C# Класс Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.CreateTerm.CreateTerm

Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
errorFilePath string

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CreateClientStructure ( string>.Dictionary listval, List clientList, bool action ) : void

Create client structure in taxonomy

CreateClientTerms ( string>.Dictionary listval, List TermsData ) : void

Function to create client terms

CreateTermStructure ( string>.Dictionary listval, List termList ) : void

Create Term store structure

CreateTerms ( string>.Dictionary listval, List TermsData ) : void

Creates terms in term group

DeleteTerms ( string>.Dictionary listval, List TermsData ) : void

Deletes term store hierarchy

Main ( string args ) : void
ReadConfigExcel ( string>.Dictionary listval, bool action ) : void

Read configuration values from Excel and create term store hierarchy

ReadTermData ( Collection sheetValues, string termType ) : Collection

Function is used to return objects formed using values read from Excel sheet

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CreatePGTerms ( List TermsData, ClientContext clientContext ) : void

Create practice group terms

CreateTermsForClients ( List TermsData, ClientContext clientContext ) : void

Create client terms

CustomArea ( CustomAreaOfLaw aol, Term AOLTerm ) : void
DeleteMatterCenterTerms ( List TermsData, ClientContext clientContext ) : void

Deletes terms from term stores

Описание методов

CreateClientStructure() публичный статический Метод

Create client structure in taxonomy
public static CreateClientStructure ( string>.Dictionary listval, List clientList, bool action ) : void
listval string>.Dictionary Configuration values from configuration Excel
clientList List List of Clients from configuration Excel
action bool flag to create or delete client hierarchy
Результат void

CreateClientTerms() публичный статический Метод

Function to create client terms
public static CreateClientTerms ( string>.Dictionary listval, List TermsData ) : void
listval string>.Dictionary List of Clients from configuration Excel
TermsData List Terms data
Результат void

CreateTermStructure() публичный статический Метод

Create Term store structure
public static CreateTermStructure ( string>.Dictionary listval, List termList ) : void
listval string>.Dictionary List of Clients from configuration Excel
termList List Terms list
Результат void

CreateTerms() публичный статический Метод

Creates terms in term group
public static CreateTerms ( string>.Dictionary listval, List TermsData ) : void
listval string>.Dictionary Configuration list values from configuration Excel
TermsData List Terms Data
Результат void

DeleteTerms() публичный статический Метод

Deletes term store hierarchy
public static DeleteTerms ( string>.Dictionary listval, List TermsData ) : void
listval string>.Dictionary Configuration values from Excel
TermsData List Terms Data
Результат void

Main() публичный статический Метод

public static Main ( string args ) : void
args string
Результат void

ReadConfigExcel() публичный статический Метод

Read configuration values from Excel and create term store hierarchy
public static ReadConfigExcel ( string>.Dictionary listval, bool action ) : void
listval string>.Dictionary Configuration values from configuration Excel
action bool Flag to create or delete hierarchy
Результат void

ReadTermData() публичный статический Метод

Function is used to return objects formed using values read from Excel sheet
public static ReadTermData ( Collection sheetValues, string termType ) : Collection
sheetValues Collection List of values read from Excel sheet
termType string Term type
Результат Collection

Описание свойств

errorFilePath публичное статическое свойство

public static string errorFilePath
Результат string