C# Класс Malevich._Default.DiffItem

Represents a block of lines of a particular difference type.
Наследование: ICloneable
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
BaseLineCount int
BaseStartLineNumber int
DiffLineCount int
DiffType DiffType

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Clone ( ) : object

Clones the object.

DiffItem ( ) : System

Trivial constructor.

EnumerateDifferences ( StreamCombiner rawDiffStream ) : IEnumerable

Generates a sequence of DiffItems representing differences in rawDiffStream. Includes unchanged blocks.

EnumerateDifferences ( StreamCombiner rawDiffStream, bool includeUnchangedBlocks ) : IEnumerable

Generates a sequence of DiffItems representing differences in rawDiffStream.

Описание методов

Clone() публичный Метод

Clones the object.
public Clone ( ) : object
Результат object

DiffItem() публичный Метод

Trivial constructor.
public DiffItem ( ) : System
Результат System

EnumerateDifferences() публичный статический Метод

Generates a sequence of DiffItems representing differences in rawDiffStream. Includes unchanged blocks.
public static EnumerateDifferences ( StreamCombiner rawDiffStream ) : IEnumerable
rawDiffStream StreamCombiner
Результат IEnumerable

EnumerateDifferences() публичный статический Метод

Generates a sequence of DiffItems representing differences in rawDiffStream.
public static EnumerateDifferences ( StreamCombiner rawDiffStream, bool includeUnchangedBlocks ) : IEnumerable
rawDiffStream StreamCombiner
includeUnchangedBlocks bool /// Indicates whether to generate DiffItems for unchanged blocks. ///
Результат IEnumerable

Описание свойств

BaseLineCount публичное свойство

The number of lines removed from the base file.
public int BaseLineCount
Результат int

BaseStartLineNumber публичное свойство

The starting line number within the base file.
public int BaseStartLineNumber
Результат int

DiffLineCount публичное свойство

The number of lines added to the diff file.
public int DiffLineCount
Результат int

DiffType публичное свойство

The type of difference represented.
public DiffType DiffType
Результат DiffType