C# Класс Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopQueryColumnsAllResponse

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
InputHandleIndex byte
PropertyTagCount ushort
PropertyTags Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.PropertyTag[]
ReturnValue uint
RopId byte

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Deserialize ( byte ropBytes, int startIndex ) : int

Deserialize the ROP response buffer.

Описание методов

Deserialize() публичный Метод

Deserialize the ROP response buffer.
public Deserialize ( byte ropBytes, int startIndex ) : int
ropBytes byte ROPs bytes in response.
startIndex int The start index of this ROP.
Результат int

Описание свойств

InputHandleIndex публичное свойство

Unsigned 8-bit integer. This index MUST be set to the InputHandleIndex specified in the request.
public byte InputHandleIndex
Результат byte

PropertyTagCount публичное свойство

Unsigned 16-bit integer. This value specifies how many tags are present in the PropertyTags field.
public ushort PropertyTagCount
Результат ushort

PropertyTags публичное свойство

Array of PropertyTag structures. The number of structures contained in this field is specified by the PropertyTagCount field. The format of the PropertyTag structure is specified in [MS-OXCDATA]. This field specifies the columns of the table.
public PropertyTag[],Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common PropertyTags
Результат Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.PropertyTag[]

ReturnValue публичное свойство

Unsigned 32-bit integer. This value specifies the status of the remote operation. For success response, this field is set to 0x00000000. For failure response, this field is set to a value other than 0x00000000.
public uint ReturnValue
Результат uint

RopId публичное свойство

Unsigned 8-bit integer. This value specifies the type of remote operation. For this operation, this field is set to 0x37.
public byte RopId
Результат byte