C# Класс Microsoft.Data.Services.Toolkit.QueryModel.ODataExpressionVisitor

Parses the OData query expression tree and generates the proper ODataQueryOperation.
Наследование: System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Eval ( ) : ODataQueryOperation

Evaluates the OData query Expression.

ODataExpressionVisitor ( Expression expression ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ODataExpressionVisitor class.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
HandleCount ( ) : void

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'Count' value name.

HandleOrder ( Expression node, string methodName ) : void

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'Order' value name, the given expression and the method name.

HandleSelect ( Expression node ) : void

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'SelectMany' or 'Select' value name and the given expression.

HandleSelectMany ( Expression node ) : void

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'SelectMany' value name and the given expression.

HandleSkip ( Expression node ) : void

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'Skip' value name and the given expression.

HandleTop ( Expression node ) : void

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'Take' value name and the given expression.

HandleWhere ( Expression node ) : void

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'Where' value name and the given expression.

VisitConstant ( ConstantExpression node ) : Expression

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'Root' value name and the given expression.

VisitMethodCall ( MethodCallExpression node ) : Expression

Parses the MethodCallExpression to enqueue a new operation tuple based on the expression method name.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CreateGetOneQuery ( Queue operations, OperationTuple item, LambdaExpression projectionExpression, Type projectionType, PropertyDetails>.IDictionary projectedProperties ) : Microsoft.Data.Services.Toolkit.QueryModel.ODataSelectOneQueryOperation
EvalForQueue ( Queue tuples ) : ODataQueryOperation

Evaluates the OperationTuple queue to return a proper ODataQueryOperation.

Описание методов

Eval() публичный Метод

Evaluates the OData query Expression.
public Eval ( ) : ODataQueryOperation
Результат ODataQueryOperation

HandleCount() защищенный Метод

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'Count' value name.
protected HandleCount ( ) : void
Результат void

HandleOrder() защищенный Метод

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'Order' value name, the given expression and the method name.
protected HandleOrder ( Expression node, string methodName ) : void
node System.Linq.Expressions.Expression The operation tuple .
methodName string The method name.
Результат void

HandleSelect() защищенный Метод

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'SelectMany' or 'Select' value name and the given expression.
protected HandleSelect ( Expression node ) : void
node System.Linq.Expressions.Expression The operation tuple .
Результат void

HandleSelectMany() защищенный Метод

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'SelectMany' value name and the given expression.
protected HandleSelectMany ( Expression node ) : void
node System.Linq.Expressions.Expression The operation tuple .
Результат void

HandleSkip() защищенный Метод

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'Skip' value name and the given expression.
protected HandleSkip ( Expression node ) : void
node System.Linq.Expressions.Expression The operation tuple .
Результат void

HandleTop() защищенный Метод

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'Take' value name and the given expression.
protected HandleTop ( Expression node ) : void
node System.Linq.Expressions.Expression The operation tuple .
Результат void

HandleWhere() защищенный Метод

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'Where' value name and the given expression.
protected HandleWhere ( Expression node ) : void
node System.Linq.Expressions.Expression The operation tuple .
Результат void

ODataExpressionVisitor() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the ODataExpressionVisitor class.
public ODataExpressionVisitor ( Expression expression ) : System
expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression The initial to be parsed.
Результат System

VisitConstant() защищенный Метод

Enqueue a new operation tuple with the 'Root' value name and the given expression.
protected VisitConstant ( ConstantExpression node ) : Expression
node System.Linq.Expressions.ConstantExpression The operation tuple .
Результат System.Linq.Expressions.Expression

VisitMethodCall() защищенный Метод

Parses the MethodCallExpression to enqueue a new operation tuple based on the expression method name.
protected VisitMethodCall ( MethodCallExpression node ) : Expression
node System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression The node to be parsed.
Результат System.Linq.Expressions.Expression