Метод | Описание | |
AddItem ( ClientContext clientContext, List list, IList |
AddOneNote ( ClientContext clientContext, string clientAddressPath, string oneNoteLocation, string listName, string oneNoteTitle ) : string | ||
AddView ( ClientContext clientContext, List matterList, string viewColumnList, string viewName, string strQuery ) : bool |
Creates a new view for the list
BreakItemPermission ( ClientContext clientContext, string listName, int listItemId, bool isCopyRoleAssignment ) : bool |
Validates and breaks the item level permission for the specified list item under the list/library.
BreakPermission ( ClientContext clientContext, string libraryName, bool isCopyRoleAssignment ) : bool |
Breaks the permissions of the list.
CheckItemModified ( ListItemCollection collection, string cachedItemModifiedDate ) : bool |
Checks if item is modified after it is loaded on the client side
CheckPermissionOnList ( |
Determines whether user has a particular permission on the list
CheckPermissionOnList ( ClientContext clientContext, string listName, PermissionKind permission ) : bool |
Determines whether user has a particular permission on the list
CheckPermissionOnList ( string url, string listName, PermissionKind permission ) : bool |
Method will check the permission of the list that has been provided
CreateFileInsideFolder ( ClientContext clientContext, string folderPath, FileCreationInformation newFile ) : void | ||
CreateList ( ClientContext clientContext, |
Delete ( ClientContext clientContext, IList |
DownloadAttachments ( string attachmentUrl ) : Stream | ||
Exists ( |
Function to check whether list is present or not.
FetchUserPermissionForLibrary ( ClientContext clientContext, string libraryname ) : IEnumerable |
FolderExists ( string folderPath, ClientContext clientContext, string documentLibraryName ) : bool | ||
GetData ( |
Gets the list items of specified list based on CAML query.
GetData ( ClientContext clientContext, string listName, string camlQuery = null ) : ListItemCollection |
Gets the list items of specified list based on CAML query.
GetData ( string url, string listName, string camlQuery = null ) : ListItemCollection | ||
GetDocumentAndClientGUID ( |
Retrieves the document and List GUID
GetFolderHierarchy ( |
Method which will give matter folder hierarchy
GetListProperties ( ClientContext clientContext, string libraryName ) : PropertyValues | ||
GetMatterAssignedUsersEmail ( ClientContext clientContext, |
Converts the project users emails in a form that can be stamped to library.
GetPropertyValueForList ( ClientContext context, string matterName, string propertyList ) : string |
Fetches the values of property for specified matter.
MatterAssociatedLists ( ClientContext clientContext, ReadOnlyCollection |
Function to check whether list is present or not.
PerformContentCheck ( ClientContext context, |
Check if Content of local file and server file matches.
SPList ( ISPOAuthorization spoAuthorization, IOptions |
All the dependencies are injected into the constructor
SetItemPermission ( ClientContext clientContext, IList |
Set permission to the specified list item
SetPermission ( ClientContext clientContext, IList |
Sets permissions for the list.
SetPropertBagValuesForList ( ClientContext clientContext, PropertyValues props, string matterName, string>.Dictionary |
Sets the value of the specified property.
SetUploadItemProperties ( ClientContext clientContext, string documentLibraryName, string fileName, string folderPath, string>.Dictionary |
Sets the upload item properties.
UploadDocument ( string folderPath, IFormFile uploadedFile, string fileName, string>.Dictionary |
Метод | Описание | |
AddFolders ( ClientContext clientContext, List list, IList |
Adds all the folders from Content type in matter library.
DocumentUpload ( string folderPath, IList |
Upload helper function for uploading documents to SharePoint library.
GetCategories ( string categories ) : string |
Process the categories and trims the "category" word
GetFolderAssignment ( List list, ListItemCollection listItems, List |
Retrieves folder hierarchy from document library.
public AddItem ( ClientContext clientContext, List list, IList |
clientContext | ClientContext | |
list | List | |
columns | IList |
values | IList | |
Результат | bool |
public AddOneNote ( ClientContext clientContext, string clientAddressPath, string oneNoteLocation, string listName, string oneNoteTitle ) : string | ||
clientContext | ClientContext | |
clientAddressPath | string | |
oneNoteLocation | string | |
listName | string | |
oneNoteTitle | string | |
Результат | string |
public AddView ( ClientContext clientContext, List matterList, string viewColumnList, string viewName, string strQuery ) : bool | ||
clientContext | ClientContext | Client Context |
matterList | List | List name |
viewColumnList | string | Name of the columns in view |
viewName | string | View name |
strQuery | string | View query |
Результат | bool |
public BreakItemPermission ( ClientContext clientContext, string listName, int listItemId, bool isCopyRoleAssignment ) : bool | ||
clientContext | ClientContext | Client Context |
listName | string | List name |
listItemId | int | Unique list item id to break item level permission |
isCopyRoleAssignment | bool | Flag to copy permission from parent |
Результат | bool |
public BreakPermission ( ClientContext clientContext, string libraryName, bool isCopyRoleAssignment ) : bool | ||
clientContext | ClientContext | Client context |
libraryName | string | Name of list |
isCopyRoleAssignment | bool | Flag to copy permission from parent |
Результат | bool |
public CheckItemModified ( ListItemCollection collection, string cachedItemModifiedDate ) : bool | ||
collection | ListItemCollection | List item collection |
cachedItemModifiedDate | string | Date time when current user loaded the page to see/update configuration values. |
Результат | bool |
public CheckPermissionOnList ( |
client | ||
listName | string | List name |
permission | PermissionKind | Permission to be checked |
Результат | bool |
public CheckPermissionOnList ( ClientContext clientContext, string listName, PermissionKind permission ) : bool | ||
clientContext | ClientContext | Client context |
listName | string | List name |
permission | PermissionKind | Permission to be checked |
Результат | bool |
public CheckPermissionOnList ( string url, string listName, PermissionKind permission ) : bool | ||
url | string | |
listName | string | |
permission | PermissionKind | |
Результат | bool |
public CreateFileInsideFolder ( ClientContext clientContext, string folderPath, FileCreationInformation newFile ) : void | ||
clientContext | ClientContext | |
folderPath | string | |
newFile | FileCreationInformation | |
Результат | void |
public CreateList ( ClientContext clientContext, |
clientContext | ClientContext | |
listInfo | ||
Результат | bool |
public Delete ( ClientContext clientContext, IList |
clientContext | ClientContext | |
listsNames | IList |
Результат | bool |
public DownloadAttachments ( string attachmentUrl ) : Stream | ||
attachmentUrl | string | |
Результат | Stream |
public Exists ( |
client | ||
listsNames | ReadOnlyCollection |
List name |
Результат | List |
public FetchUserPermissionForLibrary ( ClientContext clientContext, string libraryname ) : IEnumerable |
clientContext | ClientContext | |
libraryname | string | |
Результат | IEnumerable |
public FolderExists ( string folderPath, ClientContext clientContext, string documentLibraryName ) : bool | ||
folderPath | string | |
clientContext | ClientContext | |
documentLibraryName | string | |
Результат | bool |
public GetData ( |
client | ||
listName | string | Name of the list |
camlQuery | string | CAML Query that need to be executed on list |
Результат | ListItemCollection |
public GetData ( ClientContext clientContext, string listName, string camlQuery = null ) : ListItemCollection | ||
clientContext | ClientContext | Client context |
listName | string | Name of the list |
camlQuery | string | CAML Query that need to be executed on list |
Результат | ListItemCollection |
public GetData ( string url, string listName, string camlQuery = null ) : ListItemCollection | ||
url | string | |
listName | string | |
camlQuery | string | |
Результат | ListItemCollection |
public GetDocumentAndClientGUID ( |
client | Client object containing list data | |
Результат | dynamic |
public GetFolderHierarchy ( |
matterData | ||
Результат | List |
public GetListProperties ( ClientContext clientContext, string libraryName ) : PropertyValues | ||
clientContext | ClientContext | |
libraryName | string | |
Результат | PropertyValues |
public GetMatterAssignedUsersEmail ( ClientContext clientContext, |
clientContext | ClientContext | ClientContext object |
matter | Matter object | |
Результат | string |
public GetPropertyValueForList ( ClientContext context, string matterName, string propertyList ) : string | ||
context | ClientContext | Client context |
matterName | string | Name of matter |
propertyList | string | List of properties |
Результат | string |
public MatterAssociatedLists ( ClientContext clientContext, ReadOnlyCollection |
clientContext | ClientContext | Client context object for SharePoint |
listsNames | ReadOnlyCollection |
List name |
Результат | List |
public PerformContentCheck ( ClientContext context, |
context | ClientContext | SP client context |
localMemoryStream | Memory stream of local file | |
serverFileURL | String | Server relative URL of file with filename |
Результат | bool |
public SPList ( ISPOAuthorization spoAuthorization, IOptions |
spoAuthorization | ISPOAuthorization | |
camlQueries | IOptions |
errorSettings | IOptions |
searchSettings | IOptions |
contentTypesConfig | IOptions |
customLogger | ICustomLogger | |
logTables | IOptions |
mailSettings | IOptions |
generalSettings | IOptions |
hostingEnvironment | IHostingEnvironment | |
userDetails | IUsersDetails | |
Результат | Microsoft.SharePoint.Client |
public SetItemPermission ( ClientContext clientContext, IList |
clientContext | ClientContext | Client context object |
assignUserName | IList |
Users to give permission |
listName | string | List name |
listItemId | int | Unique list item id to break item level permission |
permissions | IList |
Permissions for the users |
Результат | bool |
public SetPermission ( ClientContext clientContext, IList |
clientContext | ClientContext | Client Context |
assignUserName | IList |
Users to give permission |
permissions | IList |
Permissions for the users |
listName | string | List name |
Результат | bool |
public SetPropertBagValuesForList ( ClientContext clientContext, PropertyValues props, string matterName, string>.Dictionary |
clientContext | ClientContext | Client context |
props | PropertyValues | Property Bag |
matterName | string | Name of matter to which property is to be attached |
propertyList | string>.Dictionary | List of properties |
Результат | void |
public SetUploadItemProperties ( ClientContext clientContext, string documentLibraryName, string fileName, string folderPath, string>.Dictionary |
clientContext | ClientContext | The client context. |
documentLibraryName | string | Name of the document library. |
fileName | string | Name of the file. |
folderPath | string | Path of the folder. |
mailProperties | string>.Dictionary | The mail properties. |
Результат | void |
public UploadDocument ( string folderPath, IFormFile uploadedFile, string fileName, string>.Dictionary |
folderPath | string | |
uploadedFile | IFormFile | |
fileName | string | |
mailProperties | string>.Dictionary | |
clientUrl | string | |
folderName | string | |
documentLibraryName | string | |
Результат |