C# Класс MSA.Zmq.JsonRpc.Router

Router is a device that will accept all client requests and forwarded to services and in turns forward the replies from services back to clients Pattern: ROUTER - DEALER + control channel
Наследование: JsonRpcZmqBase
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Create ( uint frontendPort, uint backendPort, ZmqContext context ) : Router

Currently supports only single address *, no multihomed interface yet We will wait for other situation when it's needed

Router ( uint frontendPort, uint backendPort, ZmqContext context ) : System
Start ( ) : void
Stop ( ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
IsStopCommand ( string data ) : bool
PrepareSockets ( ) : void

+------------+ _____ W <--> | ROUTER | / W <--> o|B F|o <----- W <--> | DEALER | \_____ +------------+

RelayMessage ( ZmqSocket source, ZmqSocket destination ) : void
StartRouting ( ) : void
StopRouting ( ) : void
_backendSocket_ReceiveReady ( object sender, ZeroMQ.SocketEventArgs e ) : void
_backendSocket_SendReady ( object sender, ZeroMQ.SocketEventArgs e ) : void
_frontendSocket_ReceiveReady ( object sender, ZeroMQ.SocketEventArgs e ) : void
_frontendSocket_SendReady ( object sender, ZeroMQ.SocketEventArgs e ) : void

Описание методов

Create() публичный статический Метод

Currently supports only single address *, no multihomed interface yet We will wait for other situation when it's needed
public static Create ( uint frontendPort, uint backendPort, ZmqContext context ) : Router
frontendPort uint
backendPort uint
context ZmqContext
Результат Router

Router() публичный Метод

public Router ( uint frontendPort, uint backendPort, ZmqContext context ) : System
frontendPort uint
backendPort uint
context ZmqContext
Результат System

Start() публичный Метод

public Start ( ) : void
Результат void

Stop() публичный Метод

public Stop ( ) : void
Результат void