C# Класс LinFu.AOP.Interfaces.BaseMethodReplacementProvider

Represents the boilerplate implementation for a IMethodReplacementProvider instance.
Наследование: IMethodReplacementProvider, IAroundInvoke
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AfterInvoke ( IInvocationInfo context, object returnValue ) : void
BeforeInvoke ( IInvocationInfo context ) : void
CanReplace ( object host, IInvocationInfo context ) : bool

Determines whether or not the current method implementation can be replaced.

GetMethodReplacement ( object host, IInvocationInfo context ) : IInterceptor

Obtains the IInterceptor instance that will be used to replace the current method call.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
GetReplacement ( object host, IInvocationInfo context ) : IInterceptor

Obtains the IInterceptor instance that will be used to replace the current method call.

ShouldReplace ( object host, IInvocationInfo context ) : bool

Описание методов

AfterInvoke() публичный Метод

public AfterInvoke ( IInvocationInfo context, object returnValue ) : void
context IInvocationInfo
returnValue object
Результат void

BeforeInvoke() публичный Метод

public BeforeInvoke ( IInvocationInfo context ) : void
context IInvocationInfo
Результат void

CanReplace() публичный Метод

Determines whether or not the current method implementation can be replaced.
public CanReplace ( object host, IInvocationInfo context ) : bool
host object The target instance of the method call.
context IInvocationInfo The that describes the context of the method call.
Результат bool

GetMethodReplacement() публичный Метод

Obtains the IInterceptor instance that will be used to replace the current method call.
public GetMethodReplacement ( object host, IInvocationInfo context ) : IInterceptor
host object The target instance of the method call.
context IInvocationInfo The that describes the context of the method call.
Результат IInterceptor

GetReplacement() защищенный абстрактный Метод

Obtains the IInterceptor instance that will be used to replace the current method call.
protected abstract GetReplacement ( object host, IInvocationInfo context ) : IInterceptor
host object The target instance of the method call.
context IInvocationInfo The that describes the context of the method call.
Результат IInterceptor

ShouldReplace() защищенный Метод

protected ShouldReplace ( object host, IInvocationInfo context ) : bool
host object
context IInvocationInfo
Результат bool