C# Класс Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.OAuthIntrospectionExtensions

Provides extension methods used to configure the OAuth2 introspection middleware in an ASP.NET 5 pipeline.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
UseOAuthIntrospection ( [ app, [ options ) : IApplicationBuilder

Adds a new instance of the OAuth2 introspection middleware in the ASP.NET 5 pipeline.

UseOAuthIntrospection ( [ app, [ configuration ) : IApplicationBuilder

Adds a new instance of the OAuth2 introspection middleware in the ASP.NET 5 pipeline.

Описание методов

UseOAuthIntrospection() публичный статический Метод

Adds a new instance of the OAuth2 introspection middleware in the ASP.NET 5 pipeline.
public static UseOAuthIntrospection ( [ app, [ options ) : IApplicationBuilder
app [ The application builder.
options [ The options used to configure the introspection middleware.
Результат IApplicationBuilder

UseOAuthIntrospection() публичный статический Метод

Adds a new instance of the OAuth2 introspection middleware in the ASP.NET 5 pipeline.
public static UseOAuthIntrospection ( [ app, [ configuration ) : IApplicationBuilder
app [ The application builder.
configuration [ The delegate used to configure the introspection options.
Результат IApplicationBuilder