C# Класс KellermanSoftware.CompareNetObjects.Reports.BaseDualFileReport

Abstract Base Duel File Report that has default Output
Наследование: IDualFileReport
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
LaunchApplication ( string expectedFilePath, string actualFilePath ) : void

Launch application to compare two files

OutputFiles ( List differences, string expectedFilePath, string actualFilePath ) : void

Create two difference files and compare in WinMerge

Описание методов

LaunchApplication() публичный абстрактный Метод

Launch application to compare two files
public abstract LaunchApplication ( string expectedFilePath, string actualFilePath ) : void
expectedFilePath string The path for the expected file results
actualFilePath string The path for the actual file results
Результат void

OutputFiles() публичный Метод

Create two difference files and compare in WinMerge
public OutputFiles ( List differences, string expectedFilePath, string actualFilePath ) : void
differences List A list of the differences
expectedFilePath string The path to write the expected results
actualFilePath string The path to write the actual results
Результат void