C# Класс MarketplaceWebServiceProducts.Model.GetMatchingProductRequest

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Private Properties

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
IsSetASINList ( ) : System.Boolean

Checks if ASINList property is set

IsSetMarketplaceId ( ) : System.Boolean

Checks if MarketplaceId property is set

IsSetSellerId ( ) : System.Boolean

Checks if SellerId property is set

WithASINList ( ASINListType ASINList ) : GetMatchingProductRequest

Sets the ASINList property

WithMarketplaceId ( String marketplaceId ) : GetMatchingProductRequest

Sets the MarketplaceId property

WithSellerId ( String sellerId ) : GetMatchingProductRequest

Sets the SellerId property

Описание методов

IsSetASINList() публичный Метод

Checks if ASINList property is set
public IsSetASINList ( ) : System.Boolean
Результат System.Boolean

IsSetMarketplaceId() публичный Метод

Checks if MarketplaceId property is set
public IsSetMarketplaceId ( ) : System.Boolean
Результат System.Boolean

IsSetSellerId() публичный Метод

Checks if SellerId property is set
public IsSetSellerId ( ) : System.Boolean
Результат System.Boolean

WithASINList() публичный Метод

Sets the ASINList property
public WithASINList ( ASINListType ASINList ) : GetMatchingProductRequest
ASINList ASINListType ASINList property
Результат GetMatchingProductRequest

WithMarketplaceId() публичный Метод

Sets the MarketplaceId property
public WithMarketplaceId ( String marketplaceId ) : GetMatchingProductRequest
marketplaceId String MarketplaceId property
Результат GetMatchingProductRequest

WithSellerId() публичный Метод

Sets the SellerId property
public WithSellerId ( String sellerId ) : GetMatchingProductRequest
sellerId String SellerId property
Результат GetMatchingProductRequest