C# Класс Landis.Extension.BudwormBDA.Epicenters

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
DistanceBetweenSites ( Landis.SpatialModeling.Site a, Landis.SpatialModeling.Site b ) : double

Calculate the distance between two Sites

NewEpicenters ( IAgent agent, int BDAtimestep ) : void

First, determine if new epicenter list required. If so, create the list. If not, create epicenter list from OUTSIDE of previous outbreak zones (only if User specified SeedEpicenter) If not, create epicenter list from INSIDE previous outbreak zones. The final epicenter list then spreads to neighboring areas of the landscape - see SpreadEpicenters()

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
SpreadEpicenters ( IAgent agent, List iSites, int BDAtimestep ) : void

Spread from Epicenters to outbreak zone using either a fixed radius method or a percolation method with variable neighborhood sizes.

Описание методов

DistanceBetweenSites() публичный статический Метод

Calculate the distance between two Sites
public static DistanceBetweenSites ( Landis.SpatialModeling.Site a, Landis.SpatialModeling.Site b ) : double
a Landis.SpatialModeling.Site
b Landis.SpatialModeling.Site
Результат double

NewEpicenters() публичный статический Метод

First, determine if new epicenter list required. If so, create the list. If not, create epicenter list from OUTSIDE of previous outbreak zones (only if User specified SeedEpicenter) If not, create epicenter list from INSIDE previous outbreak zones. The final epicenter list then spreads to neighboring areas of the landscape - see SpreadEpicenters()
public static NewEpicenters ( IAgent agent, int BDAtimestep ) : void
agent IAgent
BDAtimestep int
Результат void