C# Класс Microsoft.Azure.Commands.LogicApp.Utilities.LogicAppClient

LogicApp client class
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CancelWorkflowRun ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string runName ) : void

Cancels the logic app run.

CreateWorkflow ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, Workflow workflow ) : Workflow

Creates workflow in the azure resource group

GetWorkflow ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName ) : Workflow

Gets the workflow by name from given resource group.

GetWorkflowRun ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string runName ) : WorkflowRun

Gets the logic app run.

GetWorkflowRunAction ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string runName, string actionName ) : WorkflowRunAction

Gets the workflow run action

GetWorkflowRunActions ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string runName ) : Page

Gets actions of the specified workflow run.

GetWorkflowRuns ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName ) : Page

Gets the workflow run history.

GetWorkflowTrigger ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string triggerName ) : WorkflowTrigger

Gets the specified trigger from the workflow

GetWorkflowTriggerCallbackUrl ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string triggerName ) : WorkflowTriggerCallbackUrl

Gets the specified trigger callback URL from the workflow

GetWorkflowTriggerHistories ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string triggerName ) : Page

Gets the workflow trigger histories.

GetWorkflowTriggerHistory ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string triggerName, string historyName ) : WorkflowTriggerHistory

Gets the workflow history by name

GetWorkflowTriggers ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName ) : Page

Gets the list of triggers in the workflow

GetWorkflowUpgradedDefinition ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string targetSchemaVersion ) : object

Gets the upgraded definition for a workflow.

GetWorkflowVersion ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string versionId ) : WorkflowVersion

Gets the given version of a workflow by name from given resource group.

LogicAppClient ( ) : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication

Creates new LogicManagement client instance.

LogicAppClient ( AzureContext context ) : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication

Creates new LogicManagement client instance.

LogicAppClient ( ILogicManagementClient client ) : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication

Creates new LogicManagement client instance.

RemoveWorkflow ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName ) : void

Removes the specified workflow from the given resource group.

RunWorkflowTrigger ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string triggerName ) : void

Runs the workflow trigger

UpdateWorkflow ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, Workflow workflow ) : Workflow

Updates workflow in the azure resource group

ValidateWorkflow ( string resourceGroupName, string location, string workflowName, Workflow workflow ) : void

Validates the specified workflow from the given resource group.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
DoesLogicAppExist ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName ) : bool

Checks whether logic app exists or not

Описание методов

CancelWorkflowRun() публичный Метод

Cancels the logic app run.
public CancelWorkflowRun ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string runName ) : void
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Name of the workflow
runName string Workflow run name
Результат void

CreateWorkflow() публичный Метод

Creates workflow in the azure resource group
public CreateWorkflow ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, Workflow workflow ) : Workflow
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Workflow name
workflow Workflow Workflow object
Результат Workflow

GetWorkflow() публичный Метод

Gets the workflow by name from given resource group.
public GetWorkflow ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName ) : Workflow
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Workflow name
Результат Workflow

GetWorkflowRun() публичный Метод

Gets the logic app run.
public GetWorkflowRun ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string runName ) : WorkflowRun
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Name of the workflow
runName string Name of the workflow run
Результат WorkflowRun

GetWorkflowRunAction() публичный Метод

Gets the workflow run action
public GetWorkflowRunAction ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string runName, string actionName ) : WorkflowRunAction
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Name of the workflow
runName string Name of the workflow run
actionName string Name of the workflow run action
Результат WorkflowRunAction

GetWorkflowRunActions() публичный Метод

Gets actions of the specified workflow run.
public GetWorkflowRunActions ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string runName ) : Page
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Name of the workflow
runName string Name of the workflow run
Результат Page

GetWorkflowRuns() публичный Метод

Gets the workflow run history.
public GetWorkflowRuns ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName ) : Page
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Name of the workflow
Результат Page

GetWorkflowTrigger() публичный Метод

Gets the specified trigger from the workflow
public GetWorkflowTrigger ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string triggerName ) : WorkflowTrigger
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Name of the workflow
triggerName string Name of the trigger
Результат WorkflowTrigger

GetWorkflowTriggerCallbackUrl() публичный Метод

Gets the specified trigger callback URL from the workflow
public GetWorkflowTriggerCallbackUrl ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string triggerName ) : WorkflowTriggerCallbackUrl
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Name of the workflow
triggerName string Name of the trigger
Результат WorkflowTriggerCallbackUrl

GetWorkflowTriggerHistories() публичный Метод

Gets the workflow trigger histories.
public GetWorkflowTriggerHistories ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string triggerName ) : Page
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Name of the workflow
triggerName string Name of the trigger
Результат Page

GetWorkflowTriggerHistory() публичный Метод

Gets the workflow history by name
public GetWorkflowTriggerHistory ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string triggerName, string historyName ) : WorkflowTriggerHistory
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Name of the workflow
triggerName string Name of the trigger
historyName string Name of the trigger history
Результат WorkflowTriggerHistory

GetWorkflowTriggers() публичный Метод

Gets the list of triggers in the workflow
public GetWorkflowTriggers ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName ) : Page
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Name of the workflow
Результат Page

GetWorkflowUpgradedDefinition() публичный Метод

Gets the upgraded definition for a workflow.
public GetWorkflowUpgradedDefinition ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string targetSchemaVersion ) : object
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Workflow name
targetSchemaVersion string Target schema version of the definition
Результат object

GetWorkflowVersion() публичный Метод

Gets the given version of a workflow by name from given resource group.
public GetWorkflowVersion ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string versionId ) : WorkflowVersion
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Workflow name
versionId string Version of the workflow
Результат WorkflowVersion

LogicAppClient() публичный Метод

Creates new LogicManagement client instance.
public LogicAppClient ( ) : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication
Результат Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication

LogicAppClient() публичный Метод

Creates new LogicManagement client instance.
public LogicAppClient ( AzureContext context ) : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication
context Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Models.AzureContext The Azure context instance
Результат Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication

LogicAppClient() публичный Метод

Creates new LogicManagement client instance.
public LogicAppClient ( ILogicManagementClient client ) : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication
client ILogicManagementClient client reference
Результат Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication

RemoveWorkflow() публичный Метод

Removes the specified workflow from the given resource group.
public RemoveWorkflow ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName ) : void
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Workflow name
Результат void

RunWorkflowTrigger() публичный Метод

Runs the workflow trigger
public RunWorkflowTrigger ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, string triggerName ) : void
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Name of the workflow
triggerName string Name of the trigger
Результат void

UpdateWorkflow() публичный Метод

Updates workflow in the azure resource group
public UpdateWorkflow ( string resourceGroupName, string workflowName, Workflow workflow ) : Workflow
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
workflowName string Workflow name
workflow Workflow Workflow object
Результат Workflow

ValidateWorkflow() публичный Метод

Validates the specified workflow from the given resource group.
public ValidateWorkflow ( string resourceGroupName, string location, string workflowName, Workflow workflow ) : void
resourceGroupName string Name of the resource group
location string The workflow location.
workflowName string Workflow name
workflow Workflow The Workflow object.
Результат void