C# Класс Microsoft.Cci.Ast.Postcondition

A condition that must be true at the end of a method.
Наследование: MethodContractItem, IPostcondition
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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
Postcondition System.Collections.Generic

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Dispatch ( ICodeAndContractVisitor visitor ) : void

Calls visitor.Visit(IPostcondition).

Dispatch ( SourceVisitor visitor ) : void

Calls visitor.Visit(Postcondition).

MakeCopyFor ( BlockStatement containingBlock ) : Postcondition

Makes a copy of this post condition, changing the containing block to the given block.

Postcondition ( Expression condition, ISourceLocation sourceLocation ) : System.Collections.Generic

Allocates a condition that must be true at the end of a method.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
Postcondition ( BlockStatement containingBlock, Postcondition template ) : System.Collections.Generic

A copy constructor that allocates an instance that is the same as the given template, except for its containing block.

Описание методов

Dispatch() публичный Метод

Calls visitor.Visit(IPostcondition).
public Dispatch ( ICodeAndContractVisitor visitor ) : void
visitor ICodeAndContractVisitor
Результат void

Dispatch() публичный Метод

Calls visitor.Visit(Postcondition).
public Dispatch ( SourceVisitor visitor ) : void
visitor SourceVisitor
Результат void

MakeCopyFor() публичный Метод

Makes a copy of this post condition, changing the containing block to the given block.
public MakeCopyFor ( BlockStatement containingBlock ) : Postcondition
containingBlock BlockStatement
Результат Postcondition

Postcondition() публичный Метод

Allocates a condition that must be true at the end of a method.
public Postcondition ( Expression condition, ISourceLocation sourceLocation ) : System.Collections.Generic
condition Expression The condition that must be true at the end of the method that is associated with this Postcondition instance.
sourceLocation ISourceLocation The source location corresponding to the newly allocated source item.
Результат System.Collections.Generic