C# Класс Microsoft.Fast.TreeClassDef

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
acceptors TreeTransducer>.Dictionary
alphabet RankedAlphabetSort
transducers TreeTransducer>.Dictionary
trees IEnumerable>.Dictionary
z3p Z3Provider

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddAcceptor ( LangDefDef def, FastTransducerInstance fti, Def>.Dictionary defs ) : bool

Generate an acceptor rooted in def from a compound language definition and adds it to the list of acceptors

AddTransducer ( Def def, FastTransducerInstance fti, Def>.Dictionary defs ) : bool

Generate a transducer rooted in def from a transducer definition

AddTransducer ( TransDefDef def, FastTransducerInstance fti, Def>.Dictionary defs ) : bool

Generate a transducer rooted in def from a compound transducer definition and adds it to the list of transducers

AddTree ( TreeDef def, FastTransducerInstance fti, Def>.Dictionary defs ) : bool

Generate a tree from a tree definition

GenerateZ3ExprFromToExpr ( FExp expr, RankedAlphabetSort outputAlph, List children, int from, List reachedStates, List queue, Def>.Dictionary defs, FastTransducerInstance fti, List nextStatesL ) : Expr
GenerateZ3ExprFromWhereExpr ( FExp expr, FastTransducerInstance fti ) : Expr
TreeClassDef ( RankedAlphabetSort ras, Z3Provider z3p ) : System

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GenerateZ3ToExpr ( AppExp expr, RankedAlphabetSort outputAlph, List children, int from, List reachedStates, List queue, Def>.Dictionary defs, FastTransducerInstance fti, List nextStatesL ) : Expr
GenerateZ3ToExpr ( RecordExp expr, RankedAlphabetSort outputAlph, FastTransducerInstance fti ) : Expr
GenerateZ3ToExpr ( Value expr, RankedAlphabetSort outputAlph ) : Expr
GenerateZ3ToExpr ( Variable expr, RankedAlphabetSort outputAlph, List children ) : Expr
GenerateZ3WhereExpr ( AppExp expr, FastTransducerInstance fti ) : Expr
GenerateZ3WhereExpr ( Value expr, FastTransducerInstance fti ) : Expr
GenerateZ3WhereExpr ( Variable expr, FastTransducerInstance fti ) : Expr

Описание методов

AddAcceptor() публичный Метод

Generate an acceptor rooted in def from a compound language definition and adds it to the list of acceptors
public AddAcceptor ( LangDefDef def, FastTransducerInstance fti, Def>.Dictionary defs ) : bool
def Microsoft.Fast.AST.LangDefDef
fti FastTransducerInstance
defs Def>.Dictionary
Результат bool

AddTransducer() публичный Метод

Generate a transducer rooted in def from a transducer definition
public AddTransducer ( Def def, FastTransducerInstance fti, Def>.Dictionary defs ) : bool
def Microsoft.Fast.AST.Def
fti FastTransducerInstance
defs Def>.Dictionary
Результат bool

AddTransducer() публичный Метод

Generate a transducer rooted in def from a compound transducer definition and adds it to the list of transducers
public AddTransducer ( TransDefDef def, FastTransducerInstance fti, Def>.Dictionary defs ) : bool
def Microsoft.Fast.AST.TransDefDef
fti FastTransducerInstance
defs Def>.Dictionary
Результат bool

AddTree() публичный Метод

Generate a tree from a tree definition
public AddTree ( TreeDef def, FastTransducerInstance fti, Def>.Dictionary defs ) : bool
def Microsoft.Fast.AST.TreeDef
fti FastTransducerInstance
defs Def>.Dictionary
Результат bool

GenerateZ3ExprFromToExpr() публичный Метод

public GenerateZ3ExprFromToExpr ( FExp expr, RankedAlphabetSort outputAlph, List children, int from, List reachedStates, List queue, Def>.Dictionary defs, FastTransducerInstance fti, List nextStatesL ) : Expr
expr Microsoft.Fast.AST.FExp
outputAlph RankedAlphabetSort
children List
from int
reachedStates List
queue List
defs Def>.Dictionary
fti FastTransducerInstance
nextStatesL List
Результат Microsoft.Z3.Expr

GenerateZ3ExprFromWhereExpr() публичный Метод

public GenerateZ3ExprFromWhereExpr ( FExp expr, FastTransducerInstance fti ) : Expr
expr Microsoft.Fast.AST.FExp
fti FastTransducerInstance
Результат Microsoft.Z3.Expr

TreeClassDef() публичный Метод

public TreeClassDef ( RankedAlphabetSort ras, Z3Provider z3p ) : System
ras RankedAlphabetSort
z3p Z3Provider
Результат System

Описание свойств

acceptors публичное свойство

public Dictionary acceptors
Результат TreeTransducer>.Dictionary

alphabet публичное свойство

public RankedAlphabetSort,Microsoft.Fast alphabet
Результат RankedAlphabetSort

transducers публичное свойство

public Dictionary transducers
Результат TreeTransducer>.Dictionary

trees публичное свойство

public Dictionary> trees
Результат IEnumerable>.Dictionary

z3p публичное свойство

public Z3Provider z3p
Результат Z3Provider