C# Класс ManagedBass.SampleInfo

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
Channels int
Flags BassFlags
Frequency int
InsideAngle int
Length int
Max int
MaxDistance float
MinDistance float
MinGap int
Mode3D Mode3D
OriginalResolution int
OutsideAngle int
OutsideVolume float
Pan float
Priority int
Volume float

Описание свойств

Channels публичное свойство

Number of channels... 1=mono, 2=stereo (default), etc.
public int Channels
Результат int

Flags публичное свойство

A combination of BassFlags.
public BassFlags Flags
Результат BassFlags

Frequency публичное свойство

Default playback rate (set to 44100 by default).
public int Frequency
Результат int

InsideAngle публичное свойство

The angle of the inside projection cone in degrees... 0 (no cone, default) - 360 (sphere).
public int InsideAngle
Результат int

Length публичное свойство

The Length in bytes.
public int Length
Результат int

Max публичное свойство

Maximum number of simultaneous playbacks (defaulted to 1).
public int Max
Результат int

MaxDistance публичное свойство

The maximum distance (default 0). The sample's volume stops decreasing when the listener is beyond this distance.
public float MaxDistance
Результат float

MinDistance публичное свойство

The minimum distance (default 0). The sample's volume is at maximum when the listener is within this distance.
public float MinDistance
Результат float

MinGap публичное свойство

Minimum time gap in milliseconds between creating channels using Bass.SampleGetChannel. This can be used to prevent flanging effects caused by playing a sample multiple times very close to eachother. The default setting, when loading/creating a sample, is 0 (disabled).
public int MinGap
Результат int

Mode3D публичное свойство

The 3D processing mode...
public Mode3D Mode3D
Результат Mode3D

OriginalResolution публичное свойство

The original resolution (bits per sample)... 0 = undefined (default).
public int OriginalResolution
Результат int

OutsideAngle публичное свойство

The angle of the outside projection cone in degrees... 0 (no cone, default) - 360 (sphere).
public int OutsideAngle
Результат int

OutsideVolume публичное свойство

The delta-volume outside the outer projection cone... 0 (silent) to 1 (full, default) - same as inside the cone.
public float OutsideVolume
Результат float

Pan публичное свойство

Default panning position -1 (full left) to +1 (full right) - defaulted to 0 = centre.
public float Pan
Результат float

Priority публичное свойство

Priority, used with the VAMMode.TerminatePriority flag... 0 (min, default) - 0xFFFFFFFF (max)
public int Priority
Результат int

VAM публичное свойство

The sample's DX7 voice allocation/management settings (if VAM is enabled)...a combination of VAMMode flags.
public VAMMode VAM
Результат VAMMode

Volume публичное свойство

Default volume... 0 (silent) to 1 (full, default).
public float Volume
Результат float