C# Класс Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_LISTSWS.MS_LISTSWSAdapter

Protocol Adapter's Implementation.
Наследование: Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.ManagedAdapterBase, IMS_LISTSWSAdapter
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddAttachment ( string listName, string listItemID, string fileName, byte attachment ) : string

The AddAttachment operation is used to add an attachment to the specified list item in the specified list.

AddDiscussionBoardItem ( string listName, byte message ) : AddDiscussionBoardItemResponseAddDiscussionBoardItemResult

AddDiscussionBoardItem operation is used to add new discussion items to a specified Discussion Board.

AddList ( string listName, string description, int templateID ) : AddListResponseAddListResult

Add a list in the current site based on the specified name, description, and list template identifier.

AddListFromFeature ( string listName, string description, string featureID, int templateID ) : AddListFromFeatureResponseAddListFromFeatureResult

The AddListFromFeature operation is used to add a new list to the specified site based on the specified template and feature.

AddWikiPage ( string strListName, string listRelPageUrl, string wikiContent ) : AddWikiPageResponseAddWikiPageResult

The AddWikiPage operation MUST NOT be used. It is not supported.

ApplyContentTypeToList ( string webUrl, string contentTypeId, string listName ) : ApplyContentTypeToListResponseApplyContentTypeToListResult

The ApplyContentTypeToList operation is used to apply an existing site content type to the requested list.

CheckInFile ( string pageUrl, string comment, string checkinType ) : bool

Check in a document item to a document library.

CheckOutFile ( string pageUrl, string checkoutToLocal, string lastModified ) : bool

The CheckOutFile operation is used to check out a document in a document library.

CreateContentType ( string listName, string displayName, string parentType, AddOrUpdateFieldsDefinition fields, CreateContentTypeContentTypeProperties contentTypeProperties, string addToView ) : string

The CreateContentType operation is used to create a new content type on a list.

DeleteAttachment ( string listName, string listItemID, string url ) : void

The DeleteAttachment operation is used to remove the attachment from the specified list item in the specified list.

DeleteContentType ( string listName, string contentTypeId ) : DeleteContentTypeResponseDeleteContentTypeResult

The DeleteContentType operation is used to remove the association between the specified list and the specified content type.

DeleteContentTypeXmlDocument ( string listName, string contentTypeId, string documentUri ) : DeleteContentTypeXmlDocumentResponseDeleteContentTypeXmlDocumentResult

The DeleteContentTypeXmlDocument operation is used to delete an XML Document Property from XML Document collection in a content type of a list.

DeleteList ( string listName ) : void

The DeleteList operation is used to delete the specified list from the specified site.

GetAttachmentCollection ( string listName, string listItemID ) : GetAttachmentCollectionResponseGetAttachmentCollectionResult

The GetAttachmentCollection operation is used to retrieve information about all the lists on the current site.

GetList ( string listName ) : GetListResponseGetListResult

The GetList operation is used to retrieve properties and fields for a specified list.

GetListAndView ( string listName, string viewName ) : GetListAndViewResponseGetListAndViewResult

This operation is used to retrieve properties and fields for a specified list and a view.

GetListCollection ( ) : GetListCollectionResponseGetListCollectionResult

This operation is used to retrieve information about all the lists on the current site.

GetListContentType ( string listName, string contentTypeId ) : GetListContentTypeResponseGetListContentTypeResult

The GetListContentType operation is used to get content type data for a given content type identifier.

GetListContentTypes ( string listName, string contentTypeId ) : GetListContentTypesResponseGetListContentTypesResult

The GetListContentTypes operation is used to retrieve all content types from list.

GetListContentTypesAndProperties ( string listName, string contentTypeId, string propertyPrefix, bool includeWebProperties, [ includeWebPropertiesSpecified ) : GetListContentTypesAndPropertiesResponseGetListContentTypesAndPropertiesResult

The GetListContentTypesAndProperties operation is used to retrieve all content types from a list, and specified properties from the list and site property bags

GetListItemChanges ( string listName, CamlViewFields viewFields, string since, CamlContains contains ) : GetListItemChangesResponseGetListItemChangesResult

The GetListItemChanges operation is used to retrieve the list items that have been inserted or updated since the specified date and time and matching the specified filter criteria.

GetListItemChangesSinceToken ( string listName, string viewName, GetListItemChangesSinceTokenQuery query, CamlViewFields viewFields, string rowLimit, CamlQueryOptions queryOptions, string changeToken, CamlContains contains ) : GetListItemChangesSinceTokenResponseGetListItemChangesSinceTokenResult

The GetListItemChangesSinceToken operation is used to return changes made to a specified list after the event expressed by the change token, if specified, or to return all the list items in the list.

GetListItemChangesWithKnowledge ( string listName, string viewName, GetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeQuery query, CamlViewFields viewFields, string rowLimit, CamlQueryOptions queryOptions, string syncScope, GetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeKnowledge knowledge, CamlContains contains ) : GetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeResponseGetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeResult

The GetListItemChangesWithKnowledge operation is used to get changes made to a specified list after the event expressed by the knowledge parameter, if specified, or to return all the list items in the list.

GetListItems ( string listName, string viewName, GetListItemsQuery query, CamlViewFields viewFields, string rowLimit, CamlQueryOptions queryOptions, string webID ) : GetListItemsResponseGetListItemsResult

This operation is used to retrieve details about list items in a list that satisfy specified criteria.

GetVersionCollection ( string strListID, string strListItemID, string strFieldName ) : GetVersionCollectionResponseGetVersionCollectionResult

The GetVersionCollection operation is used to get version information for a specified field of a list.Get VersionCollection

Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void

The Overridden Initialize method

UndoCheckOut ( string pageUrl ) : bool

The Undo CheckOut operation is used to undo the checkout of the specified file in a document library.

UpdateContentType ( string listName, string contentTypeId, UpdateContentTypeContentTypeProperties contentTypeProperties, AddOrUpdateFieldsDefinition newFields, AddOrUpdateFieldsDefinition updateFields, DeleteFieldsDefinition deleteFields, string addToView ) : UpdateContentTypeResponseUpdateContentTypeResult

The UpdateContentType operation is used to update a content type on a list.

UpdateContentTypeXmlDocument ( string listName, string contentTypeId, System newDocument ) : System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable

The UpdateContentTypeXmlDocument operation is used to update the XML document of a list content type.

UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument ( string listName, UpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentNewDocument newDocument ) : UpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentResponseUpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentResult

The UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument operation is used to update XML Document properties of the content type collection on a list.

UpdateList ( string listName, UpdateListListProperties listProperties, UpdateListFieldsRequest newFields, UpdateListFieldsRequest updateFields, UpdateListFieldsRequest deleteFields, string listVersion ) : UpdateListResponseUpdateListResult

The UpdateList operation is used to update list properties and add, remove, or update fields.

UpdateListItems ( string listName, UpdateListItemsUpdates updates ) : UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult

The UpdateListItems operation is used to insert, update, and delete to specified list items in a list.

UpdateListItemsWithKnowledge ( string listName, UpdateListItemsWithKnowledgeUpdates updates, string syncScope, System knowledge ) : UpdateListItemsWithKnowledgeResponseUpdateListItemsWithKnowledgeResult

The UpdateListItemsWithKnowledge operation is used to operation is used to insert, update, and delete specified list items in a list.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetTargetServiceUrl ( ) : string

A method used to Get target service fully qualified URL, it indicates which site the test suite will run on.

LoadCommonConfiguration ( ) : void

A method used to load Common Configuration

LoadCurrentSutSHOULDMAYConfiguration ( ) : void

A method used to load SHOULDMAY Configuration according to the current SUT version

LogSchemaValidationErrors ( ) : void

A method is used to log all the schema validation errors and warnings.

SetSoapVersion ( ) : void

Set the SOAP version according to the SoapVersion property.

VerifyAddAttachmentOperation ( string attachmentRelativeUrl ) : void

Verify the message syntax of AddAttachment operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyAddDiscussionBoardItemOperation ( AddDiscussionBoardItemResponseAddDiscussionBoardItemResult addDiscussionBoardItemResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of AddDiscussionBoardItem operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyAddListFromFeatureOperation ( AddListFromFeatureResponseAddListFromFeatureResult addListFromFeatureResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of AddListFromFeature operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyAddListOperation ( AddListResponseAddListResult addListResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of AddList operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyApplyContentTypeToListOperation ( ApplyContentTypeToListResponseApplyContentTypeToListResult applyContentTypeToListResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of ApplyContentTypeToList operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyCamlQueryOptions ( CamlQueryOptions query, CamlViewFields viewFields, string returnedAuthorField ) : void

Verify the requirements of the complex type CamlQueryOptions.

VerifyChangeTypeEnum ( ) : void

Verify the requirements of the simple type ChangeTypeEnum.

VerifyCheckInFileOperation ( bool result ) : void

Verify the message syntax of CheckInFile operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyCheckOutFileOperation ( bool result ) : void

Verify the message syntax of CheckOutFile operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyCreateContentTypeOperation ( string createContentTypeResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of CreateContentType operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyDataDefinition ( DataDefinition data ) : void

Verify the requirements of the complex type DataDefinition.

VerifyDeleteAttachmentOperation ( ) : void

Verify the message syntax of DeleteAttachment operation.

VerifyDeleteContentTypeOperation ( DeleteContentTypeResponseDeleteContentTypeResult deleteContentTypeResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of DeleteContentType operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyDeleteContentTypeXmlDocumentOperation ( DeleteContentTypeXmlDocumentResponseDeleteContentTypeXmlDocumentResult deleteContentTypeXmlDocumentResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of DeleteContentTypeXmlDocument operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyDeleteListOperation ( ) : void

Verify the message syntax of DeleteList operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyEnumViewAttributes ( ) : void

Verify the requirements of the simple type EnumViewAttributes.

VerifyFieldReferenceDefinitionCT ( FieldReferenceDefinitionCT field ) : void

Verify the requirements of the complex type FieldReferenceDefinitionCT.

VerifyFileFolderChangeDefinition ( FileFolderChangeDefinition change ) : void

Verify the requirements of the complex type FileFolderChangeDefinition.

VerifyFileFragmentChangeDefinition ( FileFragmentChangeDefinition change ) : void

Verify the requirements of the complex type FileFragmentChangeDefinition.

VerifyGetAttachmentCollectionOperation ( GetAttachmentCollectionResponseGetAttachmentCollectionResult getAttachmentCollectionResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of GetAttachmentCollection operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyGetListAndViewOperation ( GetListAndViewResponseGetListAndViewResult getListAndViewResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of GetListAndView operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyGetListCollectionOperation ( GetListCollectionResponseGetListCollectionResult getListCollectionResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of GetListCollection operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyGetListContentTypeOperation ( GetListContentTypeResponseGetListContentTypeResult getListContentTypeResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of GetListContentType operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyGetListContentTypesAndPropertiesOperation ( GetListContentTypesAndPropertiesResponseGetListContentTypesAndPropertiesResult getListContentTypesAndPropertiesResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of GetListContentTypesAndProperties operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyGetListContentTypesOperation ( GetListContentTypesResponseGetListContentTypesResult getListContentTypesResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of GetListContentTypes operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyGetListItemChangesOperation ( GetListItemChangesResponseGetListItemChangesResult getListItemChangesResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of GetListItemChanges operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyGetListItemChangesSinceTokenOperation ( GetListItemChangesSinceTokenResponseGetListItemChangesSinceTokenResult getListItemChangesSinceTokenResult, CamlQueryOptions queryOptions, CamlViewFields viewFields ) : void

Verify the message syntax of GetListItemChangesSinceToken operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyGetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeOperation ( GetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeResponseGetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeResult getListItemChangesWithKnowledgeResult, CamlQueryOptions queryOptions, CamlViewFields viewFields ) : void

Verify the message syntax of GetListItemChangesWithKnowledge operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyGetListItemsOperation ( GetListItemsResponseGetListItemsResult getListItemResult, CamlQueryOptions queryOptions, CamlViewFields viewFields ) : void

Verify the message syntax of GetListItems operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyGetListOperation ( GetListResponseGetListResult getListResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of GetList operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyGetVersionCollectionOperation ( GetVersionCollectionResponseGetVersionCollectionResult getVersionCollectionResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of GetVersionCollection operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyListDefinitionCT ( ListDefinitionCT list ) : void

Verify the requirements of the complex type ListDefinitionCT.

VerifyListDefinitionSchema ( ListDefinitionSchema listDefinitionSchema ) : void

Verify the requirements of the complex type ListDefinitionSchema.

VerifyListItemChangeDefinition ( ListItemChangeDefinition change ) : void

Verify the requirements of the complex type ListItemChangeDefinition.

VerifyServerChangeUnitAttributeNotReturn ( ListItemChangeDefinition change ) : void

A method used to verify "ServerChangeUnit" attribute does not return in GetListItemChangesSinceToken operation.

VerifySoapExceptionFault ( ) : void

Verify the soap exception fault.

VerifyTRUEONLY ( ) : void

Verify the requirements of the simple type TRUEONLY.

VerifyTransportRequirements ( ) : void

Verify the requirements of the transport when the response is received successfully.

VerifyUndoCheckOutOperation ( ) : void

Verify the message syntax of UndoCheckOut operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyUpdateContentTypeOperation ( UpdateContentTypeResponseUpdateContentTypeResult updateContentTypeResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of UpdateContentType operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyUpdateContentTypeXmlDocumentOperation ( System updateContentTypeXmlDocumentResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of UpdateContentTypeXmlDocument operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyUpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentOperation ( UpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentResponseUpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentResult updateContentTypesXmlDocumentResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyUpdateListFieldResults ( UpdateListResponseUpdateListResultResults results ) : void

Verify the requirements of the complex type UpdateListFieldResults.

VerifyUpdateListItemsOperation ( UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult updateListItemsResult, UpdateListItemsUpdates updates ) : void

Verify the message syntax of UpdateListItems operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyUpdateListItemsWithKnowledgeOperation ( UpdateListItemsWithKnowledgeResponseUpdateListItemsWithKnowledgeResult updateListItemsWithKnowledgeResult, UpdateListItemsWithKnowledgeUpdates updates ) : void

Verify the message syntax of UpdateListItemsWithKnowledge operation when the response is received successfully.

VerifyUpdateListOperation ( UpdateListResponseUpdateListResult updateListResult ) : void

Verify the message syntax of UpdateList operation when the response is received successfully.

Описание методов

AddAttachment() публичный Метод

The AddAttachment operation is used to add an attachment to the specified list item in the specified list.
public AddAttachment ( string listName, string listItemID, string fileName, byte attachment ) : string
listName string The GUID or the list title of the list in which the list item to add attachment.
listItemID string The id of the list item in which the attachment will be added.
fileName string The name of the file being added as an attachment.
attachment byte Content of the attachment file (byte array).
Результат string

AddDiscussionBoardItem() публичный Метод

AddDiscussionBoardItem operation is used to add new discussion items to a specified Discussion Board.
public AddDiscussionBoardItem ( string listName, byte message ) : AddDiscussionBoardItemResponseAddDiscussionBoardItemResult
listName string The name of the discussion board in which the new item will be added
message byte The message to be added to the discussion board. The message MUST be in MIME format and then Base64 encoded
Результат AddDiscussionBoardItemResponseAddDiscussionBoardItemResult

AddList() публичный Метод

Add a list in the current site based on the specified name, description, and list template identifier.
public AddList ( string listName, string description, int templateID ) : AddListResponseAddListResult
listName string The title of the list which will be added.
description string Text which will be set as description of newly created list.
templateID int The template ID used to create this list.
Результат Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.AddListResponseAddListResult

AddListFromFeature() публичный Метод

The AddListFromFeature operation is used to add a new list to the specified site based on the specified template and feature.
public AddListFromFeature ( string listName, string description, string featureID, int templateID ) : AddListFromFeatureResponseAddListFromFeatureResult
listName string The name of the new list to be added
description string : A string that is the description of the list to be created
featureID string The identifier of the feature's GUID
templateID int The list template identifier of a template that is already installed on the site
Результат Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.AddListFromFeatureResponseAddListFromFeatureResult

AddWikiPage() публичный Метод

The AddWikiPage operation MUST NOT be used. It is not supported.
public AddWikiPage ( string strListName, string listRelPageUrl, string wikiContent ) : AddWikiPageResponseAddWikiPageResult
strListName string The GUID or the title of the Wiki library
listRelPageUrl string The URL of the page to be added. It's a relative URL to /// the Wiki library's root folder
wikiContent string describe Wiki content
Результат AddWikiPageResponseAddWikiPageResult

ApplyContentTypeToList() публичный Метод

The ApplyContentTypeToList operation is used to apply an existing site content type to the requested list.
public ApplyContentTypeToList ( string webUrl, string contentTypeId, string listName ) : ApplyContentTypeToListResponseApplyContentTypeToListResult
webUrl string This parameter is reserved and MUST be ignored. The value MUST be an empty string if it is present.
contentTypeId string The identifier of the content type which will be applied to a list
listName string The name of the list to which the content type will be applied
Результат ApplyContentTypeToListResponseApplyContentTypeToListResult

CheckInFile() публичный Метод

Check in a document item to a document library.
public CheckInFile ( string pageUrl, string comment, string checkinType ) : bool
pageUrl string The Url specifies which file will be check in.
comment string The comments of the check in.
checkinType string A string representation the check type value
Результат bool

CheckOutFile() публичный Метод

The CheckOutFile operation is used to check out a document in a document library.
public CheckOutFile ( string pageUrl, string checkoutToLocal, string lastModified ) : bool
pageUrl string The Url specifies which file will be check out.
checkoutToLocal string "TRUE" means to keep a local version for offline editing
lastModified string A string in date format that represents the date and time of the last modification by the site to the file; for example, "20 Jun 1982 12:00:00 GMT
Результат bool

CreateContentType() публичный Метод

The CreateContentType operation is used to create a new content type on a list.
public CreateContentType ( string listName, string displayName, string parentType, AddOrUpdateFieldsDefinition fields, CreateContentTypeContentTypeProperties contentTypeProperties, string addToView ) : string
listName string The name of the list for which the content type will be created
displayName string The XML-encoded name of the content type to be created
parentType string The identification of a content type from which the content type to be created will inherit
fields Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.AddOrUpdateFieldsDefinition The container for a list of existing fields to be included in the content type
contentTypeProperties CreateContentTypeContentTypeProperties The container for properties to set on the content type
addToView string Specifies whether the fields will be added to the default list view, where "TRUE" MUST correspond to true, and all other values to false
Результат string

DeleteAttachment() публичный Метод

The DeleteAttachment operation is used to remove the attachment from the specified list item in the specified list.
public DeleteAttachment ( string listName, string listItemID, string url ) : void
listName string The name of the list in which the list item to delete existing attachment.
listItemID string The id of the list item from which the attachment will be deleted.
url string Absolute URL of the attachment that should be deleted.
Результат void

DeleteContentType() публичный Метод

The DeleteContentType operation is used to remove the association between the specified list and the specified content type.
public DeleteContentType ( string listName, string contentTypeId ) : DeleteContentTypeResponseDeleteContentTypeResult
listName string The name of the list in which a content type will be deleted
contentTypeId string The identifier of the content type which will be deleted
Результат DeleteContentTypeResponseDeleteContentTypeResult

DeleteContentTypeXmlDocument() публичный Метод

The DeleteContentTypeXmlDocument operation is used to delete an XML Document Property from XML Document collection in a content type of a list.
public DeleteContentTypeXmlDocument ( string listName, string contentTypeId, string documentUri ) : DeleteContentTypeXmlDocumentResponseDeleteContentTypeXmlDocumentResult
listName string The name of the list in which a content type xml document will be deleted
contentTypeId string The identifier of the content type for which the xml document will be deleted
documentUri string The namespace URI of the XML document to remove
Результат DeleteContentTypeXmlDocumentResponseDeleteContentTypeXmlDocumentResult

DeleteList() публичный Метод

The DeleteList operation is used to delete the specified list from the specified site.
public DeleteList ( string listName ) : void
listName string The name of the list which will be deleted
Результат void

GetAttachmentCollection() публичный Метод

The GetAttachmentCollection operation is used to retrieve information about all the lists on the current site.
public GetAttachmentCollection ( string listName, string listItemID ) : GetAttachmentCollectionResponseGetAttachmentCollectionResult
listName string list name or GUID for returning the result.
listItemID string The identifier of the content type which will be collected.
Результат GetAttachmentCollectionResponseGetAttachmentCollectionResult

GetList() публичный Метод

The GetList operation is used to retrieve properties and fields for a specified list.
public GetList ( string listName ) : GetListResponseGetListResult
listName string The name of the list from which information will be got
Результат Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.GetListResponseGetListResult

GetListAndView() публичный Метод

This operation is used to retrieve properties and fields for a specified list and a view.
public GetListAndView ( string listName, string viewName ) : GetListAndViewResponseGetListAndViewResult
listName string The name of the list for which information and view will be got.
viewName string The GUID refers to a view of the list
Результат Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.GetListAndViewResponseGetListAndViewResult

GetListCollection() публичный Метод

This operation is used to retrieve information about all the lists on the current site.
public GetListCollection ( ) : GetListCollectionResponseGetListCollectionResult
Результат GetListCollectionResponseGetListCollectionResult

GetListContentType() публичный Метод

The GetListContentType operation is used to get content type data for a given content type identifier.
public GetListContentType ( string listName, string contentTypeId ) : GetListContentTypeResponseGetListContentTypeResult
listName string The name of the list for which a content type will be got
contentTypeId string The identifier of the content type of which information will be got
Результат GetListContentTypeResponseGetListContentTypeResult

GetListContentTypes() публичный Метод

The GetListContentTypes operation is used to retrieve all content types from list.
public GetListContentTypes ( string listName, string contentTypeId ) : GetListContentTypesResponseGetListContentTypesResult
listName string The name of the list for which a content type will be got
contentTypeId string The identifier of the content type of which information will be got
Результат GetListContentTypesResponseGetListContentTypesResult

GetListContentTypesAndProperties() публичный Метод

The GetListContentTypesAndProperties operation is used to retrieve all content types from a list, and specified properties from the list and site property bags
public GetListContentTypesAndProperties ( string listName, string contentTypeId, string propertyPrefix, bool includeWebProperties, [ includeWebPropertiesSpecified ) : GetListContentTypesAndPropertiesResponseGetListContentTypesAndPropertiesResult
listName string The name will be added.
contentTypeId string The identifier of the content type which will be used as a match criterion.
propertyPrefix string The prefix of the requested property keys.
includeWebProperties bool A Boolean value indicating will be returned.
includeWebPropertiesSpecified [ The properties and files from the site property bag will be specified.
Результат GetListContentTypesAndPropertiesResponseGetListContentTypesAndPropertiesResult

GetListItemChanges() публичный Метод

The GetListItemChanges operation is used to retrieve the list items that have been inserted or updated since the specified date and time and matching the specified filter criteria.
public GetListItemChanges ( string listName, CamlViewFields viewFields, string since, CamlContains contains ) : GetListItemChangesResponseGetListItemChangesResult
listName string The name of the list from which the list item changes will be got
viewFields Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.CamlViewFields Indicates which fields of the list item SHOULD be returned
since string The date and time to start retrieving changes in the list /// If the parameter is null, Protocol Server should return all list items /// If the date that is passed in is not in UTC format, protocol server will use protocol server's local time zone and converted to UTC time
contains Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.CamlContains Restricts the results returned by giving a specific value to be searched for in the specified list item field
Результат GetListItemChangesResponseGetListItemChangesResult

GetListItemChangesSinceToken() публичный Метод

The GetListItemChangesSinceToken operation is used to return changes made to a specified list after the event expressed by the change token, if specified, or to return all the list items in the list.
public GetListItemChangesSinceToken ( string listName, string viewName, GetListItemChangesSinceTokenQuery query, CamlViewFields viewFields, string rowLimit, CamlQueryOptions queryOptions, string changeToken, CamlContains contains ) : GetListItemChangesSinceTokenResponseGetListItemChangesSinceTokenResult
listName string The name of the list from which version collection will be got
viewName string The GUID refers to a view of the list
query GetListItemChangesSinceTokenQuery The query to determine which records from the list are to be /// returned and the order in which they will be returned
viewFields Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.CamlViewFields Specifies which fields of the list item will be returned
rowLimit string Indicate the maximum number of rows of data to return
queryOptions Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.CamlQueryOptions Specifies various options for modifying the query
changeToken string Assigned a string comprising a token returned by a previous /// call to this operation.
contains Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.CamlContains Specifies a value to search for
Результат GetListItemChangesSinceTokenResponseGetListItemChangesSinceTokenResult

GetListItemChangesWithKnowledge() публичный Метод

The GetListItemChangesWithKnowledge operation is used to get changes made to a specified list after the event expressed by the knowledge parameter, if specified, or to return all the list items in the list.
public GetListItemChangesWithKnowledge ( string listName, string viewName, GetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeQuery query, CamlViewFields viewFields, string rowLimit, CamlQueryOptions queryOptions, string syncScope, GetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeKnowledge knowledge, CamlContains contains ) : GetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeResponseGetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeResult
listName string Get list name
viewName string The GUID of a view of the list
query GetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeQuery Query the list
viewFields Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.CamlViewFields Specifies which fields of the list item should be returned
rowLimit string The maximum number of rows of data to return
queryOptions Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.CamlQueryOptions Specifies various options for modifying the query
syncScope string This parameter MUST be null or empty
knowledge GetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeKnowledge Specifies the knowledge data structure in XML format
contains Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.CamlContains Specifies a value to search for
Результат GetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeResponseGetListItemChangesWithKnowledgeResult

GetListItems() публичный Метод

This operation is used to retrieve details about list items in a list that satisfy specified criteria.
public GetListItems ( string listName, string viewName, GetListItemsQuery query, CamlViewFields viewFields, string rowLimit, CamlQueryOptions queryOptions, string webID ) : GetListItemsResponseGetListItemsResult
listName string The name of the list from which item changes will be got
viewName string The GUID refers to a view of the list
query GetListItemsQuery The query to determine which records from the list are to be returned
viewFields Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.CamlViewFields Specifies which fields of the list item should be returned
rowLimit string Specifies the maximum number of rows of data to return in the response
queryOptions Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.CamlQueryOptions Specifies various options for modifying the query
webID string The GUID of the site that contains the list. If not specified, the default Web site based on the SOAP request is used
Результат GetListItemsResponseGetListItemsResult

GetVersionCollection() публичный Метод

The GetVersionCollection operation is used to get version information for a specified field of a list.Get VersionCollection
public GetVersionCollection ( string strListID, string strListItemID, string strFieldName ) : GetVersionCollectionResponseGetVersionCollectionResult
strListID string The identifier of the list whose change versions will be got
strListItemID string The identifier of the list item whose change versions will be got
strFieldName string The name of the field whose value version will be got
Результат GetVersionCollectionResponseGetVersionCollectionResult

Initialize() публичный Метод

The Overridden Initialize method
public Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void
testSite ITestSite The ITestSite member of ManagedAdapterBase
Результат void

UndoCheckOut() публичный Метод

The Undo CheckOut operation is used to undo the checkout of the specified file in a document library.
public UndoCheckOut ( string pageUrl ) : bool
pageUrl string The parameter specifying where will execute the undo check out
Результат bool

UpdateContentType() публичный Метод

The UpdateContentType operation is used to update a content type on a list.
public UpdateContentType ( string listName, string contentTypeId, UpdateContentTypeContentTypeProperties contentTypeProperties, AddOrUpdateFieldsDefinition newFields, AddOrUpdateFieldsDefinition updateFields, DeleteFieldsDefinition deleteFields, string addToView ) : UpdateContentTypeResponseUpdateContentTypeResult
listName string The name of the list of which a content type will be updated
contentTypeId string The identifier of the content type which will be updated
contentTypeProperties UpdateContentTypeContentTypeProperties The container for properties to set on the content type
newFields Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.AddOrUpdateFieldsDefinition The new fields that will be used as parameter in UpdateContentType
updateFields Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.AddOrUpdateFieldsDefinition The fields that will be updated
deleteFields Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.DeleteFieldsDefinition The fields that will be used as parameter in UpdateContentType
addToView string Specifies whether the fields will be added to the default list view, "TRUE" means add to the view and "False" means not.
Результат UpdateContentTypeResponseUpdateContentTypeResult

UpdateContentTypeXmlDocument() публичный Метод

The UpdateContentTypeXmlDocument operation is used to update the XML document of a list content type.
public UpdateContentTypeXmlDocument ( string listName, string contentTypeId, System newDocument ) : System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable
listName string The name of the list of which a content type xml document will be updated
contentTypeId string The identifier of the content type of the xml document will be updated.
newDocument System The XML document to be added to the content type XML document collection
Результат System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable

UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument() публичный Метод

The UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument operation is used to update XML Document properties of the content type collection on a list.
public UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument ( string listName, UpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentNewDocument newDocument ) : UpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentResponseUpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentResult
listName string The name of the list of which some content type xml documents will be updated
newDocument UpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentNewDocument The container element for a list of content type and XML document to update
Результат UpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentResponseUpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentResult

UpdateList() публичный Метод

The UpdateList operation is used to update list properties and add, remove, or update fields.
public UpdateList ( string listName, UpdateListListProperties listProperties, UpdateListFieldsRequest newFields, UpdateListFieldsRequest updateFields, UpdateListFieldsRequest deleteFields, string listVersion ) : UpdateListResponseUpdateListResult
listName string The name of the list which will be updated
listProperties Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.UpdateListListProperties The properties of the specified list
newFields Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.UpdateListFieldsRequest new fields to be added to the list
updateFields Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.UpdateListFieldsRequest the fields to be updated in the list
deleteFields Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.UpdateListFieldsRequest the fields to be deleted from the list.
listVersion string A string represents an integer value that specifies the current version of the list
Результат Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.UpdateListResponseUpdateListResult

UpdateListItems() публичный Метод

The UpdateListItems operation is used to insert, update, and delete to specified list items in a list.
public UpdateListItems ( string listName, UpdateListItemsUpdates updates ) : UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult
listName string The name of the list for which list items will be updated
updates UpdateListItemsUpdates Specifies the operations to perform on a list item
Результат UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult

UpdateListItemsWithKnowledge() публичный Метод

The UpdateListItemsWithKnowledge operation is used to operation is used to insert, update, and delete specified list items in a list.
public UpdateListItemsWithKnowledge ( string listName, UpdateListItemsWithKnowledgeUpdates updates, string syncScope, System knowledge ) : UpdateListItemsWithKnowledgeResponseUpdateListItemsWithKnowledgeResult
listName string The name of the list for which list items will be updated
updates UpdateListItemsWithKnowledgeUpdates A parameter represents the operations to perform on a list item
syncScope string A parameter is reserved and MUST be ignored
knowledge System Specifies a value to search for
Результат UpdateListItemsWithKnowledgeResponseUpdateListItemsWithKnowledgeResult