C# Класс MSNTypedQueries.Journal

Maintains a chronological journal of the additions/changes to the IndexEntry. Journal entries are stored as a linked list, with the oldest entry starting from OldestEntry
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Private Properties

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddEntry ( JournalEntry entry ) : void

Add an entry to the journal

GetEntriesBeforeDateAndDelete ( System.DateTime beforeDateTime ) : IEnumerable

Iterator for entries before the provided date. After the entry has been returned it will be removed from the journal. (THIS METHOD IS *NOT* THREAD-SAFE).

Journal ( ) : System

Initialise an empty journal

Описание методов

AddEntry() публичный Метод

Add an entry to the journal
public AddEntry ( JournalEntry entry ) : void
entry JournalEntry
Результат void

GetEntriesBeforeDateAndDelete() публичный Метод

Iterator for entries before the provided date. After the entry has been returned it will be removed from the journal. (THIS METHOD IS *NOT* THREAD-SAFE).
public GetEntriesBeforeDateAndDelete ( System.DateTime beforeDateTime ) : IEnumerable
beforeDateTime System.DateTime
Результат IEnumerable

Journal() публичный Метод

Initialise an empty journal
public Journal ( ) : System
Результат System