C# Класс Malevich._Default.DefaultEncoder

Default line encoder: no syntax highlighting, etc.
Наследование: ILineEncoder
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Dispose ( ) : void

Does nothing, just satisfies ILineEncoder interface.

EncodeLine ( string s, int maxLineWidth, string tabValue ) : string

Encodes the string. Unlike standard HtmlEncode, our custom version preserves spaces correctly. Also, converts tabs to "\t", and breaks lines in chunks of maxLineWidth non-breaking segments.

GetEncoderCssStream ( ) : TextReader

Does nothing - exists just to satisfy the interface requirements.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
ILineEncoder ( ) : TextReader

Does nothing - exists just to satisfy the interface requirements.

ILineEncoder ( string line, int maxLineLength, string tabSubstitute ) : string

Forwards to static EncodeLine method.

Описание методов

Dispose() публичный Метод

Does nothing, just satisfies ILineEncoder interface.
public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void

EncodeLine() публичный статический Метод

Encodes the string. Unlike standard HtmlEncode, our custom version preserves spaces correctly. Also, converts tabs to "\t", and breaks lines in chunks of maxLineWidth non-breaking segments.
public static EncodeLine ( string s, int maxLineWidth, string tabValue ) : string
s string The string to encode.
maxLineWidth int The maximum width.
tabValue string Text string to replace tabs with.
Результат string

GetEncoderCssStream() публичный Метод

Does nothing - exists just to satisfy the interface requirements.
public GetEncoderCssStream ( ) : TextReader
Результат TextReader