C# Класс Malevich._Default.DiffFileInfo

Encapsulates information for a file being diff'ed.
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
BaseOrDiff BaseOrDiff
Comments AbstractedComment[]
CurLine string
CurLineNum int
Encoder ILineEncoder
File StreamCombiner
Id int
NextCommentIndex int
ScriptId string

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
DiffFileInfo ( StreamCombiner file, ILineEncoder encoder, int id, AbstractedComment comments, BaseOrDiff baseOrDiff ) : System

Creates a DiffFileInfo for a file being compared.

MoveNextLine ( ) : bool

Moves to the next line in the file.

Описание методов

DiffFileInfo() публичный Метод

Creates a DiffFileInfo for a file being compared.
public DiffFileInfo ( StreamCombiner file, ILineEncoder encoder, int id, AbstractedComment comments, BaseOrDiff baseOrDiff ) : System
file StreamCombiner The file stream.
encoder ILineEncoder The line encoder.
id int The file ID within the database.
comments AbstractedComment The array of comments for the file.
baseOrDiff BaseOrDiff What role the file plays within the comparison.
Результат System

MoveNextLine() публичный Метод

Moves to the next line in the file.
public MoveNextLine ( ) : bool
Результат bool

Описание свойств

BaseOrDiff публичное свойство

Indicates if this file is the base or diff in the comparison.
public BaseOrDiff BaseOrDiff
Результат BaseOrDiff

Comments публичное свойство

The comments associated with this file.
public AbstractedComment[] Comments
Результат AbstractedComment[]

CurLine публичное свойство

The text of the current line.
public string CurLine
Результат string

CurLineNum публичное свойство

The line number for the current line.
public int CurLineNum
Результат int

Encoder публичное свойство

The encoder for displaying the file's text.
public ILineEncoder Encoder
Результат ILineEncoder

File публичное свойство

The stream from which to read the file's text.
public StreamCombiner,Malevich File
Результат StreamCombiner

Id публичное свойство

The file ID as found in the database.
public int Id
Результат int

NextCommentIndex публичное свойство

The index in Comments of the next comment for either the current or a later line.
public int NextCommentIndex
Результат int

ScriptId публичное свойство

The ID used in HTML for javascript to use.
public string ScriptId
Результат string