C# Класс MapAround.Geometry.IntersectionMatrix

Dimensionally extended intersection matrix.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Calculate ( IGeometry geometry1, IGeometry geometry2 ) : void

Calculates an intersection matrix for two geometries.

CalculatePartial ( IGeometry geometry1, IGeometry geometry2, string template ) : void

Calculates a specified elements of intersection matrix for two geometries.

IntersectionMatrix ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of MapAround.Geometry.IntersectionMatrix

Matches ( string template ) : bool

Indicates whether this matrix matches a specified template.

ToString ( ) : string

Converts this instance to its equivalent string representation.

this ( ElementPosition x, ElementPosition y ) : ElementValue

Represents an element of this intersection matrix

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
buildGraph ( ) : void
calculateBoundsBounds ( ) : void
calculateBoundsExternal ( bool inverseArgs ) : void
calculateDisjointMatrix ( ) : void
calculateInternalBounds ( bool inverseArgs ) : void
calculateInternalExternal ( bool inverseArgs ) : void
calculateValue ( int x, int y ) : void
calculateValues ( ) : void
calculateValuesPartial ( string template ) : void
calculteInternalInternal ( ) : void
checkGeometry ( IGeometry geometry ) : void
elementToChar ( int x, int y ) : char
getDimensionPair ( ) : void
initSourceGeometries ( IGeometry geometry1, IGeometry geometry2 ) : void
markPolygonsOrientation ( ) : void
reduceGeometrySegments ( IGeometry g, double minLength ) : void
snapGeometryPoints ( IGeometry g, ICoordinate snapCenter ) : IGeometry

Описание методов

Calculate() публичный Метод

Calculates an intersection matrix for two geometries.
public Calculate ( IGeometry geometry1, IGeometry geometry2 ) : void
geometry1 IGeometry First geometry
geometry2 IGeometry Second geometry
Результат void

CalculatePartial() публичный Метод

Calculates a specified elements of intersection matrix for two geometries.
public CalculatePartial ( IGeometry geometry1, IGeometry geometry2, string template ) : void
geometry1 IGeometry First geometry
geometry2 IGeometry Second geometry
template string String template of intersection matrix /// Will be calculated all the elements that do not correspond to the symbol '*'.
Результат void

IntersectionMatrix() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of MapAround.Geometry.IntersectionMatrix
public IntersectionMatrix ( ) : System
Результат System

Matches() публичный Метод

Indicates whether this matrix matches a specified template.
public Matches ( string template ) : bool
template string String template of matrix
Результат bool

ToString() публичный Метод

Converts this instance to its equivalent string representation.
public ToString ( ) : string
Результат string

this() публичный Метод

Represents an element of this intersection matrix
public this ( ElementPosition x, ElementPosition y ) : ElementValue
x ElementPosition Row number
y ElementPosition Column number
Результат ElementValue