Folder object handle index.
copyFlag CopyFolderCopyFlags Defines parameters of the FastTransfer download operation.
option SendOptionAlls Defines the parameters of a download operation.
copyFolderHandleIndex int The folder handle index.
Результат RopResult

FastTransferSourceCopyMessages() публичный Метод

Initializes a FastTransfer operation on a folder for downloading content and descendant subobjects for messages identified by a given set of IDs.
public FastTransferSourceCopyMessages ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, RopFastTransferSourceCopyMessagesCopyFlags copyFlag, SendOptionAlls option, Sequence messageIds, int &copyMessageHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
sourceHandleIndex int Folder object handle index.
copyFlag RopFastTransferSourceCopyMessagesCopyFlags Defines parameters of the FastTransfer download operation.
option SendOptionAlls Defines the parameters of a download operation.
messageIds Sequence The list of MIDs the messages should copy.
copyMessageHandleIndex int The message handle index.
Результат RopResult

FastTransferSourceCopyProperties() публичный Метод

Initializes a FastTransfer operation to download content from a given messaging object and its descendant subobjects.
public FastTransferSourceCopyProperties ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, InputHandleType handleType, bool level, CopyPropertiesCopyFlags copyFlag, SendOptionAlls option, Sequence propertyTags, int &copyPropertiesHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
sourceHandleIndex int Folder or message object handle index.
handleType InputHandleType Type of object handle.
level bool Variable indicate whether copy the descendant subobjects.
copyFlag CopyPropertiesCopyFlags Defines parameters of the FastTransfer download operation.
option SendOptionAlls Defines the parameters of a download operation.
propertyTags Sequence The list of properties and subobjects to exclude.
copyPropertiesHandleIndex int The properties handle index.
Результат RopResult

FastTransferSourceCopyTo() публичный Метод

Initializes a FastTransfer operation to download content from a given messaging object and its descendant subobjects.
public FastTransferSourceCopyTo ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, InputHandleType handleType, bool level, CopyToCopyFlags copyFlag, SendOptionAlls option, Sequence propertyTags, int &copyToHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
sourceHandleIndex int Folder or message object handle index.
handleType InputHandleType Type of object handle
level bool Variable indicate whether copy the descendant subobjects.
copyFlag CopyToCopyFlags Defines parameters of the FastTransfer download operation.
option SendOptionAlls Defines the parameters of a download operation.
propertyTags Sequence Array of properties and subobjects to exclude.
copyToHandleIndex int The properties handle index.
Результат RopResult

FastTransferSourceGetBuffer() публичный Метод

Downloads the next portion of a FastTransfer stream.
public FastTransferSourceGetBuffer ( int serverId, int downloadHandleIndex, BufferSize bufferSize, int &transferBufferIndex, AbstractFastTransferStream &abstractFastTransferStream, bool &transferDataSmallOrEqualToBufferSize ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
downloadHandleIndex int A fast transfer stream object handle index.
bufferSize BufferSize Specifies the maximum amount of data to be output in the TransferBuffer.
transferBufferIndex int The index of data get from the fast transfer stream.
abstractFastTransferStream AbstractFastTransferStream Fast transfer stream.
transferDataSmallOrEqualToBufferSize bool Variable to not if the transferData is small or equal to bufferSize
Результат RopResult

GetAbstractContentSync() публичный Метод

Get content sync data.
public GetAbstractContentSync ( int serverID, int stateIndex, ContentsSync cs ) : AbstractFastTransferStream
serverID int server id.
stateIndex int Start index.
cs ContentsSync Content sync object
Результат AbstractFastTransferStream

GetContentsTable() публичный Метод

Retrieve the content table for a folder.
public GetContentsTable ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, DeleteFlags deleteFlags, int &rowCount ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
folderHandleIndex int The folder handle index
deleteFlags DeleteFlags The delete flag indicates whether checking delete.
rowCount int The row count.
Результат RopResult

GetHierarchyTable() публичный Метод

Retrieve the hierarchy table for a folder.
public GetHierarchyTable ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, DeleteFlags deleteFlags, int &rowCount ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
folderHandleIndex int The folder handle index
deleteFlags DeleteFlags The delete flag indicates whether checking delete.
rowCount int The row count.
Результат RopResult

GetLocalReplicaIds() публичный Метод

Allocates a range of internal identifiers for the purpose of assigning them to client-originated objects in a local replica.
public GetLocalReplicaIds ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex, uint idcount ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
objHandleIndex int The server object handle index.
idcount uint An unsigned 32-bit integer specifies the number of IDs to allocate.
Результат RopResult

GetPropertiesSpecific() публичный Метод

Get specific property value.
public GetPropertiesSpecific ( int serverId, int handleindex, Sequence propertyTag ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
handleindex int Identify from which the property will be gotten.
propertyTag Sequence A list of propertyTags.
Результат RopResult

Initialize() публичный Метод

Initialize the adapter.
public Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void
testSite ITestSite Test site.
Результат void

Logon() публичный Метод

Logon the server.
public Logon ( int serverId, LogonFlags flag, int &logonHandleIndex, int &inboxFolderIdIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
flag LogonFlags The type of logon.
logonHandleIndex int The server object handle index.
inboxFolderIdIndex int The inbox folder Id index.
Результат RopResult

ModifyPermissions() публичный Метод

Modifies the permissions associated with a folder.
public ModifyPermissions ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, PermissionLevels permissionLevel ) : RopResult
serverId int The server id
folderHandleIndex int index of folder handle in container
permissionLevel PermissionLevels The permission level
Результат RopResult

OpenFolder() публичный Метод

Open specific folder.
public OpenFolder ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex, int folderIdIndex, int &folderHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
objHandleIndex int The server object handle index.
folderIdIndex int The folder id index.
folderHandleIndex int The folder handle index.
Результат RopResult

OpenMessage() публичный Метод

Open a specific message.
public OpenMessage ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, int folderIdIndex, int messageIdIndex, int &openMessageHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
folderHandleIndex int The handle index folder object which the message in.
folderIdIndex int The folder id index of which the specific message in.
messageIdIndex int The message id index.
openMessageHandleIndex int The message handle index.
Результат RopResult

Release() публичный Метод

Release the object by handle.
public Release ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
objHandleIndex int The object handle index.
Результат RopResult

Reset() публичный Метод

Reset the adapter.
public Reset ( ) : void
Результат void

SaveChangesAttachment() публичный Метод

Commits the changes made to the Attachment object.
public SaveChangesAttachment ( int serverId, int attachmentHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
attachmentHandleIndex int The attachment handle
Результат RopResult

SaveChangesMessage() публичный Метод

Save the changes property of message.
public SaveChangesMessage ( int serverId, int messageHandleIndex, int &messageIdIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
messageHandleIndex int The message handle index.
messageIdIndex int The message id index.
Результат RopResult

SetLocalReplicaMidsetDeleted() публичный Метод

Identifies that a set of IDs either belongs to deleted messages in the specified folder or will never be used for any messages in the specified folder.
public SetLocalReplicaMidsetDeleted ( int serverId, int folderhandleIndex, Sequence longTermIdRangeIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
folderhandleIndex int A Folder object handle index.
longTermIdRangeIndex Sequence An array of LongTermIdRange structures defines a range of IDs, which are reported as unused or deleted.
Результат RopResult

SetProperties() публичный Метод

Set the specific object's property value.
public SetProperties ( int serverId, int handleindex, Sequence taggedPropertyValueArray ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
handleindex int Server object handle index.
taggedPropertyValueArray Sequence The list of property values.
Результат RopResult

SynchronizationConfigure() публичный Метод

Define the scope and parameters of the synchronization download operation.
public SynchronizationConfigure ( int serverId, int folderHandleIndex, SynchronizationTypes synchronizationType, SendOptionAlls option, SynchronizationFlag synchronizationFlag, SynchronizationExtraFlag synchronizationExtraFlag, Sequence property, int &downloadcontextHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
folderHandleIndex int The server object handle index.
synchronizationType SynchronizationTypes The type of synchronization requested: contents or hierarchy.
option SendOptionAlls Defines the parameters of a download operation.
synchronizationFlag SynchronizationFlag Flag structure that defines the parameters of the synchronization operation.
synchronizationExtraFlag SynchronizationExtraFlag Extra flag structure that defines the parameters of the synchronization operation.
property Sequence A list of properties and subobjects to exclude or include.
downloadcontextHandleIndex int Synchronization download context handle index.
Результат RopResult

SynchronizationGetTransferState() публичный Метод

Creates a FastTransfer download context for a snapshot of the checkpoint ICS state of the operation identified by the given synchronization download context, or synchronization upload context.
public SynchronizationGetTransferState ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex, int &stateHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
objHandleIndex int Synchronization context index.
stateHandleIndex int The index of FastTransfer download context for the ICS state.
Результат RopResult

SynchronizationImportDeletes() публичный Метод

Imports deletions of messages or folders into the server replica.
public SynchronizationImportDeletes ( int serverId, int uploadcontextHandleIndex, Sequence objIdIndexes, byte importDeleteFlag ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server
uploadcontextHandleIndex int Synchronization upload context handle
objIdIndexes Sequence more object id
importDeleteFlag byte Deletions type
Результат RopResult

SynchronizationImportHierarchyChange() публичный Метод

Import new folders, or changes to existing folders, into the server replica.
public SynchronizationImportHierarchyChange ( int serverId, int uploadContextHandleIndex, int parentFolderHandleIndex, Set properties, int localFolderIdIndex, int &folderIdIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
uploadContextHandleIndex int Upload context handle.
parentFolderHandleIndex int Parent folder handle index.
properties Set Properties to be set.
localFolderIdIndex int Local folder id index
folderIdIndex int The folder object id index.
Результат RopResult

SynchronizationImportHierarchyChangeWithConflict() публичный Метод

Import new folders, or changes with conflict to existing folders, into the server replica.
public SynchronizationImportHierarchyChangeWithConflict ( int serverId, int uploadContextHandleIndex, int parentFolderHandleIndex, Set properties, int localFolderIdIndex, int &folderIdIndex, ConflictTypes conflictType ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
uploadContextHandleIndex int Upload context handle.
parentFolderHandleIndex int Parent folder handle index.
properties Set Properties to be set.
localFolderIdIndex int Local folder id index
folderIdIndex int The folder object id index.
conflictType ConflictTypes The conflict type will import.
Результат RopResult

SynchronizationImportMessageChange() публичный Метод

Import new messages or changes to existing messages into the server replica.
public SynchronizationImportMessageChange ( int serverId, int uploadContextHandleIndex, int localMessageidIndex, ImportFlag importFlag, int &importMessageHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
uploadContextHandleIndex int A synchronization upload context handle index.
localMessageidIndex int Message Id index.
importFlag ImportFlag An 8-bit flag .
importMessageHandleIndex int The index of handle that indicate the Message object into which the client will upload the rest of the message changes.
Результат RopResult

SynchronizationImportMessageMove() публичный Метод

Imports information about moving a message between two existing folders within the same mailbox.
public SynchronizationImportMessageMove ( int serverId, int synchronizationUploadContextHandleIndex, int sourceFolderIdIndex, int destinationFolderIdIndex, int sourceMessageIdIndex, int sourceFolderHandleIndex, int destinationFolderHandleIndex, bool inewerClientChange, bool &iolderversion, bool &icnpc ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
synchronizationUploadContextHandleIndex int The index of the synchronization upload context configured for collecting changes to the contents of the message move destination folder.
sourceFolderIdIndex int The index of the source folder id in object id container.
destinationFolderIdIndex int The index of the destination folder id in object id container.
sourceMessageIdIndex int The index of source message id in object id container.
sourceFolderHandleIndex int The index of source folder handle in handleContainer.
destinationFolderHandleIndex int The index of destination folder handle in handle container.
inewerClientChange bool If the client has a newer message.
iolderversion bool If the server have an older version of a message .
icnpc bool Verify if the change number has been used.
Результат RopResult

SynchronizationImportReadStateChanges() публичный Метод

Imports message read state changes into the server replica.
public SynchronizationImportReadStateChanges ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex, int objectHandleIndex, bool readStatus ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
objHandleIndex int Sync handle.
objectHandleIndex int Message handle or folder handle or attachments handle.
readStatus bool A boolean value indicating the message read status, true means read.
Результат RopResult

SynchronizationOpenCollector() публичный Метод

Configures the synchronization upload operation.
public SynchronizationOpenCollector ( int serverId, int objHandleIndex, SynchronizationTypes synchronizationType, int &synchronizationHandleIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
objHandleIndex int The server object handle index .
synchronizationType SynchronizationTypes The type of synchronization requested: contents or hierarchy.
synchronizationHandleIndex int Synchronization upload context handle index.
Результат RopResult

SynchronizationUploadState() публичный Метод

Upload of an ICS state property into the synchronization context.
public SynchronizationUploadState ( int serverId, int uploadContextHandleIndex, ICSStateProperties icsPropertyType, bool isPidTagIdsetGivenInputAsInter32, int icsStateIndex ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
uploadContextHandleIndex int The synchronization context handle
icsPropertyType ICSStateProperties Property tags of the ICS state properties.
isPidTagIdsetGivenInputAsInter32 bool identifies Property tags as PtypInteger32.
icsStateIndex int The index of the ICS State.
Результат RopResult

TellVersion() публичный Метод

Tell the server of another server's version.
public TellVersion ( int serverId, int sourceHandleIndex, int otherServerId ) : RopResult
serverId int A 32-bit signed integer represent the Identity of server.
sourceHandleIndex int Server object handle index in handle container.
otherServerId int Another server's id.
Результат RopResult